Installation and Execution

To use the Data Catalog, you need to install the Virtual DataPort server.

The Data Catalog is a web application that runs on the web container included in the Denodo Platform.


The update 8.0u20210715 of the Denodo Platform 8.0 released a new version of the Data Catalog. If you were using the Data Catalog of the Denodo Platform 8.0GA or the update 8.0u20210209, take into account that installing the update 8.0u20210715 (or any posterior update) will install the new version of the Data Catalog and remove the old version. If you want to preserve your data, take a look at the migration guide.

Launching the Data Catalog

There are two options to start and stop the Data Catalog:

  1. Using the Denodo Platform Control Center, which allows to, among other things, start and stop all servers and tools of the Denodo Platform.

  2. Using the scripts of the <DENODO_HOME>/bin directory:

    • To start the tool: datacatalog_startup

    • To stop the tool: datacatalog_shutdown

    Each script has a version for Linux (.sh) and other one for Windows (.bat).

The default URL for accessing this tool from a local machine is http://localhost:9090/denodo-data-catalog.

After this, you will see the log-in dialog.

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