Import Settings and Metadata in to the New Installation

Once you installed Denodo 9 and Solution Manager 9, follow these steps to import the metadata of the previous installation.

If you do not use a module, you do not need to import its metadata and settings.


Do not import metadata nor settings from Denodo 7.0 or earlier. Some VQL statements of 7.0 and previous versions are incompatible with 9. The section Upgrading from Denodo Platform 7.0 or Earlier explains how to proceed in this scenario.

  1. Copy the files resources_denodo.vql and metadata_denodo.vql you obtained from the previous version, to the computer where you installed Denodo 9.

  2. Connect to the computer where you installed Denodo 9, open a command prompt and execute the commands below.

    If you installed Denodo 9 on the same computer as 8.0 and you are running both versions at the same time, you may have to change the commands to use a different port. That is because you may have configured Virtual DataPort 9 to listen to incoming connections on a port that is not the default one (9999).

    • On Windows:

    cd <DENODO_HOME_9>
    cd bin
    import.bat --metadata-password "<metadata_password>" --server "//localhost:9999/admin?<administrator user>@<password>" --file resources_denodo.vql > import_resources.log 2>&1
    import.bat --metadata-password "<metadata_password>" --server "//localhost:9999/admin?<administrator user>@<password>" --file metadata_denodo.vql > import_metadata.log 2>&1
    • On Linux:

    cd <DENODO_HOME_9>
    cd bin
    ./ --metadata-password '<metadata_password>' --server '//localhost:9999/admin?<administrator user>@<password>' --file resources_denodo.vql > import_resources.log 2>&1
    ./ --metadata-password '<metadata_password>' --server '//localhost:9999/admin?<administrator user>@<password>' --file metadata_denodo.vql > import_metadata.log 2>&1

    In these commands, replace this:

    • <administrator user> and <password>.

    • <metadata_password> with the password you passed to the parameter --metadata-password when executing the script export in 8.0.


    If you execute this script on Windows and the password contains double quotes ("), escape them. If you run this script on Linux, do the same with single quotes (').

    For example, if you are on Windows and the password is pas"s, enter this:


    If you are on Linux and the password is pas's, enter this:


    These commands import the resource file and the metadata file and redirect the output of each command to the files “import_resources.log” and “import_metadata.log”.

  1. Open the file “import_metadata.log”, go to the end of the file and check there were no errors. You should see something like this:

    [JobStatistics [//localhost:9999/jsmith?my_password] #Errors: 0 #Warnings: 0]

    If there are any errors, you will find them right above (look for ERRORS SUMMARY).

    If there are errors during this process, check the section below Common Errors when Importing the Metadata of Virtual DataPort to the New Version.

  2. Open the file “import_resources.log” and also check for errors.

  3. Log in to Data Catalog 9 with an administrator account and import the file exported from the previous version.

  4. For Scheduler Index, connect to the computer where the Denodo Platform 9 is installed, and execute this:

    • On Windows:

      cd <DENODO_HOME>\tools\arn-index
      import.bat -h localhost -p 9000 -l <user name> -P <password> -f
    • On Linux:

      cd <DENODO_HOME>/tools/arn-index
      ./ -h localhost -p 9000 -l <user name> -P <password> -f

    In this command, replace <user name> and <password> with the credentials of an administrator user.

    The file is the result of exporting Scheduler Index 8.0.

  5. Log in to Scheduler 9 with an administrator account and import the file exported from the previous version.

  6. Log in to Solution Manager 9 with an administrator account and do the following:

    1. Import the file exported from the previous version.

    2. Edit the servers so they point to the new Denodo servers. Note that the Solution Manager of 8.0 can only interact with Denodo servers of the same major version (8.0).

Common Errors when Importing the Metadata of Virtual DataPort to the New Version

If you see an error like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE DATASOURCE CUSTOM cw_denodo_dfs_customwrapper
    FOLDER = '/sources/hadoop/hdfs'
    JARS 'denodo-dfs-customwrapper'
ERROR:Error creating new data source:
Parameter 'File system URI' is mandatory

    FOLDER = '/sources/others'
    JARS 'denodo-kafka-customwrapper'
ERROR:Error creating new data source:
Parameter 'Connection String *' is mandatory

If you get errors like the ones in line #6 and #13 (Parameter … is mandatory), it means that:

  1. This DenodoConnect used to define an input parameter as part of its base views. That version was imported into Virtual DataPort 7.0 at some point.

    This applies to any custom wrapper, not just the DenodoConnect ones.

  2. At a later date, this DenodoConnect was replaced in Denodo 7.0 with the current version. In this new version, the parameter has to be set in the data source and it no longer is a parameter of the base view.

Because of this, the VQL generated for this custom wrapper is invalid both for 7.0 and 8.0. At this moment, in version 7.0, the base views created over this custom data source can be queried but if you export the VQL of the custom wrapper and import it again into 7.0, it will also fail. The DenodoConnect components that changed in this way regarding input parameters have post-installation tasks to modify their configuration (i.e. open the ZIP file of the DenodoConnect and look for the post-installation notes in the README file).

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