
The stored procedure GET_ASSOCIATIONS returns information about all the associations, or the associations in which a view is involved, or the associations published by a web service.

Each row represents an association.


      input_database_name : text
    , input_name : text
    , input_type : element type

<element type> ::=
    | 'views'
    | 'webservices'
  • input_database_name: database of the view or web service for which you want to obtain its associations.

  • input_name: name of the view or web service for which you want to obtain its associations. If null, it does not filter by name.

  • input_type (mandatory): type of the element for which you want to obtain its associations.

    If webservices, the procedure returns the associations published by a web service.

    If views, the procedure returns the association in which a view is involved.

If input_type is webservices, input_database_name and input_name are mandatory.

The procedure returns one row per associations, with these fields:

  • database_name: name of database where the element belongs to.

  • name: name of the element.

  • association_name: name of the association.

  • association_description: description of the association.

  • left_view_name: name of the view of the left endpoint of the association.

  • left_view_database: database name of the view of the left endpoint of the association.

  • left_role: role of the view of the left endpoint of the association.

  • left_multiplicity: multiplicity of the left endpoint of the association.

  • right_view_name: name of the view of the right endpoint of the association.

  • right_view_database: database name of the view of the right endpoint of the association.

  • right_role: role of the view of the right endpoint of the association.

  • right_multiplicity: multiplicity of the right endpoint of the association.

  • mappings: comma-separated list of the condition mappings of the association.

  • valid: true if it is a valid association.

  • is_left_principal: true if the left endpoint of the association is the Principal view; false otherwise.

  • left_role_precondition: role precondition of the view of the left endpoint of the association.

  • right_role_precondition: role precondition of the view of the right endpoint of the association.

  • is_referential_constraint: true if the association is a referential constraint. That is, it represents a primary key/foreign key constraint; false otherwise.

Privileges Required

The procedure only returns information about an association if the user has the METADATA privilege over both endpoints of the association.


Example 1

WHERE input_database_name = 'customer_report'
    AND name = 'invoice'
    AND input_type = 'views'

Obtains all the associations of the view “invoice” in the database “customer_report”.

Example 2

WHERE input_database_name = 'customer_report'
    AND input_type = 'views'

Obtains all the associations of the database “customer_report”.

Example 3

WHERE name = 'invoice'
    AND input_type = 'views'

Obtains all the associations of the views named “invoice” of any database.

Example 4

WHERE input_type = 'views'

Obtains all the associations of the server.

Example 5

WHERE input_database_name = 'customer_report'
    AND name = 'invoice'
    AND input_type = 'webservices'

Obtains all the associations published by the web service “invoice” of the database “customer_report”. It only returns information about REST web services (SOAP web services do not publish associations).

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