Installation and Execution

To use the Data Catalog, you need to install the Virtual DataPort server.

The Data Catalog is a web application that runs on the web container included in the Denodo Platform.

Launching the Data Catalog

There are two options to start and stop the Data Catalog:

  1. Using the Denodo Platform Control Center, which allows to, among other things, start and stop all servers and tools of the Denodo Platform.

  2. Using the scripts of the <DENODO_HOME>/bin directory:

    • To start the tool: datacatalog_startup

    • To stop the tool: datacatalog_shutdown

    Each script has a version for Linux (.sh) and other one for Windows (.bat).

The default URL for accessing this tool from a local machine is http://localhost:9090/denodo-data-catalog.

After this, you will see the log-in dialog.

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