Execution Trace Information¶
When executing a query using Design Studio, you can see a graphical representation of the execution trace of the query, by clicking the button View execution trace.
The following tables explain the meaning of the information provided by the trace:
Icons of the execution trace and their meaning provides the meaning of the icons displayed in the execution trace.
Color code of the nodes of the execution trace provides the meaning of the color of the trace’s nodes.
Values of the “State” attribute of the nodes of a query’s execution trace lists the possible values of the attribute “State” of the trace’s nodes.
Icon |
Meaning |
Flatten |
Group By |
Interface |
Intersection |
Join |
Minus |
Projection |
Selection |
Subquery |
Standard Union and Extended Union |
Void. This branch of the execution plan has not been executed. |
Intermediate results were swapped to disk |
Data was obtained from the cache of the view. |
The node has additional information such as:
Route plan |
Virtual Plan: node that appears in the execution trace when the execution of a derived view is entirely pushed down to the data source. |
Root node of |
Data Movement. It indicates that the data obtained from a view has been “temporary” inserted into another data source. The section Data Movement explains the Data Movement optimization. |
JDBC data source and base view |
ODBC data source and base view |
Multidimensional data source |
Web service data source (SOAP) |
XML data source |
JSON data source |
DF data source |
LDAP data source |
BAPI data source (SAP ERP) |
Custom data source (Custom wrapper) |
Stored procedure |

Color code of the nodes of the execution trace¶
The following table lists the possible values of the attribute “State” of the nodes of a query’s execution trace.
State |
Meaning |
The query has started, but the node has not begun processing any result. |
The node is currently processing results generated by the nodes below. |
The execution was cancelled by the user. |
OK |
The execution of the node finished correctly. |
There was an error during the execution of the query. |
The Server requested a thread to the Threads Pool, but the timeout was reached before obtaining one. You can increase the timeout of the threads in the “Thread Pool” dialog of the “Administration > Server configuration” menu. |
The Server has reached the maximum number of threads. You can increase the maximum number of threads in the “Thread Pool” dialog of the “Administration > Server configuration” menu. |
There was an error while parsing the input data. E.g., the query involves a JSON base view and the input JSON document is not well formed. |
The connection details of the data source are not valid. |
There was an error while trying to connect with the source. E.g., the view queries a Web service base view and the Web service server cannot be reached. |
The query reached the timeout. All the client applications of Virtual DataPort establish a timeout for the queries. That applies to clients that connect to Virtual DataPort via JDBC and ODBC, Design Studio and to the Administration Tool. To change the query timeout of Design Studio, go to the Preferences page of Design Studio (see Design Studio Preferences - Connection Options ). To change the query timeout of the Administration Tool, open the “Connection” tab of the “Tools > Admin Tool preferences” menu. Read the sections “Access through JDBC” and “Access through ODBC” of the Developer Guide to know how to change the query timeout of JDBC or ODBC clients. |
The query reached the timeout set by the current license of the Denodo Platform. |
The execution finished correctly but
not all the rows of the result set
have been returned. That is because
the query contains the |
The node was stopped because no more rows from this node were needed to complete the request. |
The query failed because the query involves an interface view that does not have an implementation view assigned. |
The node was not executed because the simplification engine detected that the selected query will not return results |
The cache load process finished with error |
If you are executing queries using the Embedded MPP, some elements of the execution trace can vary. See more at Embedded MPP Extended Execution Trace.