JDBC Sources

This section explains how to create JDBC data sources and later, create base views over them. You will query these base views in order to retrieve data from these data sources. It covers the following topics:

Preparing the Connection to the Database

Before creating a JDBC data source, do this:

  1. Check if the Denodo Platform includes the JDBC driver to connect to this database. If not, another user may have imported it and you do not need to do it again.

    The appendix Supported JDBC Data Sources of the Administration Guide lists the databases supported and if its driver is included or not.

    If the driver is not included, once you obtain it, use the Extensions management wizard of Design Studio to upload the jar files of the driver. The page Importing a JDBC Driver explains how to do it.

  2. Obtain a service account with at least READ privileges over the tables and views that you want to query. This user account will be used at least, while importing these elements into Virtual DataPort.

  3. If this database is going to be a target of a Data Movement, this account also requires the privilege to create and delete tables, and execute INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements on these tables.

Importing JDBC Sources

To create a data source that retrieves data from a JDBC source, right-click on a database of the Server Explorer and click New > Data source > JDBC.

The Tool will display the dialog to create the data source.

“Connection” tab

JDBC data source: “Connection” tab

JDBC data source: “Connection” tab

  • Name. Name of the new data source in Virtual DataPort. In our example, we will use the name phone_ds for the data source of the telephone service table. And internet_ds for the data source of the Internet service incidents table.

  • Database adapter. Adapter used to connect to the database. Virtual DataPort provides adapters to connect to Database Management Systems (DBMS). Each adapter knows the capabilities supported by the database: what operators and functions the database has, what clauses it supports, etc.

    The appendix Supported JDBC Data Sources lists the databases for which Virtual DataPort provides a specific JDBC adapter, and for which ones the Denodo installation includes the JDBC driver.

  • Driver class path. Leave the default option unless you selected the adapter Generic.

    After you enter all the parameters on this dialog, click Test connection. If you see a message like The Denodo Platform does not include the JDBC driver for this adapter, you have to upload the jar files of the JDBC driver to Virtual DataPort, from the wizard of the menu File > Extensions management. The section Importing a JDBC Driver explains how to this.

  • Driver class. Leave the default value unless you selected the adapter Generic. This is the Java class name of the JDBC driver. For example, for MySQL databases the value is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.

  • Database URI. Access URI to the database. In our example, we assume that both tables of incidents are stored in the database incidents_center of a MySQL server located in the machine “acme”. So, the URI is jdbc:mysql://acme/incidents_center.

  • Authentication. The options are:

    • Use login and password. The data source will connect to the database using the login and password you enter.

    • Use Kerberos. The data source will connect to the database using Kerberos. Read the section Connecting to a JDBC Source with Kerberos Authentication for more information about this.

    • Use OAuth. The data source will connect to the database using OAuth. Read the section Connecting to a JDBC Source with OAuth Authentication for more information about this.

    • Use Pass-through session credentials. If selected, when a client queries a view that uses this data source, the Virtual DataPort server will use the credentials of the user to connect to this database. The behavior changes depending on the authentication method used to connect to the Server:

      • If the client connects to the Virtual DataPort server using Kerberos authentication, the Server will request a Kerberos ticket to connect to the database on behalf of this user. Note that for this option to work, the database must also support Kerberos authentication.


      The queries involving this data source could fail if you enable pass-through session credentials, and on the Active Directory, the user account of the Virtual DataPort server is configured to use constrained delegation, and the user connects to the Server with Kerberos authentication. The section Connecting to a JDBC Source with Kerberos Authentication provides more details about this.

      • If the client connects to the Virtual DataPort server using OAuth authentication, the server will request an access token to connect to the database on behalf of this user. Note that for this option to work, the database must also support OAuth authentication.


      To determine how Virtual DataPort server will request the new access token you will need to select an OAuth pass-through strategy. The section Connecting to a JDBC Source with OAuth Authentication provides more details about this.

      • If the client connects to the Virtual DataPort server using login and password, the Server will use this login and password to connect to the database.

        If the database only supports Kerberos authentication, select the Requires Kerberos authentication requirement option and the Server will use the login and password to obtain a Kerberos ticket to connect to the database.

        If the database only supports OAuth authentication, select the Requires OAuth authentication requirement option and the Server will use the login and password to obtain a access token to connect to the database.

      When the data source is created with this option, the Server creates a pool of connections for each new user that runs a query involving this data source. Initially, these pools only have one connection to prevent the creation of many connections. The maximum number of connections for each one of these pools is the value of the field “Maximum number of active connections” of the connection pool. See information about the Connections Pool Configuration dialog below.


      Be careful when enabling the cache on views that involve data sources with pass-through credentials enabled. The appendix Considerations When Configuring Data Sources with Pass-Through Credentials explains the issues that may arise.


      If the database is Oracle, consider enabling the option Use Oracle Proxy authentication instead of Pass-through session credentials because it will potentially reduce the number of connections opened to Oracle. The section How Oracle Proxy Authentication Works explains how this feature works.

    • Use AWS IAM Credentials (only for Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift). The data source will connect to the database using these AWS IAM credentials. There are two ways to configure the credentials:

      1. Specifying the AWS access key ID and the AWS secret access key. Optionally, you can enter the AWS IAM role ARN. The AWS user will assume the role to get the necessary privileges to connect to the data source. The role ARN is the Amazon Resource Name of the IAM role you want to assume. Specify the role ARN like arn:aws:iam::<awsAccountId>:role/<roleName>.

      2. Or automatically obtain the credentials of the database from the AWS instance where this Virtual DataPort server is running. To do this, leave the fields AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key empty. Optionally, you can also specify an AWS IAM role ARN to get the necessary privileges to connect to the database.


      Authentication method should be “Denodo AWS Instance Credentials” and also enter the database user name. For example, in the case of Amazon Redshift, this is the Redshift user name you are connecting to and the connection will have the permissions of this user, instead of selecting the option “Use AWS IAM Credentials”

      For Amazon Redshift, you can also enter the Database user. This is the Redshift user name you are connecting as. The connection will have the permissions of this user.

      The AWS IAM user or role needs the following privileges to connect to the database:

    • Service-based OAuth Authentication (only for Google BigQuery). The data source will connect to the database using a Google Service Account.

      To use this type of authentication, obtain the “service account file” of your BigQuery account. This is a JSON file that contains the private key of your account.

      Enter the Project name and Account email of your BigQuery project. Click Browse next to Private key to upload the “service account file”.

    • Credentials vault. These authentications will connect to the database with the credentials obtained from the Credentials Vault. It will use the authentication method you selected (login/password, Kerberos or AWS IAM Credentials). There are two types of configurations for these authentications:

      1. Single secret. When the Credentials Vault used stores credentials at a single secret (i.e. CyberArk or AWS Secrets Manager). If you select this, enter the Account name that this account has in the credentials vault.

        JDBC data source: “Credentials from password vault using single secret”

        JDBC data source: “Credentials from password vault using single secret”

      2. One secret per field. When the Credentials Vault used stores each credential at a different secret (i.e. Azure Key Vault). If you select this, configure each field indicating if its value comes from the Credentials Vault and put its secret name or value depending on the case.

        • From vault. Indicates if the field is retrieved from the Credentials Vault. If you select this, enter the secret name that this field has in the credentials vault.

        JDBC data source: “Credentials from password vault using one secret per field”

        JDBC data source: “Credentials from password vault using one secret per field”

    Credentials vault allows override the configuration of the server using an specific configuration using the link Data Source credentials vault showed in the next figure:

    Click the link and clear the default option to specify configuration for this data source. This allows override configuration for CyberArk and HashiCorp (see Credentials Vault):

    • HashiCorp allows override the next configuration:

    JDBC data source: “Edit HashiCorp configuration”
    • CyberArk allows override the next configuration:

    JDBC data source: “Edit CyberArk configuration”

    The feature “pass-through session credentials” is only for queries. You have to provide the credentials that the Server will use to connect to the database during the introspection process (i.e. to display the tables/views of the database in the “Create base view” wizard of the data source). That is why, when you select this authentication method, the check box “Use other type of authentication to create base view” is automatically selected and cannot be cleared.

    If you created the data source with this option, but you want to query a view of this data source with other credentials than the ones you used to connect to the Server, add the parameters USERNAME and PASSWORD to the CONTEXT of the query. These two parameters are only taken into account when the data source has been created with the option Pass-through session credentials enabled.

    For example, if view1 has been created over a JDBC data source with this option enabled and you execute

    SELECT *
    FROM view1
        USERNAME = 'admin'
      , PASSWORD = 'd4GvpKA5BiwoGUFrnH92DNq5TTNKWw58I86PVH2tQIs/q1RH9CkCoJj57NnQUlmvgvvVnBvlaH8NFSDM0x5fWCJiAvyia70oxiUWbToKkHl3ztgH1hZLcQiqkpXT/oYd' ENCRYPTED)

    the Server will connect to the data source of the view with the username “admin” and the password “password”, ignoring the credentials that you used to connect to the Server.

