Denodo Assistant View Features¶
Features related to views:
Suggest View Description¶
The feature Suggest View Description provides detailed descriptions for views.
This feature is available in the Metadata tab within the Edit section of both base and derived views.
The Denodo Assistant will present a description in an editable box which can be discarded or accepted.

Suggest Field Descriptions¶
The feature Suggest Field Descriptions generates a description for each field of the view, based on the current metadata of the view.
To use it on a derived view, click EDIT and then, the tab Output. Then, click Denodo Assistant > Suggest Field Descriptions. For base views, open the base view, click EDIT and click Denodo Assistant > Suggest Field Descriptions.
The Denodo Assistant will display suggestions for each _selected field _ (if you do not select any field, it will suggest descriptions for all of them).
If data sampling is enabled in the Denodo Assistant Configuration, the suggested descriptions will include real data samples of the fields of type text.

Suggest Field Names¶
The feature Suggest Field Names recommends meaningful names for the columns of a view.
For a derived views, click EDIT and then, the tab Output. Then, click Denodo Assistant > Suggest Field Names. In base views, in the EDIT section click Denodo Assistant > Suggest Field Names.
The Denodo Assistant will display suggestions for each selected field. If no fields are selected, it will suggest new names for all the fields.

These features are available in Design Studio, not in the Administration Tool.
To use these features, save the view first.