Creating Multidimensional Base Views Over a Multidimensional Data Source¶
The following figure displays the different elements of a Multidimensional Database and how they are represented in Virtual DataPort.

Elements of a cube of a multidimensional data source (1)¶
To create a base view that retrieves data from a cube, open the
“Multidimensional Data Source” dialog and select at least, a hierarchy
and a measure of the cube. After selecting the appropriate elements,
click Import. The Tool will create a base view for each group of
elements of a cube (). Each view will have:
A field for each level (
) of each selected hierarchy (
A field for each selected measure (
A field for each selected attribute (
). Attributes are also known as “Dimensions properties”.
A field for each selected variable (
) of each dimension (
). The required variables are selected in the “Create base view” dialog and cannot be deselected.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Elements of a cube of a multidimensional data source (2)).
We are going to create a base by selecting the following elements of this cube:
The hierarchy
IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension), which has three levels.The
Sales revenue
Sales quantity

Elements of a cube of a multidimensional data source (2)¶
After selecting the elements, the Tool displays a dialog where you configure how Virtual DataPort retrieves the data from SAP BW and what data is required. These options are available for the hierarchy selected at previous step.
The following figure displays the different configurations:

This dialog is only available for SAP sources.
If the Leaf Members Only check box is cleared, the schema of the base view will have five fields: one for each level of the hierarchy and one for each measure (see the following image). The section “Leaf Members Only” Option explains in detail the effect of selecting or clearing this check box.

Creating a multidimensional base view¶
The following figure displays the result of querying this view.

Result of querying a multidimensional base view¶
Note the hierarchical meaning of the values of the srep_level01
and srep_level03
fields. The elements of the
level are regions like “East” or “Midwest”, which have
cities like “Atlanta” or “New York” (srep_level02
) and these cities
have sales representatives like “Samuel Jackson” or “John Smith”
“Include Empty Rows” Option¶
The queries to base views may return many empty rows when the data of the cube is sparse. You can avoid obtaining the combinations of members whose measures do not have value. To do this, clear the Include empty rows check box of the “Multidimensional Data Source” dialog. Do this when creating the base view, before clicking the button “Create selected base views”.
This option is configurable at second step for SAP adapters.
“Leaf Members Only” Option¶
When creating an SAP BW base view, if the “Leaf Members Only” check box is selected, the base view will only have one field for the leaf level of each hierarchy instead of having one field for each level of each hierarchy. That is, the levels of the hierarchies that are not leaf will be ignored (only when “Leaf Label Only” is also checked)
This option is configurable per hierarchy with SAP adapters.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (1)) and we select the hierarchy IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension) and the measures Sales revenue
and Sales quantity
If we select the Leaf Members Only check box,
the base view will have three fields instead of five: one for the
Level 03
of the hierarchy and one for each measure.

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (1)¶

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (2)¶
The benefits of creating a base view with the “Leaf Members Only” option enabled are the following:
The rows corresponding with the partial aggregates of non-leaf levels are removed from the result. In our example, the aggregate sales for all the sales representatives of the Midwest region, the aggregate sales for all the sales representatives in New York, etc. are removed from the result.
This may be considered a more natural “relational view” of the data in the cube, since those aggregates can be seen as superfluous. I.e. they can be computed from the rows corresponding with the leaf levels. This is especially true when the origin data is relational in nature (e.g. ODS objects).
When this option is selected, Virtual DataPort can push down more complex conditions to SAP BW, without needing to use the “MDX Query” option.
“Leaf Label Only” Option¶
If the Leaf Label Only is selected when creating a Multidimensional base view, the view schema contains only the leaf level of the selected hierarchy. If the option is not selected, the entire hierarchy is added to the view. Nevertheless, the MDX query delegated to SAP only aggregates by the leaf level.
This option is only available for the multidimensional data sources whose adapter is SAP BW (BAPI) or SAP BI (BAPI) and it is configurable per hierarchy.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (1)) and we select the hierarchy IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension) and the measures Sales revenue
and Sales quantity
If you clear the Leaf Label Only check box, the base view will have one field per level at selected hierarchy.

Creating an SAP BW base view without “Leaf Label Only” (1)¶

Creating an SAP BW base view without “Leaf Label Only” (2)¶
The following figure displays the result of querying this view.

Result of querying a multidimensional base view without leaf label only¶
Note that results have the aggregates only for field srep_level03
, but also the ancestors
of these values are present at returned data.
“Member Captions” Option¶
If the Member captions check box is selected when creating a Multidimensional base view, the members will be represented by using its caption. Captions usually have more business-friendly values but may be ambiguous (duplicated captions could exist).
This option is only available for the multidimensional data sources whose adapter is SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) and it is configurable per hierarchy.
“Technical Keys” Option¶
If the Technical keys check box is selected when creating a Multidimensional base view, the members will be represented by using its technical key. If the option is left unchecked, then the members caption will be used. If the Member captions check box is also selected, then the new base view will have an extra field for each selected hierarchy. The name of this extra field will be like “<level name>_tech_key”. Captions usually have more business-friendly values but may be ambiguous (duplicated captions could exist).
This option is only available for the multidimensional data sources whose adapter is SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) and it is configurable per hierarchy.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (1)) and we select the hierarchy IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension) and the measures Sales revenue
and Sales quantity
If we select the Technical keys check box, the base view will have one field extra for the technical key.

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Technical Keys” enabled (1)¶

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Technical Keys” enabled (2)¶
The following figure displays the result of querying this view.

