
The stored procedure WEBCONTAINER_ELEMENT_STATUS returns information about the Web services (SOAP and REST) of all the Virtual DataPort databases. You can filter by database, type of web service, name of the service, look only for services that are deployed, etc.


      input_database_name : text
    , <input_service>
    , <input_service_type>
    , input_service_name : text
    , input_description : text
    , input_modified : boolean
    , input_deployed : boolean

<input_service> ::=

<input_service_type> ::=
    | 'SOAP'
    | 'SOAP/REST'

All the parameters are optional. If a parameter is null, the procedure does not filter by that parameter.

  • input_database_name: name of the database where you want to search for Web services. If null, it searches all the databases for services.

  • input_service: type of service you are looking for. The value is case insensitive.

    • To search for Web services, enter “webservice".

    • To search both, enter null.

  • input_service_type: type of service that you are looking for.

    • To search for REST Web services, enter "REST".

    • To search for SOAP Web services, enter "SOAP".

    • To search for Web services imported from Virtual DataPort 4.7 or earlier, enter "SOAP/REST".

  • input_service_name: if provided, the procedure returns the services whose name contains this value. Take into account that if the parameter input_database_name is null, the procedure returns the services of all the databases that match this name. Not just the one that you currently connected to.

  • input_description: if provided, the procedure returns the services whose description contains this value.

  • input_modified: if true, it returns all the services that are deployed and that have been modified after being deployed. If false, it returns all the services that are deployed and that have not been modified afterwards.

  • input_deployed: if true, it returns all the services that are deployed. If false, it returns the services that are not deployed.

The procedure returns one row per web service, with these fields:

  • database_name: database of the web service.

  • service: type of service. Possible values:

    • webservice

  • service_type: type of service. Possible values:

    • REST: for REST web services.

    • SOAP: for SOAP web services.

  • service_name: name of the web service.

  • ws_description: description

  • deployed: true if the service has been deployed in the web container of Denodo. false otherwise.

  • modified: true if the service has been modified since it was deployed in the web container of Denodo. false otherwise.

  • ws_context: context within the Denodo web container in which the service is deployed. null if the service has not been deployed in the web container of Denodo.

  • ws_user: user account that the service uses to connect to the Server to execute queries. null if the service has not been deployed in the web container of Denodo.

Privileges Required

This procedure only returns information about the Web services that belong to databases on which the user is an administrator. The implications of this are the following:

  • If the user is an administrator, the procedure will return information about all the Web services.

  • The procedure will return information about the Web services of the databases of which the user is a local administrator.

This procedure does not return a “privileges error”. For example, let us say that:

  • A user requests information about the Web services of all the databases.

  • The Server has two databases: admin and testing.

  • This user only is a local administrator of the testing database but not the admin database.

In this scenario, the procedure only returns information about the Web services of the testing database and not about the Web services of the admin database.


Example 1

Obtain all the REST Web services of the database test:

WHERE input_database_name = 'test'
    AND input_service_type = 'REST'

Example 2

Obtain all the deployed Web services whose definition has changed since they were deployed:

WHERE input_deployed = true
    AND input_modified = true;

In this case, setting the last parameter (deployed) to true or null is equivalent because only deployed services are marked as modified.

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