Providing a Krb5 File for Kerberos Authentication

To enable Kerberos authentication on a component of the Denodo server, you need to obtain a Kerberos configuration file (krb5 file) when one or more of these conditions is met:

  • The host where the Denodo server runs does not belong to a Windows domain.

  • The Denodo server runs on Linux.

  • The user account in Active Directory used by the Denodo server components has the option constrained delegation enabled.

For Design Studio and the administration tool of Virtual DataPort, you need the Kerberos configuration file when Active Directory does not return “forwardable” tickets by default.

If any of these conditions are met, check if there is a krb5 file in the default path of the operating system (see table Default location of the krb5 file depending on the operating system).

Default location of the krb5 file depending on the operating system

Operating System

Default Path for the krb5 file


<Windows directory>\krb5.ini (the system directory usually is C:\Windows).

Note that in Windows, the name of the file is krb5.ini and not krb5.conf.





If this file is not present in the specified location, the VirtualDataPort server must be started with this JVM option:<REPLACE_WITH_PATH_TO_KRB5_FILE>.

If the file exists, make sure it has the property forwardable = true in the [libdefaults] section of the file.

If the file does not exist, create it in the default path. The figure Sample krb5 file is an example of a krb5 file.

Sample krb5 file
    default_realm = CONTOSO.COM
    forwardable = true

    kdc =
    default_domain = CONTOSO.COM

[domain_realm] = CONTOSO.COM

With the property forwardable = true, the system will request “forwardable” tickets to the Kerberos server. These tickets can be used by the other applications (in this case, the Virtual DataPort server) to request service tickets on behalf of the user. These service tickets will be used to perform Kerberos requests to other services (e.g. databases) on behalf of the Virtual DataPort client (i.e. the Administration Tool, JDBC clients and ODBC clients).

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