Settings Tab (REST)

In this tab, you can configure the following parameters of the REST Web service:

Creating a REST Web service: Settings tab

Creating a REST Web service: Settings tab

  • For each operation, you can:

  • By default, the XSLT transformations are applied to data but not to the error messages returned by the Web service. Select Apply output XSLT to error messages if you want the Service to apply them to error messages as well. This only affects the XML representation of the views.

  • If you want the Web service to return verbose error messages: by default, the Denodo Web services return verbose error messages when there is an error invoking one of the operations. These messages indicate where the problem was raised. E.g. if there was a timeout connecting to one of the data sources, an error executing a query, etc. If you do not want the clients of the Web service to get these verbose messages, clear the check box Display verbose error messages. In this case, the service will return a simple error message.

  • Select the representations provided by the Web service. See section Selecting the Default / Available Representations.

  • Limit the maximum number of rows returned by the service. If this limit is enabled, when a client queries a view, the number of rows in the response will never exceed this limit. This feature is useful to make sure that there is not any client who puts too much strain on the Virtual DataPort server or its data sources.

    To enable this limit, select the Limit the size of the responses check box and if needed, change the default limit in the Maximum number of rows box.

  • By default, REST Web services return several links within the data of a view:

    • Each row of a view has a link that points to the row itself.

    • Each row has a link for each association of the view that has been published.

    • And, in the JSON and the XML representations, there is a link that points to the result itself.

    If you do not want the result to contain these links, clear the check box Display RESTful links.

  • The XML representation uses a default namespace, which can be changed. To do this, click on Custom XML namespace.

  • Provide a CSS document different from the default one. This is only useful for the HTML representation of the Web service. If you do not customize the CSS of this service, it will use the same one as the global RESTful Web service. As you can customize the CSS of the global RESTful Web service (explained in the section Customizing the Look & Feel of the RESTful Web Service), you can easily set up all your REST services to have the same customized layout.

  • Configure the authentication method of the Service. See section Web Services Authentication.

  • Enable Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in the Web service. See section Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

HTML-Escaping the Data

By default, the HTML representation of a REST Web service “HTML-escapes” all the values of type text. For example, if the value of a field is <a href="">denodo</a>, the user will see this as text instead of a link to

If you do not want the values of a field to be HTML-escaped, you have two options:

  1. At design time, when defining the REST Web service, select the fields you want the service to escape.

  2. Or, at runtime, by adding the parameter $noescapehtml to the URL. The section Input Parameters of the RESTful Web Service explains how to use this and other parameters of the REST Web services.

To configure the Web service at design time, select the view you want to configure, in the Resource configuration list and click HTML escaped fields. The Tool will open the “HTML Escaped Fields” dialog.

REST Web services: HTML escaped fields

REST Web services: HTML escaped fields

In this dialog, clear the check boxes of the fields you do not want the service to escape.

Mappings for the RSS Representation

The RSS 2.0 format (Really Simple Syndication Format (RSS 2.0)) specifies a series of specific fields for each item. Therefore, on exporting a view in RSS format, the correspondence between the fields of the view and the fields in RSS format must be specified. The following options are displayed on the RSS mappings screen:

  • If the service published includes operations of more than one view, the RSS version of the service may only include the operations to query one of them. The drop-down at the top left enables you to choose the view to be used.

  • Values for channel attributes. An RSS feed contains a channel element that specifies general information on the feed. In this group of options, it is possible to specify constant values for each of the channel subelements permitted by RSS format.

  • Mappings for the attributes of channel items. An RSS feed contains a list of item elements. Virtual DataPort will generate an item element for each row returned by the query executed on the view selected. This group of options enables you to select the attribute of the view that corresponds to each item subelement defined in the RSS format. If the mapping for a certain item subelement is left with the “none” value, that subelement will not be included in the output feed. The RSS format specifies that at least one value must be assigned either to the “title” subelement or to the “description” subelement.

Selecting the Default / Available Representations

A REST Web service can provide four representations of the data of a view:

  1. HTML

  2. XML

  3. JSON

  4. And / or RSS

You can configure the following:

  • Select the Available representations to choose the representations you want the Web service to provide. E.g., you may want the Web service to provide only the XML and JSON representations and not provide HTML or RSS.

  • Click Set default representation to choose the default representation of the data.

The Web service returns the default representation when the request does neither includes the Accept HTTP header nor it has the $format parameter in the URL.

The browsers always send the header Accept requesting the HTML representation (they send something like Accept = text/html, application/xhtml+xml). Therefore, if one of the available representations of the web service is HTML, when a user connects to the service using a browser, the service will return the HTML representation regardless of the “default representation” of the service. In this case, to obtain a different representation, add the parameter $format to the URL (e.g. $format=xml).

When the Accept header contains several media types, the service returns the default representation if this representation is present in this header. However, if in the Accept header, the default representation has a quality factor lower than 1, the service will return the representation with the highest quality factor (see the example below)

For example, let us say that we publish a view as a REST Web service. In this service, the available representations are JSON and XML and the default one is XML. The following table lists what the output will be depending on the value of the Accept HTTP header of the request.

