Denodo Platform Administration Guide¶
Table of Contents
- Preface
- Adding AWS RDS Certificate to JRE cacerts
- Audit Trail In Data Catalog and Scheduler
- Default Ports Used by the Denodo Platform Modules
- Denodo Assistant Features
- Denodo Platform - Subscription Bundles
- Denodo Security Token Configuration File
- Enable Authentication in the Monitoring Interface of the Web Container
- Enabling Kerberos Authentication Without Joining a Kerberos Realm
- Health Monitoring
- How to Debug Kerberos in Web Applications
- Increasing the Maximum Simultaneous Requests
- Installation Encryption Key
- Language of the Web Tools
- Password Policies in the Denodo Platform and Solution Manager
- Prevent Load Balancers From Closing Connections of Data Catalog and Design Studio
- Providing a Krb5 File for Kerberos Authentication
- Restrictions of Denodo Express
- Reverse Proxy Settings (Design Studio, Data Catalog, Scheduler)
- Server Process Identifiers
- Session Configuration (Design Studio, Data Catalog, Scheduler, Diagnostic & Monitoring Tool)
- Setting-up Kerberos Authentication
- Transparent Metadata Encryption