Compound Types

In custom functions, compound types and compound values are represented with the following Java classes:

  • Registers:

    • com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomRecordType represents the type of a register field (not a value of the register).

      Its method getProperties() returns a collection of name-type pairs. Each element of the collection holds the type of one of the fields of the register. The class of the Object returned by the method getType() of the interface CustomRecordType.Property depends on the type of the field:

      1. If the type of the field is basic, the method returns a java.lang.Class: Long.class, Integer.class, String.class, etc.

      2. If the type of the field is a register, the method returns a CustomRecordType object.

      3. If the type of the field is an array, the method returns a CustomArrayType object.

    • com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomRecordValue represents the value of register field.

      Its method getProperties() returns a collection of name-value pairs of the register. Each element of the collection holds the value of one of the fields of the register. The class of the Object returned by the method getValue() of the interface CustomRecordValue.Property depends on the type of the field:

      1. If the type of the value is basic, the method returns a basic Java object: java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, etc.

      2. If the type of the field is a register, the method returns a CustomRecordValue object.

      3. If the type of the field is an array, the method returns a CustomArrayValue object.

  • Arrays:

    • com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomArrayType represents the data type of an array field (not a value of the array). It holds the name of the type and an instance of CustomRecordType with the type of the elements of the array (an array is always an array of registers)

    • com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomArrayValue represents the values of an array. It holds a list of CustomRecordValue objects.

    • com.denodo.common.custom.elements.CustomGroupValue represents the list of values coming from a non-aggregation field in an aggregation function.

The class CustomElementsUtil provides methods to create array and register types and values.

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