Defining JMS Listeners

Virtual DataPort can subscribe to a JMS server to listen to requests. Therefore, clients, instead of connecting to Virtual DataPort via JDBC, ODBC or a Web service, can send a request to a JMS server, which forwards it to Virtual DataPort. Then, the response is sent back to a queue or a topic of the JMS server, which forwards it to the client/s.

When creating a JMS listener, you can set it up to:

  • Execute the VQL statements received from a JMS server.

  • Or, define a query with the interpolation variable (@JMSEXPRESSION) in the JMS listener and at runtime, replace this variable with the values received from the JMS server.

The output of a JMS listener can be either an XML document or a JSON document.

Example of how the option a) works: a client sends a message such as SELECT * FROM internet_inc WHERE iinc_id = 1 to the JMS server. The JMS server will forward this to Virtual DataPort, which will send a response back like XML response message sent by a JMS listener if the selected output is XML, or like JSON response message sent by a JMS listener if the selected output is JSON.

XML response message sent by a JMS listener
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <summary>Error in ADSL router</summary>
        <ttime>29-jun-2005 19h 19m 41s</ttime>
JSON response message sent by a JMS listener
        "IINC_ID": 1,
        "SUMMARY": "Error in ADSL router",
        "TTIME": "2005-06-29",
        "TAXID": "B78596011",
        "SPECIFIC_FIELD1": "1",
        "SPECIFIC_FIELD2": "1"

If the request is a DML sentence such as ALTER VIEW incidents CACHE INVALIDATE, the response will be empty (see XML response message to a DML query and JSON response message to a DML query).

XML response message to a DML query
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response />
JSON response message to a DML query

Example of how option b) works: if you have created a JMS listener with the following query:

Sample query defined in a JMS listener
SELECT * FROM incidents

When the listener receives the value B78596014, the Server will execute the following query:

SELECT * FROM incidents
WHERE taxid = 'B78596014'

If the query defined in the JMS listener does not contain the @JMSEXPRESSION variable, the value received from the listener is ignored and the query is executed “as is”.

The following figures contain the syntax of the various commands to deal with JMS listeners.

Syntax of the CREATE LISTENER JMS statement
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] LISTENER JMS <name:identifier>
    DESTINATION = <name:literal>
    [ REPLYTO = <name:literal> ]
    { QUEUE | TOPIC }
    OUTPUT = { XML | JSON }
    [ USER = <name:literal> PASSWORD = <name:literal> ]
    VDPUSER = <name:literal>
      QUERY = <query:literal>
    PROPERTIES ( <property> [, <property> ]* )
    [ FOLDER = <folder:literal> ]
    [ DESCRIPTION = <description:literal> ]

<property> ::=
    <key:literal> = <value:literal>
  • VENDOR. Use the value JNDI if the JMS server that this listener will connect to, is neither Apache Active MQ nor IBM WebSphere MQ.

  • DESTINATION is the name of the queue or topic that Virtual DataPort will subscribe to, waiting for requests.

    Depending on the vendor of the JMS server, we might have to create the JMS destination, or it will be created automatically when the listener tries to subscribe to it.

  • REPLYTO is the name of the JMS queue or topic where the responses will be sent to.

    The responses will always be sent to this destination, even if the JMS message contains the “Reply to” field.

    If the clause REPLYTO not present, the responses will be sent to the destination indicated in the “Reply to” field of the JMS request.

    If the JMS request does not have this field either, the Server will not send any response.

    If the clause IGNOREREPLYTO is present, the listener will never send a response.

  • QUEUE or TOPIC. Use one parameter or the other depending on the type of the destination that this listener will connect to.

  • OUTPUT. If the parameter is XML the output of the listener will be an XML document. If it is JSON, a JSON document.

  • USER and PASSWORD. They are the credentials to access the JMS server.

  • VDPUSER is the username that Virtual DataPort will use to check if the listener has enough privileges to execute a query. E.g. if our Virtual DataPort server has two users:

    • admin: is an “administrator” or a user promoted to “local administrator” of the database so it can access any view of the database.

    • user1: is a “normal user” that only has EXECUTE privileges over this database.

    If the parameter VDPUSER is “admin”, the listener will be able to execute any query. However, if VDPUSER is user1, the CREATE, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries will fail because user1 only has EXECUTE privileges.

  • MESSAGESCONTAINVARIABLE and QUERY: if present and MESSAGESCONTAINVARIABLE is true, when the listener receives a JMS message, the Server will replace the variable @JMSEXPRESSION of QUERY with the content of the JMS message. Then, the Server will execute the resulting query.

  • ENABLED. TRUE to enable the listener. That is, after creating it, the listener will try to connect to the JMS server to listen to requests. FALSE, to disable it.

  • PROPERTIES. List of properties that will be used to obtain a connection to the JMS server. The appendix JMS Connection Details: JNDI Properties of the Administration Guide contains a list of the properties required to connect to the most popular vendors. | Usually, the JMS listeners need these properties, at least:

    • java.naming.factory.initial (javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY)

    • java.naming.provider.url (javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL)

    • transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName. Name of the connection factory in the JNDI context of the JMS server.

  • FOLDER. Path of the folder where the listener will be stored. E.g.: FOLDER = '/jms listeners'.

  • DESCRIPTION. Description of the listener.

Command to enable/disable a JMS listener: ALTER LISTENER JMS
ALTER LISTENER JMS <name:identifier>
ENABLED EQ { true \| false }

If ENABLED = TRUE and it was FALSE, it tries to connect to the JMS server to listen to requests.

If ENABLED = FALSE and it was TRUE, it closes the connection with the JMS server.

To rename a JMS listener, use the statement RENAME:

Syntax of the statement RENAME LISTENER JMS
RENAME LISTENER JMS <name:identifier> TO <new name:identifier>
RENAME LISTENER JMS jms_listener_order TO jms_order_full;
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