Configuring Environment Monitoring¶
The following section describes how to create an specific monitoring configuration for an environment (in opposition to a global monitoring configuration). For a detailed explanation about launching a monitoring on Solution Manager once you have configured it correctly see Monitoring section.
Only global administrators, monitor administrators (users with the role monitor_admin
and users with the privilege Monitor for this environment can execute monitoring operations.
More information is available in the Authorization section.
To override the default Global Monitoring Configuration with an specific monitoring configuration, open the configuration of the environment and go to the “Monitoring” section of the environment.
By default, all the environments inherit the monitoring configuration defined in the section Global Monitoring Configuration. This is the configuration displayed when Default configuration is YES.
To override the default configuration, set Default configuration to NO and change the options you want. After disabling the default configuration, the inherited global monitoring configuration will be editable so that its values can be overridden or kept depending on their applicability for the environment.
For a detailed description on the parameters to be configured see Global Monitoring Configuration.
Take into account that it might trigger the automatic creation of Denodo Monitor tables.