Upgrading from 8.0GA or 8.0u20210209

The update 8.0u20210715 of the Denodo Platform 8.0 released a new version of the Data Catalog with great improvements: a new user interface, recommendations of views and web services, collaboration between users, and more. This new version requires changes in its database that are not compatible with the database of previous versions.

If you were using the Data Catalog of the Denodo Platform 8.0GA or the update 8.0u20210209, take into account that installing the update 8.0u20210715 (or any posterior update) will install the new version of the Data Catalog and remove the old version. The new version will be configured to use the embedded Derby database, which will be initially empty.

To keep the data from the old version of the Data Catalog you have two options:

  1. Export the metadata of the Data Catalog before installing the update. To preserve the metadata of the previous version Data Catalog, export it before installing the update. Then, import it in the new version after installing the update. The following sections explain in detail how to proceed.

  2. Do not update the Denodo Platform of the Data Catalog. If you have one installation for each module of Denodo (one installation for Virtual DataPort, one for Data Catalog, etc.), you can install the update in all the installations, except for the one you use for the Data Catalog. This way, you will continue to use the old version of the Data Catalog. Since the Virtual DataPort servers keep backward compatibility with other products, within the same release, the old version of the Data Catalog will be able to connect to updated versions of Virtual DataPort.


To see the documentation of the previous version of the Data Catalog, go to Data Catalog Guide (up to Update 20210209).

Preparation Tasks Before Installing the Update

Before installing the update, you need to export the metadata of the Data Catalog. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the Data Catalog with an administrator user.

  2. Go to Administration > Import / Export > Export.

  3. Select all the settings you want to preserve.

  4. Click the Export button.

Migration Tasks After Installing the Update

Follow these steps after installing the update:

  1. Connect to the Data Catalog with an administrator user.

  2. If you were using an external database, create a new schema in this database and configure the new Data Catalog to use it.

    You cannot reuse the same schema that you were using for the previous version because the schema has changed.

  3. Import the metadata of the previous Data Catalog.

    1. Go to Administration > Import / Export > Import.

    2. Drag and drop the file with the metadata exported from the previous Data Catalog.

    3. Click the Import button.

How to Recover your Data from the Previous Data Catalog if You Have Already Installed the Update

If you already installed the update but you did not export the metadata from the previous version Data Catalog, you can still recover them.

If you did not configure the old Data Catalog to store the settings on an external database, follow these steps:

  1. Find a backup of the database in the folder <DENODO_HOME>/metadata/data-catalog-database_back.

  2. Install the Denodo Platform 8.0 in another folder. Optionally, you can apply to it the update 8.0u20210209.

  3. Replace the folder <DENODO_HOME>/metadata/data-catalog-database of that new installation with the backup folder mentioned previously.

  4. Start the Data Catalog.

  5. Export the metadata as explained in Preparation Tasks Before Installing the Update.

If you were using an external database:

  1. Install the Denodo Platform 8.0 in another folder. Optionally, you can apply to it the update 8.0u20210209.

  2. Start the Data Catalog.

  3. Configure it to point to the external database where the metadata were stored.

  4. Export the metadata as explained in Preparation Tasks Before Installing the Update.

Once you have recovered your metadata from the previous version, import it in the new Data Catalog. Follow the steps in Migration Tasks After Installing the Update.

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