Monitoring - Threads

The “Threads” tab displays information about the threads of the Virtual DataPort server.

Threads tab of a monitored server

Threads tab of a monitored server

The graph displays historical information about the number of threads in the Virtual DataPort server. The actual measures it displays are:

  • Thread Count: Total Number of VDP server threads in the JVM. This includes threads from the query execution thread pool as well as threads from outside the scope of the query execution threads pool.

  • Thread In Deadlock Count: Number of threads in a deadlock.

  • Peak Thread Count: Maximum number of live threads since the JVM started.

The table lists the current live threads. You can define conditions to filter the results of this table.

If there is a deadlock between two or more threads of the Virtual DataPort server, the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool will display the icon image0 in the header of the table and the affected threads will be highlighted in red.

The fields that are available in the “Threads” table are:

  • ID: Unique identifier of the thread.

  • Name: Name of the thread.

  • Deadlock: true if the thread is deadlocked in a cycle waiting for a lock; false otherwise. A thread is deadlocked in a cycle if each thread owns one lock while trying to acquire another lock already held by another thread in the cycle.

  • Lock: Object on which the thread is blocked.

  • Lock Owner ID: Identifier of the thread that owns the object for which the thread is blocked waiting. This method will return -1 if this thread is not blocked waiting for any object or if the object is not owned by any thread.

  • Lock Owner Name: Name of the thread that owns the object for which the thread is blocked waiting. This method will return null if this thread is not blocked waiting for any object or if the object is not owned by any thread.

  • CPU Time: Actual CPU time (in nanoseconds) for this thread.

  • Previous CPU Time: CPU time (in nanoseconds) for this thread obtained in the previous interval.

  • Elapsed CPU Time: Difference between the CPU time for this thread in the present interval and the CPU time obtained in the previous interval (in nanoseconds).

  • Elapsed Time: Elapsed time between now and the time that the previous interval ended (in milliseconds).

  • CPU Usage: Estimated CPU usage for this thread.

  • Native: true if the thread is executing native code via the Java Native Interface (JNI); false otherwise.

  • Suspended: true if the thread is suspended; false otherwise.

  • State: State of the thread, which can take one of the following values: NEW, RUNNABLE, BLOCKED, WAITING, TIMED_WAITING and TERMINATED.

  • Stack Trace: Stack trace of the thread.

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