Result of querying a multidimensional base view with technical keys¶
Note that values for fields srep_level03
and srep_level03_tech_key
are the
captions and the technical keys respectively.
“Member Leaves” Option¶
If the Member Leaves check box is selected when creating a Multidimensional base view, the schema of the new base view will have an extra field for each selected hierarchy. This field will hold the value of the leaf level of the row. This is useful if you are working with “ragged dimensions”. In ragged dimensions, each value of the dimension can have different depth. The implication is that when a base view created over a ragged dimension is queried, you do not know which field of the view will hold each leaf value. This makes it difficult to execute queries in which you want to filter by the leaf value of the dimension. Thanks to this option, you can filter by the leaf values of a dimension using this extra field. The name of this extra field will be like “<dimension name>_member_leaf”. You can only select this option if you clear “Leaf Members Only”.
This option is only available for the multidimensional data sources whose adapter is SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) and it is configurable per hierarchy.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Creating an SAP BW base view with “Leaf Members Only” enabled (1)) and we select the hierarchy IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension) and the measures Sales revenue
and Sales quantity
If we select the Member leaves check box, the base view will have one field extra for the member leaf of the hierarchy.

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Member leaves” enabled (1)¶

Creating an SAP BW base view with “Member leaves” enabled (2)¶
The following figure displays the result of querying this view.

Result of querying a multidimensional base view with member leaves¶
Note that values for field srep_member_leaf
contain the leaf value of the hierarchy
for each row.
“Include Member Keys” Option¶
If the Include member keys check box is selected when creating a Multidimensional base view, the schema of the new view will have an extra field for the leaf level of each hierarchy. In each row, the value of this extra-field will be the technical name of each member.
This option is only available for the multidimensional data sources whose adapter is SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) and it is configurable per hierarchy.
For example, let us say that we have a cube called InfoCube
Creating an SAP BW (BAPI) base view with “Include Member Keys” selected
(1)) and we select the hierarchy IO_SREP hierarchy
(Sales representative
dimension) and the measures Sales revenue
and Sales quantity
If we select the Include member keys check box and the Leaf Members Only, the base view will have four fields:
one for the “Level 03” of the hierarchy (srep_level03
), one for each
measure (sales_quantity
and sales_evenue
) and srep_key
which will contain the technical name of the member.

Creating an SAP BW (BAPI) base view with “Include Member Keys” selected (1)¶

Creating an SAP BW (BAPI) base view with “Include Member Keys” selected (2)¶
The benefit of creating a base view with the “Include Member Keys” check box selected is that you will be able to filter not only by the business name, but also by the technical name of the members of dimension. In the view created in Creating an SAP BW (BAPI) base view with “Include Member Keys” selected (2), you can filter by these:
The business name: by adding a
condition with the fieldsrep_level03
.The technical name (attribute that has the same name as the level, but ending with “_key”): by adding a
condition with the fieldsrep_key
Take into account that filtering by business name may return different results than filtering by technical name. The reason is that in a dimension, there may be several members with the same business name, but the technical name is always unique.
SAP Variables¶
In SAP, variables are parameters of a BEx Query and are filled with values when the query is executed.
Variables can represent different values. Currently, when a query is executed, Virtual DataPort delegates variables to SAP when they represent the following types.
Single Value: the variable represents exactly one value.
Multiple Single Values: the variable represents multiple single values.
Intervals: the variable represents a specific ‘from’ value and a specific ‘to’ value, i.e. an interval.
Selection Option: the variable represents any combination of single values and intervals.
SAP Metadata Cache¶
Virtual DataPort caches the metadata of SAP to speed up the queries to multidimensional base views.
The first time you query an SAP base view, Virtual DataPort caches the value (also called “caption”) and the technical name of all the members of the hierarchy that was selected when creating the view.
Later, when a query to this view filters by the caption of a member, the Server searches in the SAP Metadata Cache, the technical name of the members whose caption is the value provided in the query. Then, it will use this technical name to build the MDX query sent to SAP. The benefit of filtering by the technical name is that SAP processes these queries more efficiently than if the queries filter by the caption of the member.
Note that filtering by the technical name of a member may not lead to the same result as filtering by its caption. The reason is that technical names are unique, but captions are not. Therefore, there may be more than one member with the same caption.
When the data source searches in its SAP Metadata Cache for the internal name of a SAP member that does not exist in SAP, it returns this error: Element ‘<member_searched>’ not found at metadata cache.
The data source returns an error because it cannot generate an MDX query using the value of a member that does not exists in SAP.
This cache by default is filled by paged calls to a Members BAPI. To disable this behavior and fill the cache in a single request, execute this command:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.sapbwbapi.retriever.paginationEnabled' = 'false';
After executing this command, you do not need to restart Virtual DataPort for the changes to be applied. To return to the default behavior, execute the following:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.sapbwbapi.retriever.paginationEnabled' = 'true';
The cache is able to retrieve the value and the technical name of single member in an on demand request. By default, this feature is disabled, to do so you have to execute the following:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.sapbwbapi.retriever.onDemandEnabled' = 'true';
After executing this command, you do not need to restart Virtual DataPort for the changes to be applied. To return to the default behavior, execute the following command:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.sapbwbapi.retriever.onDemandEnabled' = 'false';
Retrieving the value and the technical name of single member in an on demand request is intended for scenarios where there may be members which were not loaded by the default cache because the limit was reached. For most cases, this option will not be required.
This cache is automatically cleared when you restart the Virtual DataPort server. You can also delete the contents of this cache at any time, without restarting the Server. To do this, open the data source and click the button Clear metadata cache. Alternatively, you can invalidate the cache by executing a VQL command (see more about this last option in the section Invalidating the Metadata Cache of SAP BAPI Data Sources of the VQL Guide).