Default Ports Used by the Solution Manager Modules

The table below lists the TCP/IP ports that each module of the Solution Manager listens for incoming connections.

Consider this:

  • These ports need to be free (not used by other applications).

  • If the Solution Manager is behind a firewall, open the appropriate ports (see the list below the table).

  • These are the default port numbers. They can be changed during the installation process or later, in the administration tool of each module.

Default TCP/IP port numbers opened by the Solution Manager modules


Default Port

Solution Manager Server



License Manager

Server Port


Metadata DB Port


Virtual DataPort

Server port (Virtual DataPort administration tool and JDBC port)


ODBC port


Monitoring ports (JMX)

Primary port: 19997 (the JMX connection is established with this port)

Secondary port: 19995

Shutdown port (only reachable from localhost)


Denodo Platform Web container (Solution Manager Administration Tool and the Denodo Security Token Service)

Web container port

19090 for HTTP connections

19443 for HTTPS connections

Shutdown port (only reachable from localhost)


Monitoring ports (JMX)

19098 and 19097

The monitoring interface of the Solution Manager components uses JMX. This Java technology uses the JRMP protocol, which opens an ephemeral port for internal use. This port cannot be disabled but if a client tries to connect to it from a another computer, the connection will be rejected.

Ports to Open on a Firewall

If the Solution Manager runs behind a firewall, open the following ports in the firewall. If the Solution Manager runs on Windows, remember to open the ports on the Windows Firewall as well.

  • 10091: to allow the components of the Denodo Platform installations to request a license to the License Manager.

  • 19090: to allow incoming HTTP connections from client applications/browsers to the web applications and web services.

  • 19443: to allow incoming HTTPS connections from client applications/browsers to the web applications and web services. HTTPS is disabled by default but we strongly suggest enabling it and disabling HTTP.

The components of the Denodo Platform also connect to the port 19090 or 19443 of Solution Manager if you enabled Denodo Single Sign-On in the web applications.

In addition, you may consider opening the following ones:

  • 19999: to allow connections to the Virtual DataPort included with the Solution Manager. Usually, this is not necessary because this Virtual DataPort is only used for authentication/authorization of users and these options can be configured from the Solution Manager Administration Tool (reachable on the ports 19090 and/or 19443).

  • 19997 and 19995: to monitor - from another computer - the Virtual DataPort included with the Solution Manager.

  • 19098 and 19097: to monitor - from another computer - the web container of Denodo.

The other ports do not need to be opened on the firewall because they are only accessed locally.

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