License Usages Table¶
The Denodo servers (Virtual DataPort, Scheduler, etc.) request a license to the License Manager when they start. In addition, periodically, they send a request to the License Manager to check that this license is still valid.
To monitor the license requests, open the License Usage dialog. To do this, click the menu Licenses > License Usages.

License usages dialog¶
The table License Usages displays the historical information about license requests sent by the Virtual DataPort, Scheduler and Data Catalog servers. This table does not list the license requests sent by other components of the Denodo Platform.
Each row represents a license usage of a Virtual DataPort, Scheduler or Data Catalog server. A new row is added every time each one of these servers starts.
In general, during the execution of these servers, license renewal requests are made periodically and if the license does not change and is still valid, then the row is updated.
A license usage ends in the following situations, indicating the reason in the column End Reason:
The server shuts down.
The server cannot renew the license during the grace period and the license expires.
The License Manager received a request to free the license assigned to that server (see Free License Usage for more details).
The license expired or is invalid.
The license has changed. In this case, a new row is added with the new license (you can see in install a new license how to change the license).
The maximum number of cores/processors defined by the license was exceeded.
The maximum number of servers defined by the license was exceeded.
The server is restarted. In this case, the previous active row is ended and a new row is added.
A cloud server does not exist anymore.
A cloud server was terminated by Solution Manager server, usually in order to be replaced with a new one.
Let us see an example: at first, the server dev server 3 gets a valid license. After 6 minutes, the server tries to renew its license, but the License Manager denies the request. At this point, the license usage becomes inactive and a new row is created with error status. The server tries to get a valid license again. This time the License Manager grants a valid license, so a third license usage appears in the table with active status.
The License Usages table has these columns:
Status: license status. The possible values are:
Active. The license granted to the server is valid.
In grace period. The renewal request has not been received yet. If the grace period expires without receiving the server request, this license usage will change to inactive.
Error. License Manager denied a license request or a license renewal. This could happen, for example, when the host where the Virtual DataPort server runs has 16 cores but the license only allows 8.
Inactive. The license usage is no longer active due to one of the following reasons:
The server was shut down.
The license renewal request was not received in the License Manager and the grace period expired.
The license renewal was denied due to a license constraint. In this case, an additional row is shown in the table describing the cause of the rejection.
The License Manager sent a new license on a renewal request, due to the global license was updated or the license scenario of the environment has changed. In this case, a new license usage of the same server is added to the table.
The License Manager granted a new license on renewal¶
Server. The server that requested the license.
Server Type. The type of the server that requested the license.
License Scenario. The license scenario applicable to the server during the license usage.
License Info. Click the button
to see the license applicable to the server.
First Request Time. Date of the initial license request.
Last Request Time. Date of the last update of the license usage due to a license request by the server.
End Request Time. Date when the license usage ends due to a license request generated a new license usage. As explained before, this happens when the license changed, when it is no longer valid or when it becomes valid again. This value is empty on active license usages.
Duration. For active license usages, it is the time elapsed between the First Request Time and the Last Request Time values. For the inactive ones, it is the time elapsed between the First Request Time and the End Request Time values.
End Reason. Cause for terminating a license usage. It is only applicable to inactive or error license usages. The possible values of this column are:
The server was shutdown.
The server was rebooted.
The License Manager did not receive a request to renew the license while the server was in the grace period.
The communication between the License Manager and the server requesting the license failed.
The license expired.
The maximum number of cores allowed by the license was exceeded.
The maximum number of servers defined by the license was exceeded.
The License Manager could not validate a license scenario included in the global license file.
A new license was installed.
The license usage was released manually (see Free License Usage
A cloud server does not exist anymore.
A cloud server was terminated by Solution Manager server. This usually happens during a recreation process or when a server is deleted.
Processors: number of cores/processors used by the server.
This table is not refreshed automatically. Click the button to refresh it.