Import and Export

The Solution Manager provides a convenient way of backing up its configuration and restore it if necessary.


Only global administrators can back up and restore the configuration of the Solution Manager.

To create a backup, click the root of the catalog tree (sm_node) and click Export.

Import or export

Import or export the Solution Manager catalog

A new popup will show up, in which you can optionally specify a custom password that will be used to encrypt sensitive data in the export.

Solution Manager export dialog

Solution Manager export dialog

A backup includes the following elements:

yes Environments basic information.

yes Environments deployments configuration and deployments scripts.

yes Virtual DataPort properties assigned to the environments.

yes Clusters basic information.

yes Scheduler properties assigned to the clusters.

yes Servers basic information for standard environments.

yes User-defined load balancing variables and the values assigned to clusters and servers in standard environments.

yes Version Control System configuration.

yes Informative message.

yes Automated mode configuration for AWS and Azure.

yes Permissions.

yes Authentication configuration.

yes Roles, users and global properties that do not depend on the environment.

yes Monitoring configuration.

It does not include:

no Revisions.

no Deployments.

no Database configuration.

no License usages.

no Monitor log files.

A backup is a JSON file.

To restore a backup, click the root of the tree area and click Import. A new popup will show up, click it and select the file you want to restore.

Solution Manager - restore backup

Solution Manager - restore backup


If you specified a custom password to encrypt the data in the export process, you will need to provide the same password in the import process.

If the selected file contains environments that already exist, you can decide if you want to replace them or not.


If the import file contains a cloud cluster 9, this cluster is created in Pending recreation status. You will need to recreate the cloud cluster in the Managing Clusters screen after the import process.

Import from Solution Manager 8.0

Solution Manager 9 supports importing a backup generated in Solution Manager 8.0 but it will not load the following elements:

  1. AWS/Azure Automated mode configuration:

    • Server access properties.

    • Custom and provided default AMIs/images for each type of product.

  2. AWS cluster.

    • AMIs, Load balancers, and Auto Scaling groups for each type of product

  3. Azure cluster.

    • Images, Load balancers, and Scale Sets for each type of product

  4. Configuration of the My Applications Panel of the clusters.

  5. Version Control System configuration.

  6. Monitoring configuration.


If the import file contains a cloud cluster 8.0, this cluster is created in Pending configuration status. You will need to edit the cloud cluster, and recreate it after the import process to fill the subnet (see Configuring Clusters). The first time you import a cloud cluster 8.0, you must review the Automated mode settings by completing the following information:

  • Server access properties.

  • Custom and provided default AMIs/images for each type of product.

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