

This document provides an overview of Virtual DataPort from the perspective of the experienced administrator.

Who Should Use This Document

This document is aimed at administrators and developers that require an in-depth knowledge of how all the administration activities of a Virtual-DataPort-based integration solution are executed. It incorporates a description of activities such as wrapper definition, the creation of relational views using base relations or map specification on integrated fields. The detailed information required to install the system or develop applications using APIs is provided in other manuals that will be referenced when needed.

Summary of Contents

More specifically, this document:

  • Describes some important characteristics of Virtual DataPort which the reader must be aware of in order to understand the rest of the document.

  • Provides a general overview of the VQL language.

  • Gives a detailed description of how to execute the different operation tasks on the Virtual DataPort server, i.e. how the catalog elements are defined and modified and how queries and updates are made to the server.

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