    It is mandatory to add the token ENCRYPTED and enter the password encrypted. To encrypt the password, use the statement ENCRYPT_PASSWORD. For example:

    ENCRYPT_PASSWORD 'my_secret_password';
  • Use other type of authentication to create base views. Select if you want to use a different authentication method to connect to the database during the introspection process (i.e. to display the tables/views of the database in the “Create base view” wizard of the data source).

  • Use Oracle Proxy Authentication (only with the Oracle adapters). Select to use the feature “proxy authentication” of Oracle. The section How Oracle Proxy Authentication Works explains how this feature works.

    This option does not affect introspection. I.e. When you click Create base view, the data source will use the credentials of the data source to connect to the database and list the views, not the user name of the current user.

  • Transaction isolation. Isolation level of the transactions and queries executed in the database of this data source. The available options are:

    • Database default. The Server uses the default isolation level of the database.

    • No transactions. Disables transaction support.

    • Read uncommitted. A transaction can read data that is not committed (dirty reads). For example, a transaction A inserts a row in a view, transaction B reads the new row and then, transaction A rollbacks.

    • Read committed. The database keeps write locks until the end of the transaction so a transaction can read only committed data and dirty reads cannot occur. However, the database releases read locks as soon as the SELECT operation ends, so the same SELECT query may return different results in the same transaction (non-repeatable reads).

      For example, transaction A reads a row and transaction B changes this row. If transaction A reads this row again, it will obtain different values.

    • Repeatable read. The database keeps read and write locks until the end of the transaction. Therefore, it avoids dirty reads and non-repeatable reads. However, this isolation level does not avoid phantom reads. This problem occurs when one transaction executes a query over a range of rows using a condition, while another transaction can simultaneously insert a row in the same range.

    • Serializable. This is the highest isolation level and avoids dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads by locking range of rows or the entire tables.

  • If Test Connection is selected, the Server tries to connect to the source to verify that it can be accessed.

Optionally, you can set the driver properties of the connection. To do this, click Driver properties. This dialog shows all the properties supported by the driver with its default value. Some drivers also provide a description for each property and the values allowed for the property; the dialog displays this in the tooltip.

To restore the default value of a property:

  • In Design Studio, click the “restore” button, next to the value.

  • In the Administration Tool, clear the value.

In the value of a property, you can enter:

  1. A literal: the value is passed to the JDBC driver “as is”.

  2. Or an expression (i.e. a VQL expression): at runtime - when the data source opens a connection to the database - the data source will evaluate this expression before passing it to the driver. This expression can include interpolation variables. For example, if you enter the value getvar('options'), the data source will obtain this variable from the context of the query (see ways of defining additional variables in the context).

JDBC data source: “Driver properties” dialog

JDBC data source: “Driver properties” dialog

Initial SQL Statements

In the configuration of the data source, you can specify SQL statements that the data source will execute before executing the actual queries. That is, every time the execution engine executes a query in this data source, said data source executes the initial SQL statements of this data source, right before the actual query. The data source executes these initial statements on the same connections as the actual query.

This is useful to initialize session attributes in the database.

To define the initial SQL statements, click Initial SQL sentences in the configuration of the data source and enter the statements. These statements may contain interpolation variables (e.g. @VARIABLE_NAME) that at runtime, will be replaced with the variable values available in the context of the query.

If the execution context does not contain the value for all the variables referenced in these statements, none of the statements will be executed.

The execution engine automatically defines the following interpolation variables in the execution context of the queries:

Variables defined by default in the context of the queries


Username (in Virtual DataPort) that executes the query.


Id of the current query.


Database of Virtual DataPort that the current session is connected to.


Id of the current session.


User agent of the client that executed the query.


Interface from which the connection was opened (Design Studio, a JDBC application, etc.) (see the possible values in Values of the Attribute “Access Interface”).


IP address of the client that executed the query.


(only for when Virtual DataPort received the query from Data Catalog, Design Studio, SOAP, REST and the global RESTful web services): if the service has been deployed in the web container embedded in Denodo, this will be the same IP address of the Virtual DataPort server. Otherwise, it is the IP address of the JEE container where the service is deployed.


IP address of this Virtual DataPort server. If the server is restricted to one IP, it returns that IP. If server is not restricted, then return one of the IP addresses where the server is listening.


Comma-separated list of the IP address of the network interfaces in which Virtual DataPort listens to connections.


Hostname of the Virtual DataPort server.


(only for Kerberos users or users authenticated through LDAP): User principal name of the user stored in the LDAP server.

There are several ways of defining additional variables in the context of the queries:

  1. Using the function SETVAR.

  2. Using the Resource Manager. The page Defining a Plan explains how to define a “plan” with a “restriction” that adds variables to the context of the query.

  3. Add them to the CONTEXT clause of the query. For example

    SELECT *
    FROM customer360
    CONTEXT('var ds_jdbc_accelerator' = '1')

If two or more ways of defining variables are being used, the order above will be the order of priority to replace the variable.

You can reference these custom variables in these SQL statements.


In addition to the predefined variables listed above and the custom variables that users can add to the context as explained before, you can use any session attribute that is defined on the server authentication section. See section Server Authentication to learn how to map user attributes to session attributes.

Connection Pool

In order to optimize the connections to the databases, by default Virtual DataPort creates one pool of connections to the database of each data source (one pool per JDBC data source). The benefit of having this pool is that, instead of opening a new connection every time it has to send a query to this database, the connection is already opened. This improves the response time of the queries.

See more about information about this connection pool in the section The Pool of Connections of the JDBC Data Sources of the VQL Guide, including:

  • Information about settings of the pool that can only be modified with VQL statements, not graphically.

  • Options you should enable when there is a firewall between the host where the Denodo server runs and the database.

Open the Connections Pool Configuration dialog to configure several parameters of the connections pool that Virtual DataPort will use to optimize access to the external database:

  • Initial Size: number of connections with which the pool is to be initialized. A number of connections are established and created in “idle” state, ready to be used.


    When the data source is created with “Pass-through session credentials” enabled, the value entered in this field is ignored. The Server will create one pool of connections for each user account that connects to this database and initially, these pools will only have one connection instead of “Initial size” connections, in order to prevent creating too many unnecessary connections.

  • Maximum number of active connections: maximum number of active connections to this database that the pool will open. Once this limit is reached, the next request that involves sending a query to this database will have to wait until another query finishes.

    • Enter -1 to remove the limit of maximum number of active connections to this data source. There will not be a limit on the number of connections that the pool creates.

    • Enter 0 to disable the pool.

  • Ping Query: SQL query executed over the connections returned by the pool of connections to verify that the connection returned is still valid and not stale.

  • Test Connection: if this check box is selected and there is a specified ping query, each connection retrieved from the connection pool will be validated by executing the ping query.


    The connections will only be validated if the field “Ping query” contains a query. Otherwise, they will not even if this check box is selected.


In production environments, we strongly recommend selecting the Test connection check box and defining a Ping query.

“Read & Write” Tab

JDBC data source: “Read & Write” tab

JDBC data source: “Read & Write” tab

  • Fetch size (rows): it gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed. This parameter is just a hint and some drivers ignore it.

  • Stream tuples (only with the MySQL adapters): if selected, when querying a view of this data source, MySQL will stream the results to the Server one row at a time. Otherwise, MySQL does not send the results of the query to the Virtual DataPort server until the query finishes.

    Select this check box if you plan to execute queries over this data source that may return large data sets, which may not fit in the heap space of the Server’s Java Virtual Machine. If this is not the case, clear this check box because it will probably result in faster execution times.

  • Ignore trailing spaces: if selected, the Server removes the space characters at the end of text type values of the results returned by this data source’s views.

  • Delimiter identifier (optional) (only with the adapter Generic): with the adapter Generic, in the queries sent to the database, the character to surround identifiers is " (double quote) by default. To use a different character, enter it in this box.

  • End delimiter identifier (optional) (only with the adapter Generic): with the adapter Generic, in the queries sent to the database, the character to surround identifiers is " (double quote) by default. To use an end different character, enter it in this box. If this box is empty and a character is used in the box Delimiter identifier, the Delimiter identifier is used for the begin and the end.

  • Batch insert size (rows): when this data source is the target of a Data Movement, the Server inserts data obtained from another data source into this one. To speed up the data movement, the INSERT statements are executed in batches. The value of this property is the number of INSERT statements in each batch.

    This value is ignored if the value of the source configuration property “Supports batch inserts” is “no” (the default value is “yes”).

    See more about Data Movement in the section Data Movement.

    This property does not affect INSERT requests sent to the base views of this data source because these requests are not executed in batches.

  • UTF-8 data types: when the Server performs a data movement and this data source is the target, the Server creates a table in the database of this data source to store the data obtained from the other data sources. The impact of selecting or clearing this check box depends on the types and subtypes of the fields:

    • For the fields whose subtype is defined, the Server will define the field in the target table with the subtype of the field. For example, if the subtype of a text field is VARCHAR and its size is 200, the Server will define the field as VARCHAR(200).

