Developing Custom Functions

Custom functions allow users to extend the set of functions available in Virtual DataPort. Custom functions are implemented as Java classes included in a Jar file that is added to Virtual DataPort (see section Importing Extensions of the Administration Guide). These custom functions can be used in the same way as every other function like MAX, MIN, SUM, etc.

Virtual DataPort allows creating condition and aggregation custom functions. Each function must be in a different Java class, but it is possible to group them together in a single Jar file.

In the Virtual DataPort installation (in the directory <DENODO_HOME>/samples/vdp/customFunctions), there are examples of custom functions. The README file of this directory explains how to compile and use these examples.

Once you have developed a custom function and imported it into Virtual DataPort, read the article How to debug Denodo custom extensions with Eclipse of the Denodo Knowledge Base to learn how to debug it.

We strongly recommend developing custom functions using Java annotations (see section Creating Custom Functions with Annotations). Although it is also possible to develop them following certain name conventions (see section Creating Custom Functions Using Name Conventions), your custom function will not have access to all the features provided by the Denodo Platform.

These are the rules that every custom function must follow to work properly:

  • Functions with the same name are not allowed. If a Jar contains one or more functions with the same name, the Server will not load anything from that Jar.

  • All custom functions stored in the same Jar are added or removed together by uploading/removing the Jar in the Server.

  • Each function can have many signatures. Each signature represents a different method in the Java class that defines the custom function.

  • Functions can have arity n but only the last parameter of the signature can be repeated n times.

  • Functions have to be stateless. That is, they should not store any data between executions. E.g., do not use global variables. If a custom function is implemented as stateful, it may not work properly in certain scenarios.

Custom functions signatures that return compound type values (register or array) need an additional method to compute the structure of the return type. This way Virtual DataPort knows in advance the output schema of the query. This method is also needed if the output type depends on the input values of the custom function.

When defining custom functions simple types are mapped directly from Java objects to Virtual DataPort data objects. The following table shows how the mapping works and which Java types can be used:

Equivalency between Java and Virtual DataPort data types

Virtual DataPort Type

Java Class





date (deprecated)

























java.time.ZonedDateTime and java.util.Calendar

The parameters of a custom functions cannot be primitives: int, long, double, etc. are not valid. Instead, use java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.long.Double, etc.

The last parameter of the function can be a “varargs” argument. For example:

function1(Integer parameter1, String... parameterN)

In Virtual DataPort, this function will have a variable number of arguments.

If a custom function relies on third-party libraries, do the following:

  • Copy the contents of the required jar files into the jar that contains the custom function. We have to copy the contents of the required jars, not the jars themselves.

  • Or copy the required jar files to the directory <DENODO_HOME>/extensions/thirdparty/lib. In general, we advise against copying jar files to this directory unless you are sure that these libraries do not interact with other libraries of the Denodo Platform. For example, copying libraries of Apache Commons to this directory will probably cause some malfunction on the Virtual DataPort server.

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