Local Authentication

The Data Catalog manages a local user account, protected by a password, that allows you to configure the following settings of the server:

It is helpful in situations where you need to change the server configuration, but you cannot connect to the Data Catalog because of an external service is down or the current authentication configuration is not correct.


The tasks available for the local user account are fixed. You cannot change them with roles, as with the other user accounts.

To enter the Data Catalog with the local user account:

  1. Navigate to the URL http://localhost:9090/denodo-data-catalog/#/web-local-login. You will see a login page like the one below.

    Login page for the local authentication in the Data Catalog

    Login page for the local authentication in the Data Catalog

  2. Enter the password for the local user account. The default password is admin.

The authentication for the local user account is not delegated to an external system. It is the Data Catalog who validates that the password is correct. For security reasons, you should change the password of the local user account after your first access. To change this password, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in the Data Catalog with the local user account.

  2. Click the menu Administration > Change password.

  3. Enter the current password and the new password twice.

Dialog to change the password of the local user account

Dialog to change the password of the local user account

As an alternative, use the script change_password_data_catalog.

To disable this local user account, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file <DENODO_HOME>/conf/data-catalog/

  2. Change the value of the weblogin.enabled property as follows:



For backwards compatibility, you can alternatively use the disableLocalLogin property as follows (but its use is deprecated):

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