How to Manually Configure the Metadata Database¶
The change_database_settings
script allows to configure the external metadata database of Scheduler. This script is
located in the directory <DENODO_HOME>/tools/scheduler
Before using this script please stop the Scheduler Server.
script (Scheduler)¶ change_database_settings [-?] -a <arg> -cp <arg> -d <arg> [-e
<arg>] [-krb] [-ktab <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-pi <arg>] [-pma <arg>] [-u
<arg>] -uri <arg> -v <arg> [-c <arg> [-cn <arg>] [-cii <arg>]]
Parameter Name |
Description |
-? |
Prints this help. |
-a --adapter <adapter-name> |
Adapter name (one of the supported engines: derby, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlserver, azure, aurora mysql or aurora postgresql). E.g. |
-v --version <adapter-version> |
Adapter version (one of the supported engines). E.g. |
-d --driver <driver-classname> |
Driver class name. E.g. |
-cp --classPath <driver-classpath> |
Driver class path. E.g. |
-e --externalDriver <driver-classpath> |
Path to a non default location at Denodo where driver file is located. This file will be added to the new catalog. If given path is a directory, then all files inside will be added. E.g. |
-uri --databaseUri <uri> |
Database URI. E.g. |
-s --schema <schema> |
(PostgreSQL and SQLServer only) Database schema. E.g. |
-u --user <user> |
Database user name. E.g. |
-p --password <password> |
Database user password. The script “encrypt_password” can be used for obtaining an encrypted value. E.g. |
-krb --kerberos |
Use kerberos authentication. E.g. |
-ktab --keytab |
Path to the keytab file. It does only apply when using kerberos with SPN and keytab. E.g. |
-cc --ccache |
Path to the kerberos credentials cache file. E.g. |
-awsIam --awsIamCredentials |
Use AWS IAM credentials Authentication E.g. |
-ak --accessKey |
AWS Access Key (when using AWS IAM credentials) E.g. |
-sk --secretKey |
AWS Secret Key (when using AWS IAM credentials) E.g. |
-r --awsRegion |
AWS Region (when using AWS IAM credentials) E.g. |
-pi --initialSize <pool-initial-size> |
Pool initial size. E.g. |
-pma --maxActive <pool-max-active> |
Pool max active. E.g. |
-c --cluster |
Turn on/off clustering features. It only accepts
values: E.g. |
-cn --clusterName |
Cluster node identifier. It does only apply when using
E.g. |
-cci --clusterCheckInterval |
Set the frequency (in milliseconds) at which this
instance checks-in with the other instances of the
cluster. It does only apply when using
E.g. |
Example 1:
Configure the external metadata database in a PostgreSQL database.
change_database_settings --adapter postgresql
--version 12
--classPath "postgresql-12"
--databaseUri "jdbc:postgresql://psql-db:5432/schedcatalog"
--driver "org.postgresql.Driver"
--user "denodo_user"
--password "encrypted:passwordEncrypted"
In this example, the password (parameter --password
) is encrypted. To encrypt this password, execute the script <DENODO_HOME>/bin/encrypt_password
and provide the password of this user account in PostgreSQL. The argument for --password
is encrypted:
followed by the result of this script.
Note that Scheduler will store this password encrypted regardless of if you pass it encrypted to this script or not.
Example 2:
Configure the external metadata database in a MySQL database.
change_database_settings --adapter mysql
--version 5
--classPath "mysql-5"
--externalDriver "/my-drivers/mysql5"
--databaseUri "jdbc:mysql://mysql-db:3306/schedcatalog"
--driver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
--user "denodo_user"
--password "encrypted:passwordEncrypted"
In this example, we use parameter --externalDriver
indicating an external location to Denodo where the MySQL driver
is present. The script will use that location for loading the driver and opening the connection. Also, the driver will
be copied to internal Denodo class path location indicated by parameter --classPath
, allowing the server to load
the driver when Scheduler is started.
Note that --externalDriver
parameter value can be a file or a directory. In this case, all files present at the directory
are used to load the driver.
Finally, the password (parameter --password
) is encrypted. To encrypt this password, execute the
script <DENODO_HOME>/bin/encrypt_password
and provide the password of this user account in MySQL. The
argument for --password
is encrypted:
followed by the result of this script.
Note that Scheduler will store this password encrypted regardless of if you pass it encrypted to this script or not.