My Requests

The requests created by a user can be listed under the user menu in the my requests section.

My requests

My requests.

As you can see in the previous image, there is a red badge with a number in the user menu. This number indicates the count of unread notifications.


You can specify the refresh rate of the badge with the notifications.refreshTime property in the <DENODO_HOME>/conf/data-catalog/ file.

The left panel of this page consists of some useful filters to search among the requests of the user.

  • Request types: filter for the request types on which the user has permissions.

  • Statuses: filter for status: New, In progress, Completed, Canceled or Denied.

  • Priorities: filter for priorities: Low, Medium, High or Critical.

  • From: the creation date of the request must be after this value.

  • To: the creation date of the request must be before this value.

  • Elements: autocomplete filter to indicate the elements on which the requests have been created.

On the right panel, there will be the requests table that lists the requests that satisfy the current criteria according to the filters provided.

The top panel above the table provides the button All notifications that allows you to navigate to my notifications page. This button shows in parentheses the number of all unread notifications. In this case, my notifications page displays the notifications of all the requests.

Relevant information displayed on the table:

  • Notifications: number of unread notifications associated with that request. It is a link to my notifications page. In this case, my notifications page only displays the notifications of that request.

  • Element: element on which the request has been created. It is a link to the element.


    The column “element” has a link to that element. If that element is deleted as a result of a synchronization process, it will not longer be a link and it will be just a label with the element name before its deletion.

The table has a special behavior, when the screen resolution is low, the columns adapt to display summarized content. The same occurs with the tables of request management, my notifications and administrator notifications pages.

High resolution table

High resolution table.

Low resolution table

Low resolution table.

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