Representation returned by a REST Web service depending on the Accept HTTP header

Accept HTTP Header of the Request

Output Representation





application/json, application/xml


Although it is not the first media type in the list, it is the default one.

application/xml;q=0.9,application/js on


The default representation (XML) has a quality factor lower than the other supported representation.

application/json;q=0.2,application/x ml;q=0.1


Because the default representation (XML) has a quality factor lower than the other supported representation.

text/xml, application/rss+xml

The service returns the HTTP error 406 Not Acceptable because none of the media types in the Accept header are supported by the service.


The RSS representation has to be configured. Therefore, if you select RSS, click on RSS mappings to configure it.

Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

For security, browsers do not allow web pages to perform HTTP request to a domain other than the domain from which the web page is originated. For example, a page served from can include JavaScript code that sends HTTP requests but by default, the browser will not allow this code to send requests to an API located in

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)) is a mechanism whereby a browser and a web server interact to determine whether to allow a web page to perform HTTP requests to a domain other than the domain from which the web page is originated. The goal is for the browser to know if it is safe that a page served from the domain can send requests to a server in the domain

You can configure REST Web services to support CORS. By doing so, the service will respond with the appropriate HTTP headers so the browser allows these requests. That way, you can create web pages that send requests to this service.

Initial Set-Up of CORS

Starting with the update 8.0u20210705, the web container of Denodo refuses HTTP requests with the method OPTIONS. With earlier updates the method OPTIONS was allowed. The reason for this change was that the method OPTIONS provides information that may be used by an attacker to get additional information about this server. However, the CORS mechanism relies on the server (i.e. the web container of Denodo) to accept the method OPTIONS and provide certain information.

Therefore, before you publish a web service with CORS support for the first time, do this:

  1. Stop all the components of this installation of the Denodo Platform. Then, execute <DENODO_HOME>/bin/webcontainer_shutdown to make sure the web container is stopped.

  2. Edit the file <DENODO_HOME>/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/web.xml

  3. Search for the two elements security-constraint and comment its content (leave the elements “security-constraint” in place). You have to end up with something like this:

            <web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>
         <web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>

    Note that you do not have to remove the elements “security-constraint”, only comment their content (with <!-- and -->)

  4. Start the servers and tools you require.


To maintain the changes performed in the file web.xml regarding the OPTIONS method across updates, set the property com.denodo.tomcat.keepOPTIONSMethodConfiguration to true under <DENODO_HOME>/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/

In any of the following scenarios, ask the administrator of the Denodo server or the Solution Manager to do this:

  • The first time you publish a web service with CORS support.

  • To enable CORS support on the RESTful web service.

  • To use CORS with the REST API of Data Catalog and Solution Manager.

Enabling CORS on a Web Service

To enable the support for CORS in a REST Web service, select Enable CORS. Then, select one of these options:

  • Any origin. The service will allow CORS requests sent from any domain.

  • Or, Origins to enter the list of allowed URLs from which requests to this service are allowed. Separate each URL by a comma. For example,,

    CORS requests from any other origin will be denied with the HTTP code 403 (Forbidden)


    For each URL, enter its protocol as well. URLs that not contain the protocol are invalid. E.g. is invalid.

Note that when you enable the CORS support on a web service, regular HTTP requests are still allowed from any domain.


REST Web services only provide support for CORS when you deploy them on the web container embedded in Denodo. That is, when you click “Deploy” in the “Web services container” dialog. If you export the Web service to a war file to deploy it on another Web container, you have to configure the CORS support using the mechanisms provided by your container. The reason is that the configuration of CORS is not standard across Web containers.

The Denodo REST services support CORS for the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

OpenAPI / Swagger

The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) - previously known as the “Swagger Specification” - defines a standard, language-independent interface which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a REST API.

An OpenAPI document describes an API and conforms to the OpenAPI Specification.

The REST web services that you publish using Denodo include an OpenAPI document that describes the operations of the web service, their input parameters, the schema of the output, the media types available (JSON, XML), etc. These OpenAPI documents make it easier to develop applications that interact with these web services.

The web services provide two versions of the OpenAPI documents (version 3.0 and 2.0) and an OpenAPI viewer. With this viewer, the end consumers of the web service can visualize and test the operations of the webs services easily.

To access the OpenAPI documents and the viewer of a REST web service, deploy the web service, go to its Summary panel and click the links next to OpenAPI specification. Alternatively, you can go to these URLs directly:

  1. OpenAPI viewer (with the OpenAPI 3.0):<database>/<web service>/OpenAPIv3/openapi.json

  2. OpenAPI version 3.0:<database>/<web service>/OpenAPIv3/openapi.json

  3. OpenAPI version 2.0:<database>/<web service>/OpenAPI/swagger.json

The JSON document is equivalent to the YAML one.

To specify the version of a REST web service, enter a value in the field Web service version (1.0.0 by default). This value will be included in its OpenAPI specification.

You can disable the OpenAPI endpoints in the configuration of Virtual DataPort (see Global Settings of REST Web Services). This is a global configuration so it affects all the REST web services.


SwaggerUI supports displaying remote OpenAPI definitions through the ?url parameter. This functionality is enabled by default. To disable it set the property com.denodo.tomcat.swaggerui.queryConfigEnabled to false in the file <DENODO_HOME>/resources/apache-tomcat/conf/ Keep in mind that when disabling SwaggerUI URL parameters the OpenAPI viewer will not be able to load OpenAPI definitions.

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