    • For the fields whose subtype is undefined:

      • If the type of the field is not text, the data type to store them is always the same regardless of whether this check box is selected or not. The Server uses the appropriate type depending on the database used for caching, but for the same database, the type is the same.

      • For the fields of type text whose subtype is undefined, one of this can happen:

        1. If “UTF-8 data types” is selected, the Server will define the field in the target table with a data type that can store all the UTF-8 characters. These data types use more space in the database that regular text data types.

        2. If “UTF-8 data types” is cleared, the Server will define the field as VARCHAR.

    In the “Summary” tab of a view, the tooltip of the “Field type” column displays if the subtype of the field is defined or not: if it just shows a field type (int, text, date, etc.), the subtype is undefined. If the tooltip also has the label “Source type properties”, the subtype of the field is defined.

    The data types capable of storing all the UTF-8 characters use more disk space in the database.

  • Use external tables for data movement (only available for data sources of Netezza databases): if selected, Virtual DataPort will use the Netezza’s “external tables” feature to transfer data into the Netezza database, during data movements.

    This option should be enabled in all Netezza data sources, in both its “Read settings” and “Write settings”.

    The section Data Movement explains what data movements are.

    The section Data Movements From/To Netezza Databases explains the behavior of Virtual DataPort when the target of the data movement is a Netezza database.

  • Use Bulk Data Load APIs (only available for some database adapters): if selected, when this database is the target of a data movement, Virtual DataPort will use the proprietary API of the database to load data onto the database instead of executing INSERT statements.

    The section Bulk Data Load explains how Virtual DataPort uses these APIs.

  • Manage CREATE TABLES templates (only available for some database adapters): Denodo supports SQL command templates to customize the table creation command used for cache, data movement, remote tables, and summary tables. A template is a CREATE TABLE SQL statement with some parameters that Denodo will replace with their values before executing the sentence.

    The section Table Creation Templates Management explains how to manage the table creation.

  • Query optimization settings (only available for some database adapters): the options below control if the query optimizer is allowed to insert data obtained from other data sources into this database to be able to push more operations to this database instead of executing them locally, in the Virtual DataPort server.

    • Do not allow Denodo to create temporary tables in the data source for query optimization: the query optimizer will not move data into this database to execute queries.

    • Allow creating temporary tables, only for the data movement optimization: if selected, the optimizer may select this data source as the destination of data movements.

    • Allow creating temporary tables to allow parallel processing of any operation (only for some parallel databases): if selected, the optimizer may select this data source as the destination of data movements. In addition, it may create temporary tables with data to push down massive parallel operations to this database. If selected, make sure that:

      1. The Virtual DataPort server and the database are in the same network segment to ensure the data is transferred fast between both systems.

      2. You selected the check box Use bulk data load APIs on this data source so the data is inserted as fast as possible into this database.

“Source Configuration” Tab

This tab is only visible when editing a data source, not when creating a new one.

In this tab, you can configure specific behaviors of the data source such as:

  • Which operations are delegated to the database (executed in the database instead of in Virtual DataPort)

  • Which operations this data source has support for.

The section Data Source Configuration Properties explains these properties in more detail.


In most cases, the default value for these options is correct. Therefore, this dialog will only be useful in very specific environments.

JDBC data source: “Source Configuration” tab

JDBC data source: “Source Configuration” tab

Metadata Tab

In the Metadata tab, you can:

  • Set the folder where the data source will be stored.

  • Provide a description.

  • Set the infrastructure information where the data source is deployed. You can set the name of:

    • the infrastructure provider (e.g. on-premise, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, etc.) and

    • the region name. You can type a custom name if the provider name or region is not on the list.

When editing the data source, you can also change its owner by clicking the button image3.

After you enter all the parameters on this dialog, click Test connection. If you see a message like The Denodo Platform does not include the JDBC driver for this adapter, you have to upload the jar files of the JDBC driver to Virtual DataPort, from the wizard of the menu File > Extensions management. The section Importing a JDBC Driver explains how to this.

Database Specific Information

This section contains information you have to take into account when creating a data source to one of the following databases.

Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute

This adapter does not support the operations INSERT, UPDATE nor DELETE.

Amazon Athena and PrestoDB/Trino

Amazon Athena and PrestoDB/Trino do not support comparing numeric fields with text fields because they do not support implicit casting of data types. This limitation occurs if you are comparing a field with a literal, or a field with another field. If you compare two literals, the query is executed correctly. To solve this limitation, cast one of the values to the correct type.

For example, let us say we have the table customer with this schema:

Field Name

Field Type







The following query fails because the field id is a VARCHAR (text) and the value 200 is an integer.

FROM customer
WHERE id < 200;

To make this work, modify the query or the definition of the view so the query delegated to the data source is like:

FROM customer
WHERE CAST(id as integer) < 200;

PrestoDB also supports direct metadata and schema manipulation from Virtual DataPort. For more information, read the documentation of the stored procedures COMPUTE_SOURCE_TABLE_STATS, REFRESH_SOURCE_TABLE_METADATA, CREATE_SCHEMA_ON_SOURCE, DROP_SCHEMA_ON_SOURCE, ROLLBACK_ICEBERG_VIEW_TO_SNAPSHOT and GET_ICEBERG_VIEW_SNAPSHOTS.

Amazon Redshift

In the configuration of the data sources that point to Redshift, we recommend setting the driver property “enableFetchRingBuffer” to “false” and it will be set automatically when a Redshift data source does not enable that property explicitly.

By default, the JDBC Driver of Amazon Redshift (version 2.x) creates a separate thread to fetch queries’ results. By default, each one of these threads can store up to 1 gigabyte of information per query (the maximum size of this buffer is controlled by the driver property “fetchRingBufferSize”).

On concurrent queries, this feature can lead to an OutOfMemoryError in the Virtual DataPort server so we recommend disabling it.

Find more information at Amazon Redshift documentation regarding these driver properties.

Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift STS and S3 AWS Regions

Amazon Redshift and Amazon Athena adapters use the default AWS region us-west-2 for S3 routes defined in the bulk load section and STS connections (when AWS STS Regionalized endpoints is enabled). You can select a different AWS region using the following configuration parameters:

  • For STS connections:

    •<vdb_database_name>.<vdb_data_source_name>: It sets the AWS region of the STS connections to the specific data source <vdb_database_name>.<vdb_data_source_name>

    •<vdb_database_name>: It sets the AWS region of the STS connections for all the Redshift and Athena data sources of the <vdb_database_name> database.

    • It specifies the default AWS region of the STS connections in Denodo.

  • Equivalent properties for S3 connections:




The more specific configuration parameters take precedence over the more general properties. For example, execute the following to set the AWS region us-west-1 as the default in Denodo and us-east-1 only for the data sources located in the database east_db:

SET ''='us-west-1';
SET ''='us-west-1';
SET ''='us-east-1';
SET ''='us-east-1';

Apache Impala

Impala has certain limitations when getting data from complex data types. The result set of an Impala query must always be of type scalar. This means that to access the elements of a complex field, each element must be previously “unpacked”.

In addition Impala uses a different syntax to access data from arrays, which is incompatible with VQL syntax. This makes it not possible to access array data from Denodo.

In order to access the struct data, it is necessary to make sure that the “Delegate compound projection” property is set to true in the Data Source Configuration. To find the meaning of a property, go to the section Data Source Configuration Properties of the Administration Guide.

  • Assuming a table called complex_table, with a field of type struct called struct, made up of the subfields field_text and field_int. If we want to access the data, we must perform the following SELECT statement:

    SELECT struct.field_text , struct.field_int
    FROM complex_table;
  • If you do not “unpack” fields from complex types, a query like the following one will return an error:

    SELECT struct
    FROM complex_table;


One of the biggest advantages of having a Flight SQL connection interface is that you can bypass Arrow data from Access level. When certain conditions are satisfied we can directly return the obtained Arrow from the sources to the Virtual DataPort clients. This eliminates overhead and improves execution times.

The direct access to BigQuery is executed when the following conditions are met:

  1. Connection through Arrow Flight:

    The client must be connected to Virtual DataPort using Arrow Flight interface.

  2. Transaction Free Session:

    There should be no active transaction in the session.

  3. Delegable Query:

    The SQL query or sentence must be completely delegable.

  4. No Compound Data Types:

    The view in use must not include any compound data types.

  5. Cache Loading Query Exclusion:

    The query should not be a cache loading query.

  6. Times and Timestamps precision:

    If there are fields with time, timestamp or timestamptz types present on the query, the precision used for these types is microseconds (default value).

  7. Interval types

    Virtual DataPort assigns text type to fields which have interval type at BigQuery sources. The type of these fields must be manually edited to one of our interval types (intervalyearmonth or intervaldaysecond) for being able to execute correctly a query through Flight SQL interface against the view containing these fields using direct access.

  8. Service-based OAuth Authentication

    The Bigquery JDBC data source is configured with Service-based OAuth Authentication as authentication option.

To disable the direct access to a certain BigQuery data source, execute this command:

-- Replace "<database name>" and "<data source name>" with the actual values.

