Delta Lake¶
Delta Lake is table format that extends Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling.
The Denodo Embedded MPP is distributed with a predefined catalog named delta
connected to the Embedded Hive Metastore for accessing Delta Lake tables.
# Embedded Hive Metastore
To query Delta Lake tables you have to create those tables in the Denodo Embedded MPP. You can use the embedded data source in Denodo to graphically explore Delta Lake tables, register them in the Denodo Embedded MPP and create the base views in Denodo.

Explore Delta Lake tables¶
To graphically explore Delta Lake tables you need the Denodo subscription bundle Enterprise Plus. You can check Object Storage Data in Parquet, Delta and Iceberg format for more details on how to connect an Object Storage graphically.
Delta is a restricted catalog, so it is not listed on the From MPP Catalogs
tab of the Embedded MPP data source.
The Denodo Embedded MPP provides the following features when treating with Delta Lake tables:
Graphically explore Delta Lake datasets, create tables in the MPP and base views in Denodo (
From object storage
tab of the Embedded MPP data source)Create base views over existing Delta Lake tables in an External Metastore (
From MPP Catalogs
tab of the Embedded MPP data source)Querying
Bulk data load
Caching: full cache mode
Remote tables
Inserts: it is not possible to insert data into views created from Delta Lake tables using the
From Object Storage
tab of the Embedded MPP data source. See Manage Views Created from Object Storage for details.