There are two types of statements in VQL:
DDL (Data Definition Language) statements. They allow creating new data sources, wrappers, views, etc. The DDL commands are:
: creates or replaces new base views, views, stored procedures, wrappers, data sources, published web services, users, etc.DROP
: removes elements such as base views, views, stored procedures, wrappers, data sources, published web services, users, etc.ALTER
: modifies specific properties of views such as its internationalization configuration, cache, swapping configuration, etc. It also allows modifying database and user permissions.DESC
: shows the description of data types, views, stored procedures, maps, operators, wrappers, data sources, etc.LIST: enumerates the elements of the catalog (data sources, views, etc.)
: Allow to establish or revoke user permissions over databases, stored procedures and/or views.
DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements. They allow querying and updating data. Virtual DataPort provides the following DML statements:
SELECT to execute queries and define new views.
INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE for inserting, updating and deleting rows from a view, respectively.
for beginning, committing and rolling back transactions, respectively. See more information about this in the section Transactions in Virtual DataPort.CALL
to execute Virtual DataPort stored procedures.