Starting the Solution Manager

To start the Solution Manager you need to start all its components in this order:

  1. The License Manager

  2. The Solution Manager server

  3. The Solution Manager administration tool

There are several ways of starting these components:

  1. Graphically, using the Control Center. Follow these steps:

    1. Execute <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/bin/denodo_platform to start the Control Center.

    2. Click Solution Manager (in the top-left of the window)

    3. Click the button start_button next to License Manager Server.

    4. Click the button start_button next to Solution Manager Server.

      This will also launch the Virtual DataPort server of this installation, which the Solution Manager uses to complete some tasks.

    5. Click the button start_button next to Solution Manager Administration Tool.

  2. Running these scripts:

    • On Linux:

    • On Windows:

  3. On Windows, starting the following Windows services:

    • Denodo License Manager Server 8.0

    • Denodo Solution Manager Server 8.0

    • Denodo Solution Manager Web Tool 8.0

After a few minutes, you will be able to log in to the Solution Manager Administration Tool at the URL

There are several ways of stopping these components:

  1. Graphically, using the Control Center. Click Stop all servers (on the bottom left of the window).

  2. Running these scripts:

    • On Linux:

    • On Windows:

  3. On Windows, stopping the following Windows services:

    • Denodo License Manager Server 8.0

    • Denodo Solution Manager Server 8.0

    • Denodo Solution Manager Web Tool 8.0

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