SET 'com.denodo.vdb.misc.datasource.jdbc.<database name>.<data source name>.bypassResultsEnabled' = 'false';


When direct access is executed against BigQuery, the value set to the property Allow literals as parameters is ignored. The sentences are delegated without parameters.


The access to BigQuery is done through its Storage API, which exposes high throughput data reading for consumers who need to scan large volumes of managed data from their own applications and tools. Note that this BigQuery API has an additional cost.

In case of executing a direct access and AllowLargeResults parameter is specified with 1 value at the Bigquery data source:

  • If parameter LargeResultDataset is not specified, Denodo VirtualDataPort uses as default dataset _denodo.

  • If parameter LargeResultTable is not specified, Denodo VirtualDataPort uses as default table name a value starting with prefix temp_table_ followed by a time mark.


Due to a limitation of the driver provided by Cassandra, the queries with a WHERE condition involving a field of type UUID fail. However, obtaining the values of this type works well (they are processed as text values).


By default, Virtual DataPort always delegates the clause ALLOW FILTERING to the source when it is necessary. There is also the possibility to never include this clause in the delegated query. To do that there is a property that allows changing this behaviour. That property, ‘com.denodo.vdb.delegation.includeAllowFiltering’ is set to true by default.


Elasticsearch has the following limitations:

  • Filtering over GROUP BY results: Elasticsearch does not support queries that have a subquery with a GROUP BY and the outer query projects the fields involved in the GROUP BY.

    For example, let us say you have the view test with these fields:




Lorem ipsum dolor sit


amet, consectetur


adipiscing elit. Nullam



The following query fails:

    SELECT id
    GROUP BY id
WHERE id = 3

Find more information at

  • Aggregation over an empty result set: the aggregation function sum returns 0 instead of null when is applied over a result set without rows.

    For instance, using the table test defined above, the following query returns 0 instead of null:

    SELECT SUM(id)
    FROM TEST WHERE id = 400;

    Find more information at

  • COUNT takes into account null values: in the versions prior to 6.6.0 of Elasticsearch, the aggregation function count(column) takes into account the null values when it should ignore them.

  • Comparing null function results: comparing the result of applying a null value to a function and the operators is null and is not null do not work for scalar functions (in the WHERE clause) and aggregate functions in the HAVING clause.

    For instance, using the table test defined above:

    -- It returns 0 rows but it should return 1
    -- This query returns four rows but it should return three.

    Find more information at

  • Operators:

    • LIKE: this operator works as expected when text field is defined with modifier the "analyzer": "keyword" because field analyzer takes into account the whole text instead each term separately (the behavior by default when defining text fields).

  • Date/time pattern customization: Elasticsearch defines a default pattern for its datetime types (see the column “default pattern” in the table below).

    Patterns for datetime types of Elasticsearch

    Field Type

    Default Pattern

    Property Name








    yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS



    yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS XXX


    date (deprecated)

    yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS


    If your Elasticsearch deployment was configured to use other patterns, configure Virtual DataPort to adapt to these patterns. To do this, open the VQL Shell and execute this command:

    SET '<property>' = '<new value>'

    In this command, replace “<property>” with the value of the column “Property Name” of the table above. This command applies immediately, you do not need to restart.

    For example:

    SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.jdbc.adapter.plugins.ElasticSearchPlugin.TimestampPattern' = 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm';

    See Date and Time Pattern Strings for a reference to generate a suitable pattern.


When the database is IBM DB2 running on AS/400, make sure that the default collation of the database is “binary”. If it is not, go to the Source configuration tab and set the property Supports binary ORDER BY collation to no. If you fail to do this, the queries with a merge join with data coming from this source could return incorrect results. In IBM DB2, support for LIMIT and OFFSET clauses can be enabled or disabled using the DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR. If the source has disabled LIMIT and OFFSET, go to the Source configuration tab and set the property Delegate FETCH as LIMIT clause to no and Delegate OFFSET clause to no.


The default behavior of Informix regarding its conventions about date formats changed in 11.70.FC7W2 and 12.10.xC2, provoking a break backwards compatibility and causes incorrect date pattern delegation.

If your Informix version is greater than or equal 11.70.FC7W2 or 12.10.xC2, for proper date pattern delegation, a configuration parameter must be set.

To set the configuration property, execute the following command:

SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.condition.informix.includeDotBetweenSecondAndFraction' = 'true';

This command applies immediately, you do not need to restart Virtual DataPort.

Azure Synapse SQL

This section is about the database “Azure Synapse SQL”, previously known as “Azure SQL Data Warehouse”. Consider the following information when creating a data source to this database:

  • You need to create a new data source for each database in Azure Synapse SQL. A data source can only query tables/views within the same database of Azure Synapse SQL.

  • INSERT statements can only contain constant literal values in their values expressions. For example, the following statement will fail:

    INSERT INTO table_name(int_column) VALUES (1+1);
  • This source does not support the ESCAPE clause of the operator LIKE. The queries that use it fail.

  • DDL statements (statements that create/modify/delete tables) cannot be executed within a transaction. For example, you cannot create a remote table in this database within a transaction.

  • You cannot change the isolation level of the data source. This database only supports read uncommitted.

Microsoft SQL Server

If you create a JDBC data source with the jTDS adapter and you select the “pass-through session credentials” option, Virtual DataPort will also use the domain of the users to log in to Microsoft SQL Server on their behalf.

If a user that logs in to Virtual DataPort providing her domain (e.g. logs in with user_name@domain) and executes a query that involves this data source, the domain will be used to log in to SQL Server on behalf of this user. If the user does not provide the domain (e.g. logs in with user_name), Virtual DataPort will only use her user name and password. In this case, either indicating the domain is not mandatory or the URL of the data source has to include the domain.

If you add a domain to the URI of the data source and the user logs in with her domain (i.e. indicating the user name as, the domain indicated by the user overrides the one set at the data source.

To use pass-through session credentials with Microsoft SQL Server, it must be configured to use authentication based on login and password instead of Windows authentication.


In the connection URL to Oracle, enter a URL with this format:


With other formats, the bulk data loads to Oracle may fail.

When creating JDBC base views from the wizard of Design Studio, the data source tries to obtain the description of each column from the tables/views you are importing. Then, the data source sets the description of each field of the new base views so these fields have the same description as in the underlying database.

When the database is Oracle and you want to obtain these descriptions, set the value of the driver property remarksReporting to true. Otherwise, the descriptions will not be imported because by default, Oracle does not return them.

If you create a JDBC data source to retrieve data from Oracle and you want this data source to list its synonyms, add the property includeSynonyms with the value true.

If a column of a table or a view in Oracle has the type LONG RAW and in the base view, you set the type of this column to text, edit the data source of this base view and, in the Driver properties dialog, set the property “useFetchSizeWithLongColumn” to “true”. Otherwise, the data source will not be able to retrieve the value.

Right after a JDBC data source opens a connection to Oracle, it executes the following command on that connection:


By doing this, the pattern of datetime values does not depend on the configuration of Oracle. Note that if you create a base view from a SQL query, the conditions of this SQL query over datetime fields have to follow the pattern “YYYY-MM-DD” (<year>-<month>-<day>). E.g. hire_date >= DATE '2018-02-03'.

In Oracle database, a zero length varchar is considered equal to a NULL value. Because of this behaviour, conditions involving zero length varchars can produce different results if they are evaluated in Denodo or pushed down to Oracle. E.g. if you execute a query like


You will see that null value will be returned when delegating it to the Oracle source and blank when Denodo handles it.

How Oracle Proxy Authentication Works

The Oracle JDBC driver provides a featured called proxy authentication, also called N-tier authentication, by which the identity of the client application (the application that connects to Virtual DataPort) is maintained all the way through to the database.

When the option Oracle proxy authentication is enabled on the data source and a client application connects to Virtual DataPort to run a query, this occurs:

  1. The execution engine requests a connection to the pool of connections of the data source. The pool selects a connection.

  2. The pool creates a “proxy session” of “type user” on this active connection, with the user name of the application that opened the connection to Virtual DataPort. The proxy sessions are opened on existing connections, they are not new connections.

  3. The pool returns this connection to the execution engine, which uses it to run a query in Oracle. As the query runs inside a proxy session, it is as if the query was executed on a connection opened by the user connected to Virtual DataPort and not with the service account set in the data source.

  4. When this query finishes, the connection goes back to the pool and the pool closes the proxy session.

For example, let us say you create a data source and in the field Login of the data source you enter “denodo_svc_user” and enable this option. Then, you create the base view “employee” over this data source. Later, the user “scott” connects to Virtual DataPort and queries the base view “employee”. The data source will retrieve a connection from the pool of connections of this data source and in that connection, will create a proxy session with the user name “scott”. The data source will execute the query, retrieve the results, close the proxy session and return the connection to the pool.

This feature works as well if you disable the connections pool of the data source.

This feature only applies to queries. The credentials of the data source are used to connect to the database during the introspection process (i.e. to list the tables/views of the database in the “Create base view” wizard of the data source).

