Email Templates¶
The subject and body of email notifications can be customized in HTML or plain text. To do this, you can refer to <DENODO_HOME>/conf/data-catalog/
In the properties file, if you want to customize an email, you can specify the notification type and whether it is for the subject or content. The available notification types are: REQUEST_NEW, REQUEST_CANCELED, REQUEST_EDITED_DESCRIPTION, REQUEST_NEW_MESSAGE and REQUEST_EDITED_MESSAGE; followed by the suffix _SUBJECT (if it is for the subject) or _BODY (if it is for the body). For example: REQUEST_NEW_SUBJECT or REQUEST_EDITED_DESCRIPTION_BODY.
These properties should be defined in one line without line breaks.
General properties:
DATA_CATALOG_URL: the URL of the Data Catalog.
CUSTOM_DATE_FORMATTER: date time pattern to format datetime type placeholders in the email.
Placeholders that can be used:
%%request.requestId%%: request id.
%%request.summary%%: request summary.
%%request.description%%: request description.
%%request.requestType%%: request type (value printed: “access request”, “metadata change request”, “data quality issue” or “question”).
%%request.priority%%: request priority (value printed: “low”, “medium”, “high” or “critical”).
%%request.status%%: request status (value printed: “new”, “in progress”, “completed”, “canceled” or “denied”).
%%request.usernameCreation%%: request author.
%%request.creationDate%%: request creation date.
%%request.usernameModification%%: request user modification.
%%request.lastModificationDate%%: request last modification date.
%%request.elements%%: request elements.
%%request.elements.links%%: requests elements as links.
REQUEST_NEW_MESSAGE and REQUEST_EDITED_MESSAGE email notifications can also use message properties as placeholders:
%%message.requestId%%: message id of the request.
%%message.description%%: message text.
%%message.usernameCreation%%: message author.
%%message.creationDate%%: message creation date.
%%message.usernameModification%%: message modification user.
%%message.lastModificationDate%%: message modification date.
REQUEST_EDITED_MESSAGE email notifications can also use:
%%message.previousDescription%%: previous message description.
REQUEST_EDITED_DESCRIPTION email notifications can also use:
%%request.previousDescription%%: previous request description.
For more details, please refer directly to file