Before deploying the Denodo Embedded MPP on Amazon EKS check Denodo Embedded MPP AWS Checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

There are two options to deploy a Denodo Embedded MPP that will access AWS S3 datasets:

  1. The recommended one: provide no AWS S3 credentials to the deploy command. deploy --credstore-password xxx

    Used when the Denodo Embedded MPP will run in Amazon EKS and will access S3 with one of these three methods:

    1. EKS Pod Identities

      To do this, you must set up the Kubernetes serviceAccount name provided by your EKS administrator in the values.yaml, e.g:

        create: true
        name: "pod-identity-service-account"
        annotations: {}
    2. IAM Roles for Service Accounts

      To do this you can associate an IAM role with the serviceAccount through the serviceAccount.annotations in the values.yaml, e.g:

        create: true

      and the Denodo Embedded MPP will access S3, using the permissions configured in that IAM role.

    3. IAM EC2 instance profile

  2. Provide the AWS S3 credentials to the deploy command: deploy --s3-access-key xxx --s3-secret-access yyy --credstore-password zzz
    • --s3-access-key: the Access Key Id

    • --s3-secret-access: the Secret Access Key.

      If this secret is not specified in the command line, deploy will prompt for it, keeping secrets out of the bash history

AWS Privileges for AWS S3

The AWS privileges required by the Denodo Embedded MPP when accessing the AWS S3 buckets are:

  • Reading from AWS S3:

    • s3:GetObject

    • s3:ListBucket

  • Writing to AWS S3. Same as for reading and also:

    • s3:PutObject

    • s3:DeleteObject


AWS credentials provider.

The Denodo Embedded MPP is shipped with a credentials provider chain configured by default DenodoAWSCredentialsProviderChain.

This chain looks for AWS credentials in this order:

  • SimpleAWSCredentialsProvider: Loads credentials from fs.s3a.access.key and fs.s3a.secret.key properties in Hadoop configuration files.

  • EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider: Loads credentials from environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY.

  • SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider: Loads credentials from Java system properties aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey.

  • WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider: Loads Web Identity Token credentials from the environment or container.

  • ProfileCredentialsProvider: Load credential profiles file at the default location ~/.aws/credentials.

  • EC2ContainerCredentialsProviderWrapper: Loads credentials from EC2, typically using the InstanceProfileCredentialsProvider.

If none of these providers fit your needs, you will need to change the credentials provider configured in:

  1. presto/conf/catalog/core-site.xml:

    1. Replace the value of the presto.s3.credentials-provider property with the AWS credentials provider of your choice.

    2. Include any other properties required by this credential provider.

  2. hive-metastore/conf/core-site.xml:

    1. Replace the value of the property with the AWS credentials provider of your choice.

    2. Include any other properties required by this credential provider.

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