This option is an alternative to using Pass-through session credentials (you cannot configure the data source to use both). The benefit of the proxy session is that the data source only needs to maintain one pool of connections. With Pass-through session credentials, the data source keeps one pool of connections per username that executes a query to a base view of this data source (the pool only opens one connection regardless of the value of Maximum number of active connections).

With proxy authentication, there is a single pool of connections for all the queries of the data source, which increases the reutilization of the connections of the pool and potentially reduces the number of connections opened to Oracle.

If an application connects to Denodo using Kerberos authentication, the username used to open the proxy session depends on the setting Avoid domain name for authorization of the Kerberos settings of the Denodo Server. Let us say that the user scott@CONTOSO.COM connects to Denodo:

  • If Avoid domain name for authorization is selected, the user account for the proxy sessions will be scott.

  • If cleared, the user account for the proxy session will be scott@CONTOSO.COM.


Before using this feature, the administrator of Oracle has to configure the user accounts of Oracle to make this is possible.

The REGEXP Function and Regular Expressions with Lookahead Assertions

Oracle does not support regular expressions with lookahead assertions but does not return an error if the expression contains said assertions (Oracle ignores these assertions). This may lead to obtaining an incorrect result when this function is pushed down to Oracle.

If there are queries that use the function REGEXP, the query is pushed down - or partially pushed down - to Oracle and the regular expression contains lookahead assertions do this:

  1. If in the queries, all the arguments of the function “REGEXP” are literals, in the Source Configuration - Delegate scalar functions list of this Oracle data source, replace regexp with regexp(evaluate_literal). This makes the execution engine of Denodo to evaluate the function instead of pushing it down to Denodo. This does not have any performance implication but only solves the problem when the arguments of the function regexp are literals (not fields of a view).

  2. Alternatively, disable the delegation of “REGEXP” to this data source completely. I.e. remove regexp from the Delegate scalar functions list. This solution is valid whether the first argument of the function is a literal or not. However, it may have performance implications since this function can no longer be pushed down to Oracle. For example, if “REGEXP” is used in a WHERE condition, this condition will not be pushed down to Oracle.


NULL Values

  • The SAS server does not explicitly support ANSI SQL NULL values. Instead, they support a SAS concept called missing values.

  • This fact affects functions such as concatenation, like this:

    • If we concatenate a text field with a null value, it appears concatenated as blank spaces, as many as the size in characters of the field in question.

    • If we concatenate a numeric field with a null value, it appears concatenated as a “.”


SAS does not make implicit casts in both functions and operators. SAS does not allow explicit casts either.

Leading Blanks in Text Fields

SAS stores the fields of type text with as many trailing blanks as the size in which the field was defined when the table was created.

Boolean Values

  • SAS only has two data types:

    1. Numeric: the length of these values can be 3 to 8 bytes.

    2. Character: they can have any length.

  • Boolean expressions in SAS are equivalent to numeric values:

    • 0 or Missing (Null) is “False”

    • Any other value (negative or positive) is “True”.

    Assigning the result of a boolean expression in SAS to a value results in 1 for True and 0 for False.

Concatenation of Text Fields

  • Some SQL functions of SAS that deal with text values add spaces at the end of the text values. The goal is that all the text values have the same length (the length defined for that field). That is the case with the function of SAS CONCAT:

    For example, let us say that in SAS, you have the table cars with these fields:

    Field Name

    Field Type









    and you execute this query in SAS:

    SELECT make,
        -- Note the use of the function CONCAT of SAS
        CONCAT(make,model) AS concat_field
    FROM cars;

    The result is this:






    Audi MDX


    RSX TS 2dr

    Audi RSX TS 2dr


    325i 4dr

    BMW 325i 4dr


    Intrepid ES 4dr

    Dodge Intrepid ES 4dr

    For this reason, when the execution engine pushes down the function CONCAT of Virtual DataPort, it uses the function CATS of SAS, which removes the trailing and leading blanks of the values to concatenate. That way, the result is more consistent with what other data sources do.

    By using CATS, this is the result:








    RSX TS 2dr

    AudiRSX TS 2dr


    325i 4dr

    BMW325i 4dr


    Intrepid ES 4dr

    DodgeIntrepid ES 4dr

  • When concatenating fields whose length is 200 characters or more, it returns an empty string.

  • When fields with a NULL value are concatenated, they appear as many empty spaces as the size of the field in characters.

BETWEEN Operator

  • The SQL expressions must be of compatible data types. They must be either all numeric or all character types.

  • Because a BETWEEN operator evaluates the boundary values as a range, it is not necessary to specify the smaller quantity first.

IN Operator

The IN operator will only be delegated when literals appear on the right side of it (for this reason, the Source Configuration property “Delegate In operator when includes non literal arguments” is No by default for this data source).


A JOIN operation between two NULL tuples will satisfy equality and will be returned.

IDU Operations

  • The driver returns incorrect information about nullable columns

    • In the case of text fields, they always appear as non-nullable, even if they have been declared nullable.

    • In the case of numerics, they always appear as nullables, even if they are not.

  • This leads to possible insert errors (trying to do an insert where the non-nullable field is null)

  • INSERT and UPDATE statements can only contain constant literal values in their values expressions. For example, the following statement will fail:

    INSERT INTO table_name(int_column,text_column) VALUES (13,concat('I am','text'));
  • IDU statements (Insert/Delete/Update) cannot be executed within a transaction.

Spark SQL

By default, the connection pool is disabled on data sources that use the Spark SQL adapter (that is, the fields Initial size and Maximum number of active connections are 0)

Due to Spark Parquet metadata caching at session level, queries executed on a session may not have access to data added after the session was started. To guarantee that queries always see fresh data, connection pooling is disabled.

Enabling the pool to reuse connections might result in queries not being able to access the updated data in Thrift servers with multi-session mode enabled. Please check the Spark documentation for more details.


In the Teradata database, set the default collation to binary. Otherwise, the results of the merge joins executed by Virtual DataPort (not delegated to the database) using data obtained from Teradata may be incorrect.

If you cannot set the default collation to binary, after creating the data source, set the property “Supports binary ORDER BY collation” of the data source’s source configuration to “no”.


Besides the default collation, the character columns that might be involved in join operations should be defined as CASESPECIFIC if they contain mixed case values, otherwise the sorting of these columns can also lead to incorrect results in merge joins. Note that if the database session mode is ‘ANSI’ the character columns are defined as CASESPECIFIC by default, but if the database session mode is ‘Teradata’ those columns are defined as NOT CASESPECIFIC by default.



In Yellowbrick, set the encoding to UTF-8 in the databases you are going to query or in the one that the cache engine will use.

The consequences of not doing this are:

  1. The result of a merge join that involves data from Yellowbrick and another data source will incorrect if the join condition includes characters obtained from Yellowbrick that are not encoded in UTF-8.

  2. When the cache database is Yellowbrick, the characters that belong to UTF-8 but not to the character set that Yellowbrick uses, will be lost.


Denodo supports both SAP HANA Input Parameters and input variables for calculation views.


To be able to retrieve the input parameters and variables information Denodo needs read privileges on the _SYS_BI.BIMC_ALL_VARIABLES table and the _SYS_BI.BIMC_VARIABLE_VIEW view.

SAP HANA Input Parameters

When importing a calculation view with input parameters, those will be marked as input values in the introspection tree. See the IP_O_TARGET_CURRENCY field in the following figure

Introspection of a SAP HANA calculation View with an Input Parameter

Introspection of a SAP HANA calculation View with an Input Parameter

The queries executed to base views with Input Parameters will parameterize the SAP HANA View according to the SAP HANA syntax.


Denodo does not retrieve the possible values of an input parameter when its type is Column, Derived from table or Static List and it will accept any value as it was a Direct input parameter. SAP HANA would return an error in case the provided value does not fit the possible values requisite.

When the executed query contains a condition with an input parameter, the output will return that value for the input parameter field when the given value is a simple literal. When the query does not assign any value in a conditions for an input parameter, Denodo will return its default value in the query output.


The input parameter default value will not be evaluated to be included in the query results. Hence, if the default value is an expression, Denodo will only return the expression textual representation.

Conditions with Multiple Values for Input Parameters

Denodo supports executing queries with IN conditions over input parameters. When the input parameter allows multiple entries, Denodo will delegate the condition values in the PLACEHOLDER expression. Otherwise, Denodo will automatically delegate UNION statements where each branch will contain an EQ condition with a single value of the original IN condition. You can check that behavior in the following figure.

Delegation of an IN condition on a not multiple SAP HANA Input Parameter

Delegation of an IN condition on a not multiple SAP HANA Input Parameter

SAP HANA Input Variables

In the same way that Input Parameters, Denodo will be able to import Input Variables from a calculation view in SAP HANA. Those fields will be marked as input values in the introspection tree.

When a query does not provide a filter on an input variable field, Denodo will not filter the results with the input variable default value. This behavior can be modified with the Virtual DataPort server configuration property com.denodo.vdb.engine.wrapper.raw.jdbc.adapter.plugins.SapHanaPlugin.generateInputVariableDefaultCondition.enabled. When the property is enabled, Denodo will automatically generate conditions with the input variables’ default values.

