Kubernetes Deployment

Denodo Embedded MPP is designed to run on Kubernetes 1.23+ with:

The main steps for deploying it on a Kubernetes cluster are:

  1. Create the Kubernetes cluster.

    It is recommended to create a cluster with N + 2 nodes, with no other applications running on the nodes:

    • One single node for the Embedded MPP coordinator.

    • One single node for the Embedded Hive Metastore and its Embedded PostgreSQL.

    • N nodes for the Embedded MPP workers: one single node for each MPP worker.

    Since the Denodo Embedded MPP requires a certain amount of CPU and memory to process queries, it is also recommended to start with nodes with at least 16-32 cores and 64-128 GB of memory. For example, in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service you can start with m6a.8xlarge or r6a.4xlarge nodes.

    See Sizing Recommendations for the Denodo Embedded MPP for more details.

  2. Decide how the Denodo Embedded MPP will be exposed to Denodo server, based on the Kubernetes service type. The options are:

    • LoadBalancer. It is the option configured by default.

    • ClusterIP and Ingress. For this, it is necessary to install an ingress controller, such as the NGINX Ingress Controller, beforehand.

    • ClusterIP and Route. This option is only available in OpenShift, since routes are specific to OpenShift.

  3. When using the Embedded PostgreSQL make sure the cluster has configured Kubernetes Storage Classes to provision Kubernetes Persistent Volumes. Because the cluster will use a Persistent Volume to ensure the persistence of metadata. See Persistent Volume for the Embedded PostgreSQL for details.

  4. The Denodo Embedded MPP Helm chart and the container images are available at the Denodo’s Harbor Registry and also included in the Denodo Embedded MPP distribution.


    Denodo’s Harbor Registry credentials expire every 6 months. This implies log in to Denodo Harbor every 6 months so that Kubernetes can pull images from the Denodo’s Harbor Registry.

    While this option is suitable for testing and proof-of-concept (POC) purposes, please consider a Private Container Image Registry for production scenarios as a best practice.

  5. Configure the Denodo Embedded MPP through the Helm chart values.yaml file. See Configuration section.

  6. Deploy the Denodo Embedded MPP using the script in the distribution. See Deployment section.

  7. Autoscaling is optional, but recommended.

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