Querying Data: The Basics

This page subsections show how to query each type of element:

Querying Collections

Go to following URL to obtain the “Service Metadata Document”. It lists the entity set names and the URLs to their data:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName




  "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#actor",
  "value": [
      "actor_id": 1,
      "first_name": "PENELOPE",
      "last_name": "GUINESS",
      "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"


      "actor_id": 1000,
      "first_name": "CHRISTIAN",
      "last_name": "GABLE",
      "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
  "@odata.nextLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor?$skiptoken=1000"


For the sake of simplicity, we are removing the server and port from the examples.

Obtaining Items by Primary Key

For the views that have primary key, each item can be identified using its primary key:

denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName(keyvalue)



If the primary key is made up of several fields, separate the values by commas:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName(key1,key2)



Accessing Individual Properties

The properties of an item can be accessed individually:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName(key)/propertyName




   "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#actor/first_name",
   "value": "PENELOPE"

Accessing Individual Property Values

The value of a property is available as a raw value:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName(key)/propertyName/$value





Accessing Complex Properties

Properties can be complex but they are also available. You must point out the property path, from the complex to the simple one:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName(key)/propName/complexProp/propName

For example, for the following film_data complex field in a struct_table_film entity:

   "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#struct_table_film/$entity",
   "table_id": 1,
   "film_data": {
     "id": 1,
     "title": "ACADEMY DINOSAUR",
     "description": "ELIZABETH"

…we could perform the following call:



   "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#struct_table_film/title",
   "value": "ACADEMY DINOSAUR"

Counting Elements in a Collection: $count

To obtain the number of elements in a collection, add $count to the URL:

/denodo-odata.svc/<database name>/collectionName/$count





Establishing the Response Format

OData can represent the data in two ways:

  1. Atom (XML)

  2. JSON. This is the default representation.

To request one representation of the data, add the query parameter $format to the URL. For example: ?$format=atom. Alternatively, add the HTTP header Accept to the request. If the request has the Accept header and the $format query parameter, the query parameter has a higher precedence.

JSON Format

To obtain the JSON representation of the data, add the query parameter $format to the URL (as defined by OData:JSON):



   "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#actor",
   "value": [
       "actor_id": 1,
       "first_name": "PENELOPE",
       "last_name": "GUINESS",
       "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
       "actor_id": 1000,
       "first_name": "CHRISTIAN",
       "last_name": "GABLE",
       "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
   "@odata.nextLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor?$skiptoken=1000"

You can append the parameter odata.metadata to $format to select the control information that will be included in the response:

  • odata.metadata=minimal (default value): whenever possible, the service will remove computable control information from the payload.


    The response is the actor data, just the same as a request with the abbreviation json and without the parameter odata.metadata=minimal.

  • odata.metadata=full: the response will include all control information explicitly:



     "@odata.context": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#actor",
     "value": [
         "@odata.type": "",
             "": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1)",
             "@odata.readLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1)",
             "actor_id@odata.type": "#Int16",
         "actor_id": 1,
         "first_name": "PENELOPE",
         "last_name": "GUINESS",
         "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
         "films@odata.navigationLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1)/films",
             "films@odata.associationLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1)/films/$ref"
         "@odata.type": "",
             "": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1000)",
             "@odata.readLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1000)",
             "actor_id@odata.type": "#Int16",
         "actor_id": 1000,
         "first_name": "CHRISTIAN",
         "last_name": "GABLE",
         "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
         "films@odata.navigationLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1000)/films",
             "films@odata.associationLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/admin/actor(1000)/films/$ref"
     "@odata.nextLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor?$skiptoken=1000"
  • odata.metadata=none: the response will not contain any control information other than odata.nextLink and odata.count:



     "value": [
         "actor_id": 1,
         "first_name": "PENELOPE",
         "last_name": "GUINESS",
         "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
         "actor_id": 1000,
         "first_name": "CHRISTIAN",
         "last_name": "GABLE",
         "last_update": "2006-02-15T11:34:33Z"
     "@odata.nextLink": "/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor?$skiptoken=1000"

Alternatively, this format can be requested using the HTTP header Accept:

  • Accept: application/json

  • Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal

  • Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=full

  • Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=none

If the request has the query parameter $format and the HTTP header Accept header, the value of $format takes precedence.

Atom Format

To obtain the Atom representation of the data, add the query parameter $format=atom to the URL:



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<a:feed xmlns:a="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="" m:context="/denodo-odata.svc/movies/$metadata#actor">
    <a:link rel="next" href="/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor?$format=atom&amp;$skiptoken=1000"/>
        <a:link rel="edit" href="/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor(1)"/>
        <a:link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="actors" href="/denodo-odata.svc/movies/actor(1)/actors"/>
        <a:category scheme="" term=""/>
        <a:content type="application/xml">
                <d:actor_id m:type="Int16">1</d:actor_id>
                <d:last_update m:type="DateTimeOffset">2006-02-15T11:34:33Z</d:last_update>

Alternatively, this format can be requested using the HTTP header Accept:

Accept: application/atom+xml

Note that, if specified, $format overrides any value specified in the Accept header.

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