In the following figure, you can see an example of a query that does not contain any filter but Denodo applies automatically the input variable default value:

Input Variable execution with it's default value condition

Input Variable execution with it’s default value condition

Group By Views with Input Parameters and Input Variables

Denodo supports creating derived views on calculation views, including group by views. You can include an input parameter in the group by expression and the input parameter field will be part of the output of the view. The same happens with the input variables fields.


Input parameters and input variables will not be included in the delegated GROUP BY expression to SAP HANA, otherwise, the delegated query would fail. Hence, if you create a group by view with only input parameters or variables, the delegated query to SAP HANA will not include any GROUP BY expression.

Generic Adapter

When you need to connect to a database for which there is not a specific adapter, select the adapter Generic unless this database is heavily based on another database for which there is an adapter.

When using the “Generic” adapter, you may need to change some settings in the tab Source configuration to adapt it to this database. A common issue is that the execution engine may try to execute functions that the database does not support.

The fields Delegate scalar functions list and Delegate aggregate functions list of the tab Source configuration list the functions that the execution engine will push to the database. The names in these fields are the names of the functions in Virtual DataPort, not the names of the functions that are pushed down to the database. For example, the function getday is pushed down as day to the data sources with the “Generic” adapter.

When the database does not support a function that is in the list, do this:

  1. Open the data source and go to the tab Source configuration.

  2. Clear the check box next to the field Delegate scalar functions list (at the bottom of the dialog).

  3. Replace the name of the function with <name of the function>(evaluate_literal).

    For example, if the database does not support the function ABS (obtain the absolute value of a number), replace abs with abs(evaluate_literal).

    Another example: let us say you want to use the function GETSESSION(‘user’) on a query to filter by the username that executes the query. This function is not delegable to any database. However, if you add getsession(evaluate_literal) to Delegate scalar functions list, the result of “GETSESSION” - not the function itself - is delegated to the database.

The execution engine will never execute the functions of this list that have “(evaluate_literal)”. Instead, if a query uses one of these functions and all the input parameters are a value - not a field of the view - or an expression formed with other values (e.g. the expression “3 - 5”), the execution engine will push down the result of the expression instead of the expression itself.

For example, if you have done this change with the function abs and you run this query:

SELECT abs(-5), id, name
FROM customer;

the execution engine will execute abs(-5) and then, execute this query in the database:

SELECT 5, id, name
FROM customer

Although this mechanism is meant to be used with the Generic adapter it can be used with any of the adapters.

All the adapters send queries to the database using prepared statements. When you select the “Generic” adapter, you can choose if you want the data source to execute queries using prepared statements or regular statements.

By default, the “Generic” adapter also uses prepared statements. To change this, click the tab Source Configuration and in the box Supports PreparedStatement, select No. When doing this, the property Allow literal as parameter is automatically set to no. The reason is that regular statements cannot be parameterized.

Connecting to a JDBC Source with Kerberos Authentication

Virtual DataPort supports connecting to JDBC databases using Kerberos authentication. It also supports constrained delegation.


To connect to databases with Kerberos authentication, you do not need to enable Kerberos authentication for the Denodo Server. However, if you do not do so, you will not be able to use Kerberos authentication with pass-through credentials.

When you select any of the following adapters, the data source is automatically configured with the “driver properties” required by the driver to use Kerberos authentication:

  • Hive for Cloudera

  • Hive for Hortonworks.

  • Impala

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • Microsoft SQL Server (for the jTDS adapter and Microsoft driver one)

For the other adapters, check the vendor’s documentation. To define these properties, do the following:

  1. Edit the data source

  2. In the JDBC data source dialog, click Driver properties.

  3. Click the Kerberos tab and click New.

Configuring the Kerberos driver properties to connect to Oracle

Configuring the Kerberos driver properties to connect to Oracle

Kerberos Authentication with Constrained Delegation

Constrained delegation is a feature of Active Directory that allows you to configure a service account to obtain Kerberos tickets on behalf of a user but just for a subset of services instead of for any service. For example, the user account associated with the Virtual DataPort server may be configured to obtain on behalf of other users, tickets to connect to an instance of Impala but not to other databases.

Virtual DataPort provides support for constrained delegation when connecting to the following databases:

  • Apache Hive

  • Cloudera Impala

  • Microsoft SQL Server using the jTDS adapter or the Microsoft adapter


  • PostgreSQL

  • Another Virtual DataPort Server (versions 8.0, 7.0 and 6.0)


The queries involving a JDBC data source will fail if all these conditions are met:

  • On Active Directory, the user account of the Virtual DataPort server has constrained delegation enabled.

  • And you enable pass-through session credentials on the JDBC data source.

  • And the adapter of the data source is not in the list above.

  • And the client connects to Virtual DataPort using Kerberos authentication.

The JDBC driver of the database has to support constrained delegation. If not, the driver will not be able to obtain the appropriate Kerberos ticket and the connection will fail.


The support for constrained delegation only works if the tickets returned by Active Directory are “forwardable”. To make sure they are, add the following property to the krb5 file of the host where the Denodo server runs:

forwardable = true

If the database is Microsoft SQL Server and you select one of the jTDS adapters, copy the file <DENODO_HOME>/dll/vdp/jtds/x64/ntlmauth.dll to the folder <DENODO_HOME>/extensions/thirdparty/dll.


Copy this dll even if the Virtual DataPort server is running on Linux.

You do not have to do anything if you select the Microsoft adapter.

Connecting to a JDBC Source with OAuth Authentication

Virtual DataPort supports connecting to JDBC databases using OAuth authentication.


To connect to databases with OAuth authentication, you do not need to enable OAuth authentication for the Denodo Server. However, if you do not do so, you will not be able to use OAuth authentication with pass-through credentials.

When you select any of the following adapters, the data source is automatically configured with the “driver properties” required by the driver to use OAuth authentication:

  • Amazon Athena.

  • Amazon Redshift.

  • Azure Databricks.

  • Azure SQL.

  • Azure Synapse SQL.

  • Denodo Virtual DataPort 8.0.

  • Denodo Virtual DataPort 9.

  • Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Snowflake.

For these adapters, if you use another driver different to the default one, check the vendor’s documentation. To define these properties, do the following:

  1. Edit the data source

  2. In the JDBC data source dialog, go to Advanced tab.

  3. Unfold OAuth driver properties section.

  4. Click New property.

Configuring the OAuth driver properties to connect to Snowflake

Configuring the OAuth driver properties to connect to Snowflake

Virtual DataPort server supports two OAuth authentication flows that determine how the access token is retrieved to establish the connection.

  • Client credentials flow. The client credentials flow is intended to be used when there is no user present and the client application (Virtual DataPort) authenticates itself with the authorization server.

  • Resource owner password credentials flow (aka ROPC). The ROPC flow is designed for obtaining an access token by providing end-user credentials to the authorization server by the client application (Virtual DataPort).


When pass-through session credentials is selected, the VDP server will always use the Resource owner password credential flow to connect to the data source on behalf the end user.

Regardless of the selected OAuth authentication flow, the following options must be defined.

  • Token endpoint. URL endpoint that will be used to request the access token.

  • Client identifier. Identifier of the client application.

  • Client secret. Client application secret.

  • Scope. The scope (or scopes) which the access token is requested for.

Additionally, the following options must be filled if the ROPC flow is selected.

  • User identifier. User login.

  • User password. User password.

Optionally, if the identity provider requires some other parameters in the request to obtain the access token, do the following:

  1. Edit the data source

  2. In the JDBC data source dialog, click Extra parameters of the token request.

  3. Click New.

Add an extra parameter to the access token request.

Add an extra parameter to the access token request.

Also, if pass-through session credentials is selected, one of the following pass-through strategies must be selected:


The selected strategy is only relevant with pass-through session credentials when the user was authenticated in Virtual DataPort using OAuth.

  • Token exchange flow (RFC 8693). The Token exchange flow defined in the RFC 8693 will be used to retrieve the access token to establish the connection.

  • On-behalf-of flow (Azure AD). The Microsoft proprietary On-behalf-of flow will be used to retrieve the access token to establish the connection.

  • OAuth Token pass-through. The same access token used to authenticate the user in Virtual DataPort server will be used to establish the connection.


If your organization uses an Identity Provider that supports the OAuth flow Token Exchange (like Okta and PingFederate), we recommend selecting this strategy because it is more secure than OAuth Token pass-through.


If the user will authenticate through Denodo SSO, it is important to configure the Denodo Security Token to include the original OAuth token (see Denodo Security Token Configuration File) to make sure that Virtual DataPort server retrieves the token that will be used in the pass-through strategy.

Creating Base Views from a JDBC Data Source

After clicking Save (image5) to create the data source, create a base view over it to be able to query this base view or combine its data with data from other views.

