What Is New in Denodo 9.1

This page lists the main enhancements of the update 9.1 of the Denodo Platform and the Solution Manager, not all of them. For the full list of enhancements and bug fixes, read the Release Notes in the Support Site, in the page of this update.

Virtual DataPort

  • The Denodo Assistant is a set of features of the Denodo Platform that use artificial intelligence to make it easier to create and use virtual models. This update adds several features that use large language models (LLMs) to Virtual DataPort to do this:

    • Suggest a better description for views and its fields, based on the metadata of the view. To use this feature, edit the view and go to the Output tab.

    • Suggest a new name for the fields of derived views. Useful when working with base views whose fields have “technical” names that may be good to change to make them more suitable for business users.

    • In the VQL Shell, click Denodo Assistant to:

      • Explain what a SQL query does.

      • If a query fails due to a syntax error, it helps you fix it.

    Denodo does not have an LLM built-in; it relies on popular third-party services like Amazon Bedrock and OpenAI. Denodo uses the REST API of these services to send metadata to them and obtain the desired output. When the enabling these features, the administrator of Denodo has to provide the user account of your organization.

    To use these features, the administrator must enable them first, in Server configuration > DENODO ASSISTANT. Non-administrator users must have the role use_large_language_model_role to use them. See more about this in Denodo Assistant Features that Use Large Language Models.

  • Virtual DataPort now supports the protocol Arrow Flight SQL. This protocol is designed for high-performance and uses the Apache Arrow’s columnar data format. You can now connect from other applications to Virtual DataPort using this protocol. The page Access Through Arrow Flight-SQL explains how to do it.

  • Applications can already use ADO.Net to connect to Virtual DataPort. Virtual DataPort is now compatible with .Net Entity Framework Core object-database mapper, .Net extension EF Core Power Tools and newer versions of the .Net Data Provider for PostgreSQL (see Access Through an ADO.NET Data Provider).

  • New SQL functions:

    These functions are part of the package of Denodo 8.0 Denodo XtraFuncs and now, are included in Denodo out-of-the-box.

Virtual DataPort - Data Sources

  • Improvements in the data sources DF (delimited files), JSON and XML that retrieve data from an HTTP server:

    • You can now limit the maximum number of requests per second/minute. Useful to query APIs that impose such limits.

    • Support to log in to APIs using a cookie that has to be obtained in another HTTP request (see Login Endpoint Authentication).

    • It is now easier to create data sources that send a POST request with a body of keys and values (i.e., “parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2…”). To do this, in the configuration of the data source, select the Content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  • JDBC adapters:

  • The embedded MPP now supports Iceberg folders (see Object Storage Data in Parquet, Delta and Iceberg format).

Virtual DataPort - Execution Engine

  • New feature to improve the stability of Virtual DataPort: new memory stability controller (see Automatic Out Of Memory recovery).

  • Improvements in the Execution engine that result in executing certain queries faster:

    • Execute WHERE subqueries with scalar operators like “=”, using the “merge strategy”, when the correlation condition can be treated as a join condition for the semi-join plan.

    • Be able to rewrite non-correlated scalar subqueries as JOINs.

    • Be able to rewrite correlated scalar subqueries in a WHERE clause as JOINs if these conditions are met:

      1. The correlated condition is field1 = field2 and

      2. The subquery is an aggregation with no group by fields and an aggregation function different than COUNT.

Virtual DataPort - Design Studio

  • Several improvements in the user experience in the creation of derived views. Some of them are:

    • Added feature Execute edited so you can execute the query corresponding to the view you are creating.

    • The tab Model now displays the primary keys, the subfields of the compound fields, and source type properties of the views.

Virtual DataPort - ODBC Driver

  • The driver can now transfer the data compressed so it is transferred faster. This is particularly useful in WAN environments.

Data Catalog

  • Improvements to the feature Assisted queries like improving the data sent to the large language model (LLM) to obtain a more accurate response, and several improvements to the user interface like adding the latest models provided by the LLM vendors.

  • The administrator can now set fine-grained privileges over who can manage requests (see Configure the Permissions).


When storing the metadata of Scheduler on Amazon Aurora, Scheduler now supports using the authentication methods AWS IAM credentials and AWS instance credentials.

Documentation Release Notes

Starting with Denodo 9, we now make available the documentation of Denodo 9.0, 9.1, etc. (see the drop-down on the top-left side of the documentation). In previous major versions of Denodo, the documentation always refers to the latest update of that version.

Information about Deprecated Features

With the release of this update, we have deprecated these features:

The page Features Deprecated in Denodo Platform lists all the features that are deprecated.

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