Data Sources That Support Merge Data

The following list show the databases for which Virtual DataPort provides support for the INSERT INTO view ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE <SELECT QUERY> command and for preloading the cache of a view using the parameter 'cache_invalidate' = 'matching_pk' (see Incremental Cache Loads Updating the Existing Cached Data for more info):

  • Amazon Redshift

  • Azure SQL

  • Azure Synapse SQL (aka Azure SQL Data Warehouse)

  • DB2 9, DB2 9 for z/OS, DB2 10, DB2 10 for z/OS, DB2 11 and DB2 11 for z/OS

  • Derby 10

  • Google BigQuery

  • Impala 3.x Kudu

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and Microsoft SQL Server 2017

  • MySQL 5

  • Netezza 5.0, Netezza 6.0 and Netezza 7.0

  • Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, Oracle TimesTen 11g, Oracle 12c, Oracle 18c and Oracle 19c

  • PostgreSQL 9, PostgreSQL 10, PostgreSQL 11 and PostgreSQL 12

  • SAP HANA 1 and SAP HANA 2

  • Snowflake (bulk data load must be enabled)

  • Spark SQL 2.x Databricks (only for Delta tables)

  • Teradata 15, Teradata 16 and Teradata 17

  • Vertica 7 and Vertica 9


Impala 3.x Kudu requires to use an Impala JDBC driver version 2.6 or newer. Virtual DataPort will display the following error enabling the cache of a view when the data source uses an older version of the Impala JDBC driver:

IllegalArgumentException: table owner must not be null or empty), Query: CREATE TABLE c_v165564992760190038174463474 (field1 INT, rowStatus STRING, expirationDate BIGINT , PRIMARY KEY (field1, rowStatus)) STORED AS KUDU
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