Schemas, tables and views of a JDBC source

Schemas, tables and views of a JDBC source

To create a JDBC base view follow these steps:

  1. Open the JDBC data source by double-clicking it in the Server Explorer and click Create base view.

    The Tool will display a tree with the schemas of the database. Click on any schema to inspect its tables and their fields (see Schemas, tables and views of a JDBC source). If the database is Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, this dialog also lists its stored procedures. See more about creating base views over stored procedures in the section Importing Graphically Stored Procedures from a Database.

    To search a view or a schema, type its name in the box located at the top of the dialog. The list will only show the elements whose name contains the text you entered.

    When you open this dialog, Design Studio only retrieves the name of the schemas of the database. Once you expand a schema, it retrieves the list of views of this schema. Therefore, when you enter the name of a view, the Tool only searches in the schemas you already expanded.

    The names of the views of each schema are loaded upon request of the user because retrieving the names of all the views of the database at once could be a very time-consuming task.

  2. Select the check boxes beside the tables that you want to create base views from.

  3. Select the check box Prefix view names with schema and/or catalog name if you want to prefix the base view names with the schema and/or catalog name to which the table belongs. This is useful if you are going to create base views over tables with the same name, from different catalogs/schemas. With this option, you will avoid name conflicts.

  4. In View prefix, you can enter a prefix for all the new views. For example, if you enter “internet_ds_”, the name of the new views will start with “internet_ds_”.

  5. Click Browse to select the folder where the base view(s) will be created. In this dialog, you can create new folders or rename the existing ones (right-click on this dialog to display these two options).

  6. Click Create selected.

  7. If you selected two or more tables/views from the database, the Tool will show a dialog with a list of all the views it created.

    In this dialog, click Create associations from foreign keys. The Server will analyze if in the database of the JDBC data source, there are foreign key constraints between the tables/views of the base views of this data source. If there are, the Tool will show a dialog like the one below so you can automatically create associations that mirror these foreign key constraints.

Listing the associations that will be created after analyzing the foreign keys of the database

Listing the associations that will be created after analyzing the foreign keys of the database

The table of this dialog has these columns:

  • Name: name of the association. Click on the name to change it.

  • Database: database where the association will be created.

  • Left End Point and Right End Point: views involved in the associations.

Click Ok to create the associations. If you do not want to create one of the associations, clear its check box.

There are several reasons for which we strongly recommend creating these associations. Among others, that some queries will be executed much faster if the appropriate associations are created. The section Why You Should Define Associations Between Views explains why associations are important.

After finishing with this process, the Tool will list the new base views in two places of the Server Explorer:

  1. In the folder that the view has been created in. If you want to move the base view to another folder, drag it to that folder.

  2. As a child node of the data source that the base view belongs to. This node cannot be moved to other folders. It is added to the tree to provide an easy way to see the base views created from a data source.

If you selected two or more tables/views from the database and there were already views with these names, the Tool will display a dialog like the one below.

Renaming new views with the same name as existing ones

Renaming new views with the same name as existing ones

In this dialog, you have to provide a new name for the views in red or clear its check box so when you click Ok the Tool either creates the view with the new name or does not to create it.

If you are creating several base views at once and many of them have the same names, there is an alternative to entering a new name for each view. Instead, select all the existing base views that have the same names as the ones you want to create, right-click on them and click Prefix selected views/associations. With this option, you will add a prefix to the name of all the selected views. Then, you can go back to create the base views and there will not be any conflict.

A common scenario where this feature is useful is when you have data on two databases with the same schemas but different data. E.g. an Oracle database that holds the up-to-date data and Hadoop database that holds historic data. Both will have the same tables and views so you need to rename the base views of one of the data sources to avoid the conflict of names.

As an example, we will create two base views:

  1. One for the phone incidents table phone_inc over the JDBC data source phone_ds. Its fields are:

    • pinc_id: the identifier of the incident.

    • taxId: the tax id of the client that reported the incident.

    • description: a description.

    • ttime: the time at which it occurred.

    • inc_type: an incident type.

    • specific_field3: an additional specific field.

  2. Another for the internet incidents table internet_inc over the JDBC data source internet_ds. Its fields are:

    • iinc_id: the identifier of the incident.

    • taxId: the tax id of the client that reported the incident.

    • ttime: the time at which it occurred.

    • summary: a description.

    • specific_field1 and specific_field2: two additional specific fields.

To do this, open the appropriate data source, click Create base view, select the table and click Create selected.

When selecting two or more tables to create base views, you may need to provide a new name for the views that have the same name as other existing views.

When importing only one table at a time, you have more control over the creation of the base view because you can:

  • Change the name of the new base view.

  • Change the name and type of the new base view’s attributes.

  • Edit the “Source type properties” of the field by clicking the button image3. In this dialog, you can define the exact type of the field and depending on the type, its length and number of decimals.

    For JDBC and ODBC base views, these properties are automatically defined because they are obtained from the database. For other types of base views, they have to be defined manually.

    See more about these properties in the section Viewing the Schema of a Base View.

  • The check boxes on the Nullable column indicate if the view will allow / forbid inserting NULL values into each field.

    I.e. the INSERT or UPDATE requests that set to NULL fields with “Nullable” selected, will fail immediately without trying to delegate the request to the database.

    The default value of this property is obtained from the metadata returned by the database and usually you should not change it.

    For example, let us say that we set a field to “Null allowed” but in the database, the field does not allow NULL values. Virtual DataPort will try to delegate to the database INSERT or UPDATE requests that set the field to NULL and they will fail.

  • Change the primary key definition of the view. When creating a JDBC base view, the Server obtains the primary key definition from the database and automatically sets the primary key of the view (fields marked with image6). For derived views and other types of base views, the primary key definition has to be established manually by selecting the appropriate fields and clicking Set selected as PK.

    See section Primary Keys of Views for more information about primary keys of views.

  • In the Metadata tab, you can set the folder where the base view will be stored and provide a description.

    When editing the data source, you can also change its owner by clicking image3.

Accepting the schema of a base view

Accepting the schema of a base view


You can also create a base view from a SQL query instead of from a table by clicking Create from query. This option is explained in the section Creating Base Views from SQL Queries.

Importing Graphically Stored Procedures from a Database

Virtual DataPort provides the capability of graphically creating base views over the stored procedures of the following databases:

The process changes depending on the database.

For other databases, you have to do it by creating a “base view from a query”. This is explained in the section Creating Base Views from SQL Queries.

Importing Stored Procedures from IBM DB2

During the process of creating a base view over a stored procedure of IBM DB2, Design Studio displays a dialog where you configure what data you want to obtain from the procedure. This dialog changes depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure does not declare to return any cursor nor any non-cursor parameter, the Tool displays a dialog like this one:

Importing a stored procedure from IBM DB2

Importing a stored procedure from IBM DB2

If the procedure returns dynamic cursors, select Stream output at dynamic resultset returned in position and enter the index of the cursor. You have to enter this index because the database does not provide information about the dynamic cursors returned by a stored procedure.
  • If the selected procedure declares to return one or more cursors and one or more non-cursor output parameters, the Tool displays a dialog like this one:

Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors, from IBM DB2

Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors, from IBM DB2

In this dialog, select if you want the view to:

  • Do not stream cursor parameters: the base view will have an array field for each cursor declared by the procedure (the view will not return the data of dynamic cursors). Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor: return the data of one of the cursors flattened. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is “Stream output at the specified cursor” because by selecting the other option the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, by selecting “Do not stream cursor parameters” you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    You can either select one of the cursors declared by the procedure or a dynamic procedure. To select a dynamic one, select Procedure dynamic resultset returned in position and enter the index of the cursor. You have to enter this index because the database does not provide information about the dynamic cursors returned by a stored procedure.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursors parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view. In Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors from IBM DB2 using Design Studio, that is “RETURN_VALUE”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

When using the Design Studio to create a base view over a stored procedure, Design Studio identifies any cursors by executing the stored procedure. Therefore if the procedure has dynamic cursors, you do not have to know beforehand the index of the cursor. If the procedure has input parameters, a dialog will show up to fill the input parameters. Design Studio will adapt the dialog showed depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure only return simple data types, Design Studio will automatically create the base view.

  • If the selected procedure declares to return one or more cursors or returns dynamic cursors, Design Studio displays a dialog like this one:

Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors from IBM DB2 using Design Studio

Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors from IBM DB2 using Design Studio

In this dialog, equivalent to this dialog of Design Studio, you have the two columns “Output” and “Flatten”. The Fields with the “Output” check box selected will be the fields of the schema of the base view. The “Flatten” option streams the output of that field and only one flatten option can be selected at a time. In this dialog you can:

  • Do not stream cursor parameters by selecting only the Output check box of the cursors. Doing this, the base view will have an array field for each cursor declared by the procedure (the view will not return the data of dynamic cursors). Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row. Dynamic cursors cannot be added to the output without selecting the Flatten option.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor by selecting the Flatten check box next to the cursors or the dynamic cursors. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors or dynamic cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is to flatten a cursor because by selecting the other option, the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, by not selecting any “Flatten”, you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursors parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view by selecting its “Output” check box. In Importing a stored procedure that returns cursors from IBM DB2 using Design Studio, that is “RETURN_VALUE”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

Importing Stored Procedures from Microsoft SQL Server

During the process of creating a base view over a stored procedure of Microsoft SQL Server, the Tool displays a dialog where you configure what data you want to obtain from the procedure.

