Only global administrators, monitor administrators (users with the role monitor_admin
and users with the privilege Monitor for this environment can execute monitoring operations.
More information is available in the Authorization section.
Before using this feature, configure the installations of the Denodo Platform to communicate with the Denodo Security Token Server.
With the Solution Manager you can launch the Denodo Monitor to collect the execution logs from a single Virtual DataPort server, or from all the servers of a cluster or environment. Apart from general monitoring purposes this information is also useful for financial monitoring and to generate summary recommendations for Smart Query Acceleration.
You can configure monitorings by using a global monitoring configuration for all the environments or an specific monitoring configuration for the environment. Notice that the monitoring configuration allows only environment granularity. See section Monitoring configuration for further detail.
To monitor an environment, a cluster or a server, click on that element and then, click Start Monitor. The elements that are being monitored are marked with an “eye” icon next to the name of the element.
Environments are automatically monitored when launched from Solution Manager accessed from Agora.

Start Denodo Monitor for an environment¶
To stop the Denodo Monitor on an environment, cluster or server, click on that element and click Stop Monitor.
Take the following into account:
If a server is being monitored, you cannot begin monitoring its cluster or environment.
If a cluster is being monitored, you cannot begin monitoring its environment or one of its servers.
If an environment is being monitored, you cannot begin monitoring one of its clusters or servers.
The list of servers of a monitored cluster or environment can change while the monitoring is running. For instance, the user can add or remove a server, or an environment in automated cloud mode can adjust the number of servers due to the autoscaling. The Denodo Monitor is aware of changes in the catalog of the Solution Manager and will automatically update the list of monitored servers accordingly.
If a monitored cluster in automated cloud mode is stopped, the Denodo Monitor will be suspended. It will resume as soon as the cluster is started again.
If a monitored environment, cluster or server is removed, the Denodo Monitor will be stopped. This is specially relevant when you are monitoring a server that belongs to an environment in automated cloud mode. On that scenario, operations like restart the cluster, perform a deployment, install an update, etc. rely on removing the current servers and adding new ones.
To see the list of elements that are being monitored, click the menu Monitoring > Active Monitoring.
This menu is disabled when accessing Solution Manager from Agora since all environments will automatically be monitored.

Active monitoring table¶
Each row of this table is an element that is being monitored. If the element is a cluster or an environment, the Denodo Monitor will connect to all the servers of that cluster or environment.
To stop monitoring a server, click or
select several rows and click Stop Monitors.
By default, when you shut down the Solution Manager server, the Denodo Monitor keeps running. Leaving the Denodo Monitor running is useful to keep a history of the activity of the Denodo servers. For example, to log all the queries that all the Virtual DataPort servers of the organization run.
When Solution Manager starts, it does not start automatically the Denodo Monitor processes killed or stopped when the Solution Manager server was stopped. Thus, if the Solution Manager host is restarted, the Denodo Monitor processes will not restart automatically. This behavior may be changed if the property Autostart active monitors is active. Find more information in the page global monitoring configuration
Nevertheless, you can configure that when you shut down the Solution Manager, it automatically shuts down the Denodo Monitor. To do this, follow these steps:
Stop the Solution Manager.
Edit the file
.Set this property to
If this property is set to
note that you have to stop the Denodo Monitors manually before installing a new Solution Manager update in order to avoid undesirable errors.Start the Solution Manager.
After this change, the next time you shut down the Solution Manager, the Denodo Monitor will shut down too. When you start the Solution Manager again, you will have to start manually the monitors you started before the restart.
The Denodo Monitor generates the log files in the folder <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/work
Log files of environments:
Log files of clusters:
Log files of servers:
For example, if you monitor the “Production” environment, the logs
are in the folder <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/resources/solution-manager-monitor/work/Production/logs
To store these log files on a different directory, change the value of the property com.denodo.solutionmanagerserver.monitoring.workDir
in the file <SOLUTION_MANAGER_HOME>/conf/solution-manager/
. Restart the Solution Manager server to apply the changes.
Monitoring Configuration¶
Solution Manager allows to graphically configure the most common monitoring parameters: list of monitors, JDBC appenders and cloud storage appenders. You can configure a global monitoring configuration to be used as default for every environment or a per environment monitoring configuration which overrides the default one.
The rest of monitoring parameters are defined with default values in the Solution Manager templates. Remember that, in general, you should not edit these files. However, in case you might need it there is a description in the Configuration Files of the Monitoring in Solution Manager appendix.
Solution Manager generates a configuration file for each monitoring execution based on the persisted per environment monitoring configuration or global monitoring configuration and the default values on the template files.
The generated file is called
and it is stored in the conf
folder, in the working folder of the monitored element. Besides this properties file with the parameters for the Denodo Monitor application, Solution Manager might also store in this folder other files that are referenced in the generated properties file (like the kerberos configuration or keytab files).
Monitoring Virtual DataPort Servers Running Behind a Load Balancer¶
When the Denodo Monitor needs to monitor a cluster of Virtual DataPort servers, you have to add a configuration property to these Virtual DataPort servers if all these conditions are met:
The connection from the Solution Manager (Denodo Monitor) to these Virtual DataPort servers goes through a load balancer.
These Virtual DataPort servers have SSL enabled.
These servers have the property
set to the load balancer hostname. To obtain the value of this property, execute this on each server:SELECT property_value FROM get_parameter() WHERE input_property_name = 'com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.VDBManagerImpl.registryURL';
If all these conditions are met, on each Virtual DataPort server, log in as administrator and execute the following command:
-- Restart Virtual DataPort to apply the change to this property -- Important: the value of this property has to be different on each server of the cluser (see below) SET 'com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.VDBManagerImpl.jmx.port' = '<jmx_port>';
The load balancer DNS must resolve to any valid local IP address inside the Virtual DataPort servers behind it. Otherwise, the Virtual DataPort servers will not be able to register the JMX connectors.
The value of <jmx_port>
must be a valid port number that meets the following rules:
It has to be a new free port in the Virtual DataPort server host.
In the same way as the
, this port has to be open in the firewall rules.On each Virtual DataPort server of the cluster, the value of this property has to be different (i.e. each node of the cluster listens on a different port for the incoming connections of the Denodo Monitor).
The load balancer has to forward the new port to the corresponding nodes.