Export and Import

This section explains how to export the user metadata of the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool. It can be helpful for backup purposes or to re-create the same metadata in another server.


The Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool of a Solution Manager installation allows you to export:

In a Denodo Platform installation, however, the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool allows you to export:

  • All the elements in the catalog: environments, servers, diagnostics and diagnostic intervals.

  • The ping configuration, for those servers that have enabled it.

  • The user configuration.

To create a export file with your user metadata:

  1. Click on the export icon to open the Export catalog dialog.

  2. Give it a name.

  3. Select the elements you want to export. Take into account that:

    • The environments, clusters and servers read from the Solution Manager server cannot be selected.

    • Selecting an element also selects all its ancestors.

    • Deselecting an element also deselects all its descendants.

  4. Accept by pressing the Export selected button and the export file will start to download to your machine.

Export catalog dialog

Export catalog dialog


To import new user metadata from an export file:

  1. Click on the import icon. A file chooser will open, which shows the files on your machine.

  2. Select the export file you want to import and accept. The Import catalog dialog will appear, with all the user metadata available in the export file.

  3. Select the elements you want to import. Take into account that:

    • Clicking on an element gives you a brief description of its contents.

    • Selecting an element also selects all its ancestors.

    • Deselecting an element also deselects all its descendants.

    • To import a diagnostic, the folder with the log files that you used to create it must exist in the machine where the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool is running. If a diagnostic cannot be imported it will appear as diagnostic-warning and will not be selectable. Click on it to check which is the underlying problem and fix it.

  4. Accept by pressing the Import selected button. Your current metadata will be removed and replaced by the one you have selected.

Import catalog dialog

Import catalog dialog

If you have selected some diagnostics to import, creating the new metadata may be a long process, since they have to be loaded one by one. A new dialog will inform you on the progress of the import. In the meantime, you cannot operate with the Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool.

Dialog with information about the progress of an import

Dialog with information about the progress of an import

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