Starting the Virtual DataPort Server¶
There are several ways of starting the Virtual DataPort server:
Use the Denodo Platform Control Center:
To start the Control Center, execute
.Click Virtual DataPort on the left panel.
Click Start (next to Virtual DataPort Server).
With a script:
On Linux, execute the script
.On Windows, execute the script
.On Windows, start the Windows service Denodo Virtual DataPort 8.0.
To stop the server, either click Stop on the Control Center, or execute the script <DENODO_HOME>/bin/vqlserver_shutdown
or stop the Windows service.
To stop the server in “Safe shutdown mode”, execute <DENODO_HOME>/bin/vqlserver_shutdown safe
. In “safe shutdown mode”, the Server stops accepting new queries but keeps processing the queries that are running. Once all the queries finish, the Server stops.