List of appendices included in this document:
- Supported JDBC Data Sources
- Data Sources That Support Merge Data
- Using the Databricks API and DBFS for Bulk Loads
- Backward Compatibility Between the Virtual DataPort Server and Its Clients
- Mapping Multidimensional Data to a Relational Model
- Considerations When Configuring Data Sources with Pass-Through Credentials
- Configuring the Logging System
- Configuring the Network Interface Restriction in the Denodo Platform
- Installing the Denodo Solution for Microsoft SharePoint
- Transforming Incoming/Outgoing Soap/Rest Messages with XSLT Stylesheets
- JMS Connection Details: JNDI Properties
- Execution Trace Information
- Useful Tools to Debug Issues with Active Directory or Other LDAP Servers
- Single User Mode
- Resource Manager: Available Fields to Evaluate a Rule
- Values of the Attribute “Access Interface”
- Avoiding SQL Injections
- Enable the “Export” Endpoint of the Web Container
- Publication of Views as Widgets
- Launching Several Virtual DataPort Instances of the Same Installation
- Change Password Script (Design Studio)
- Restriction of Number of Data Sources
- Configure Export Key Script
- OpenAPI 3 Data Sources FAQ
- Change Password Script (VDP)