
This procedure returns information about the columns of the table in the cache database that holds the cached data for a specific view.

You may also find useful the procedure GET_CACHE_TABLE.


      input_database_name : text,
    , input_view_name : text
  • input_database_name: name of the database.

  • input_view_name: name of the view.

The procedure returns one row per each column of the view, with these fields:

  • database_name: database of the view.

  • view_name: name of the view.

  • column_name: name of the field in the view.

  • cache_catalog_name: catalog of the table that stores the cached data.

  • cache_schema_name: schema of the table that stores the cached data.

  • cache_table_name: name of the table that stores the cached data.

  • cache_column_name: field in the table of the cache database. Usually, its value is the same as column_name, but not always. They are different if column_name is a reserved word in the cache database. In that case, the cache engine creates the table using a different name for this field. This name is something like field_ followed by a number.

  • cache_column_type_name: name of the type of the field in the “source type properties” of the field. E.g. VARCHAR, NCHAR, INTEGER, BIGINT, etc.

    These are the names of the constants defined in the class java.sql.Types of the JDBC API.

  • cache_column_type_id: number that represents the type of the field in the cache database.

    The values of this field are defined in the class java.sql.Types of the JDBC API. E.g. INT = 4, VARCHAR = 12, etc.

  • cache_column_type_size: its meaning depends on the type of the field in the cache database:

    • For fields of type text, it indicates the maximum length of the field.

    • For numeric types, it indicates the precision. Therefore, for int and long fields, this number is 0.

  • cache_column_type_decimals: number of fractional digits that a value of this field could store.

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