Create Revisions from Compare Environments Wizard¶
The Solution Manager allows you to compare the metadata of two environments, to help identify what changes are required in the target environment. This way we ensure that the revisions being created have all the necessary elements to function correctly in the target environment, avoiding situations in which some necessary dependencies are missing or are in a state incompatible with the new elements.
To compare the metadata of two environments from compare environments wizard, click the menu Environments > Compare environments.
A new tab opens, which looks like the picture below:

Dialog to compare the metadata of two environments¶
In this tab you can select the VDP and Scheduler servers of both source and target environments, whose metadata is going to be compared.
This tab is separated in two sections. In the Source Environment section you can select the following options:
Environment: Name of the source environment.
Virtual DataPort server: Server in the catalog that will be the source for the Virtual DataPort elements on the source environment.
Scheduler server: Server in the catalog that will be the source for the Scheduler jobs on the source environment. This field is optional.
In the Target Environment section you can select the following options:
Environment: Name of the target environment.
Virtual DataPort server: Server in the catalog that will be the source for the Virtual DataPort elements on the target environment.
Scheduler server: Server in the catalog that will be the source for the Scheduler jobs on the target environment. This field is optional.
Compare Environments Wizard¶
Once you selected a Virtual DataPort server and optionally a Scheduler server for both source and target environments, the compare environments wizard will be shown, composed of two trees.
In both trees the differences will be show through the background color of the element, as follows:
The elements that are shown in both trees with a transparent background are elements that are found in both source and target environments.
The elements appearing in both trees with an orange background are elements that are present in the target environment but not in the source, so they are candidates to be removed in the target environment.
The elements appearing in both trees with a green background are elements that are present in the source environment but not in the target, so they are candidates to be added in the target environment.
The elements appearing in both trees with a purple background are elements that are present in both environments but have internal differences.
In addition, a summary of the number of differences found between the two environments will be displayed on the bottom margin.

Compare environments wizard¶
Internal Differences¶
For those user-defined stored procedures, views and web services that are present in both environments but are not identical, you can check their internal differences. These elements will be displayed with a purple background and a drop-down.
When opening the drop-down, the details of the fields of the element will be shown, indicating with the color code described above the differences that make the element not identical in both environments.

Internal differences of a view¶
Revision Candidate Elements¶
You can select from the Target elements all the elements and jobs that the revision or revisions will include. The candidate elements that you can select are the same as those described in section Revision Candidate Elements.
Creating Revisions from Compare Environments Wizard¶
To create revisions, you need at least the privilege Connect over source environment or have one of these roles: global administrator, promotion administrator or promotion user. More information is available in the Authorization section.
Once you have selected elements from the Target elements tree, the save button will be enabled and by clicking on it you will be able to create one or two revisions. The revision(s) that will be created will depend on the elements you have selected.
If you have selected candidate elements to be added (green background) or modified (violet background) in the target environment or elements that are present in both environments (transparent background), a CREATE revision will be created. This way, when you click on the save button, a new tab opens where you can configure the name and (optionally) the description of the CREATE revision to be created.
If you have selected candidate elements to be removed (orange background) in the target environment, a DROP revision will be created. This way, when you click on the save button, a new tab opens where you can configure the name and (optionally) the description of the DROP revision to be created.
If you have selected candidate elements to be added or modified in the target environment or elements that are present in both environments, and candidate elements to be removed in the target environment, two revisions will be created, which will be associated since their creation.
A CREATE revision will be created with the candidate elements to be added or modified or the elements that are present in both environments.
A DROP revision will be created with the candidate elements to be removed.
This way, when you click on the save button, a new tab opens where you can configure the name and (optionally) the description of both the CREATE revision and the DROP revision.