Log Configuration

The logs configuration file log4j2.xml for the Scheduler server is in the path <DENODO_HOME>/conf/scheduler (where DENODO_HOME specifies the basic installation path). These files are based on Apache Log4j 2. Among other possibilities, they let you change the path where the log files are stored and the log level for the categories defined in the application. For more information please refer to the documentation of Log4j.

The Scheduler Web Administration Tool also has a configuration file log4j2.xml to establish the register level of the events generated by this application. This file is found in the directory <DENODO_HOME>/conf/scheduler-webadmintool.

By default, the Scheduler server logs all the triggers’ misfires (a situation when a trigger misses its firing time because of the Scheduler being shut down, or in case there are no available threads in Quartz’s thread pool). If you also want to log when a trigger is fired and when it is completed (it is useful to analyze when a job is actually launched or if it is not launched when expected, when testing scheduling strategies), you have to modify the log category com.denodo.scheduler.core.server.quartz.plugins to debug instead of error).

The Scheduler server stores the logging messages in the file <DENODO_HOME>/logs/scheduler/scheduler.log.

The Scheduler Web Administration Tool stores the logging messages in the file <DENODO_HOME>/logs/scheduler/scheduler-admin.log.

Additionally, if you want to log HTTP requests information from Scheduler Web Administration Tool, you can add this Logger in the file <DENODO_HOME>/conf/scheduler-webadmintool/log4j2.xml. These logging messages are stored in the file <DENODO_HOME>/logs/scheduler/scheduler-admin-request.log:

Logger for HTTP requests
<Logger name="org.springframework.web.filter.CommonsRequestLoggingFilter" level="DEBUG" >
    <AppenderRef ref="REQUESTOUT"/>


The information stored in this file <DENODO_HOME>/logs/scheduler/scheduler-admin-request.log is not masked, so the payload is displayed in clear text (including passwords).

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