Importing a stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server

Importing a stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server

If the procedure returns hidden cursors, select the check box Stream output at result set returned in position and enter the index of the cursor. You have to enter this index because the database does not provide information about the hidden cursors returned by a stored procedure.

If using the Design Studio, when the procedure returns hidden cursors, Design Studio executes the procedure to identify hidden cursors. Therefore you do not have to know beforehand the index of the cursor you want, Design Studio will show the hidden cursors and will allow you to select the one you are looking for and its fields. If the procedure has input parameters, a dialog will show up to fill the input parameters to allow Design Studio to execute the procedure and identity hidden cursors.

The figure below is the the dialog that allows you create a base view over a stored procedure that has an output parameter that is “RETURN_VALUE”, an input parameter that is “inparam1” and two hidden cursors and indexes 1 and 2.

Importing a stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server using Design Studio

Importing a stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server with two hidden cursors using Design Studio

Importing Stored Procedures from Oracle

During the process of creating a base view over a stored procedure of Oracle, Design Studio displays a dialog where you configure what data you want to obtain from the procedure. This dialog changes depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure only returns simple data types, the steps are the same as when you create a base view over a table: you select the procedure, click “Create selected base views” and the Tool will display the schema of the new view.

  • If the procedure returns one or more cursors, the Tool will display an intermediate dialog where you select if you want the view to (see Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors):

Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors

Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors

In this dialog, select if you want the view to:

  • Do not stream cursor parameters: the base view will have an array field for each cursor returned by the procedure. Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor: return the data of one of the cursors flattened. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is “Stream output at the specified cursor” because by selecting the other option the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, by selecting “Do not stream cursor parameters” you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursor parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view. In the figure above (Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors), these are “OUTPUTPARAM_3” and “OUTPUTPARAM_5”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

When using Design Studio to crate a base view over a stored procedure of Oracle, Design Studio will adapt the dialog showed depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure only returns simple data types, the steps are the same as when you create a base view over a table: you select the procedure, click “Create selected base views” and Design Studio will automatically create the base view.

  • If the procedure returns one or more cursors, Design Studio will display an intermediate dialog where you select if you want the view to (see the figure below):

Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors using Design Studio

Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors using Design Studio

  • Do not stream cursor parameters by selecting only the Output check box of the cursors. the base view will have an array field for each cursor returned by the procedure. Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor by selecting the Flatten check box next to the cursors or the dynamic cursors. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is to flatten a cursor because otherwise the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, if you do not flatten any cursor you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursor parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view . In the figure above (Importing an Oracle stored procedure that returns cursors using Design Studio), these are “OUTPUTPARAM_3” and “OUTPUTPARAM_5”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

There are some limitations regarding the importation of Oracle stored procedures:

  • Compound non-PL/SQL types are not supported. I.e. Oracle table and record types.

  • Oracle PL/SQL records are not supported.

  • Oracle PL/SQL tables of records (i.e. tables with more than one column) are not supported.

Importing Stored Procedures from PostgreSQL

During the process of creating a base view over a stored procedure of PostgreSQL, Design Studio displays a dialog where you configure what data you want to obtain from the procedure. This dialog changes depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure only returns simple data types, the steps are the same as when you create a base view over a table: you select the procedure, click “Create selected base views” and the Tool will display the schema of the new view.

  • If the procedure returns one or more cursors, the Tool will display an intermediate dialog: (see Importing a PostgreSQL stored procedure that returns cursors):

Importing a PostgreSQL stored procedure that returns cursors

In this dialog, select if you want the view to:

  • Do not stream cursor parameters: the base view will have an array field for each cursor returned by the procedure. Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor: return the data of one of the cursors flattened. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is “Stream output at the specified cursor” because by selecting the other option the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, by selecting “Do not stream cursor parameters” you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursor parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view. In the figure above (Importing a PostgreSQL stored procedure that returns cursors), there is “out_param_3”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

When using Design Studio to crate a base view over a stored procedure of PostgreSQL, Design Studio will adapt the dialog showed depending on the characteristics of the selected stored procedure:

  • If the procedure only returns simple data types, the steps are the same as when you create a base view over a table: you select the procedure, click “Create selected base views” and Design Studio will automatically create the base view.

  • If the procedure returns one or more cursors, Design Studio will display an intermediate dialog (see figure below):

Importing a PostgreSQL stored procedure that returns cursors using Design Studio

In this dialog, select if you want the view to:

  • Do not stream cursor parameters by selecting only the Output check box of the cursors. the base view will have an array field for each cursor returned by the procedure. Each of these arrays will contain all the data returned by each cursor. The result of querying this base view will have only one row.

  • Or, Stream output at the specified cursor by selecting the Flatten check box next to the cursors or the dynamic cursors. That is, the view will have one field per each field of the cursor and the result of querying this base view will have a row per each row of the selected cursor. The other cursors, if any, are ignored.

    The recommended option is to flatten a cursor because otherwise the result of the query will have arrays. If the number of rows inside the array is high, it has an impact on the memory consumption. The reason is that the Server cannot begin to process the rows inside an array until all the rows of the cursor have been received and thus the entire array is formed.

    On the other hand, if the number of rows returned by the cursors is small, if you do not flatten any cursor you will be able to obtain the data from all the cursors with just one query.

    If the procedure also returns non-cursor parameters, you can add the value of these parameters to the base view . In the figure above (Importing a PostgreSQL stored procedure that returns cursors using Design Studio), there is “out_param_3”. The base view will have one field for each selected output parameter. As the type of these output parameters is not compound, the procedure returns a single value for each one of these parameters. Therefore, when querying the view, the value of these parameters will be repeated in each row returned by the cursor.

There are some limitations regarding the importation of PostgreSQL stored procedures:

  • Compound non-PL/SQL types are not supported.

  • PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL records are not supported.

  • PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL tables of records (i.e. tables with more than one column) are not supported.

Creating Base Views from SQL Queries

We strongly recommend creating base views graphically (i.e. by selecting the tables you need in the JDBC data source dialog and then, clicking Create selected base views) because it is much easier to do. See more about this in the section Importing Graphically Stored Procedures from a Database. However, sometimes you need to create a base view that when queried, it executes an arbitrary SQL query. For example:

  • When you need to execute a stored procedure of the database or a query that uses a stored procedure, to obtain the results (see below Creating Base Views from a Query to a Stored Procedure).

  • When you have a SQL query that has been tuned to perform better than the query that Virtual DataPort executes.

To create a SQL Query base view, click Create from query in the “Create base view” dialog.

Creating a base view from a SQL query

Creating a base view from a SQL query

After entering the name of the base view and the SQL query, click Save (image5) to create the base view. Its schema can be edited as a regular base view.

About the SQL query of the base view, consider the following:

  1. This query has to use the SQL dialect of the source, not the SQL dialect of Virtual DataPort.

  2. Remove single line comments from the query. That is, comments like -- <comment>. E.g.

    SELECT f1 as field1 -- Remove this type of comments
                        -- from the query of the base view
    FROM view
  3. The query may have interpolation variables (see section Paths and Other Values with Interpolation Variables), which allow the SQL query sent to the database to be parameterized according to the specified query conditions.

    If the query has interpolation variables, after clicking “Ok”, enter the values of the variables used in the query. With these values, Virtual DataPort will execute the query and obtain the metadata required to create the base view.

    Each interpolation variable must be related with an attribute belonging to the generated base view, so that the variable can obtain its value at run time. If the SQL query used to access the data source returns any field with the same name as the variable, then the variable will be associated to the corresponding base view attribute. If the SQL query does not return any field with the same name as the variable, Virtual DataPort will add a new attribute to the base view, with the same name.

  4. In your query, search for the following characters and escape them with \: @, \, ^, { and }.

    That is, replace them with \@, \\, \^, \{ and \}.

    These characters have to be escaped to avoid they are considered part of an interpolation expression.

  5. Add an alias to all the columns of the query that are the result of a function that has one or more input parameters and at least one is an interpolation variable. E.g. SELECT ABS( ROUND( @value ) ) AS value_abs_round...

    The reason is that if you do not indicate an alias, the name of the column in the query’s output schema may depend on the input value of the function. For example, in the database Oracle 11g, if you execute SELECT ABS(<value>) FROM Dual, the name of the column ABS(<value>) depends on <value>. In order to process the results correctly, the output schema of the query cannot change.

    In general, we recommend adding an alias to all the columns of the SQL query.

  6. If the SQL query invokes a PL/SQL function using an interpolation variable, you need to assign an alias to the return value. For example:

    SELECT function_test(@VAR1) AS value
    FROM internet_inc
Editing the value of the interpolation variables

Editing the value of the interpolation variables


If the SQL query is a SELECT query, after creating the view, we recommend setting to “yes” the “Delegate SQL sentence as subquery” property of the view. By doing this, Virtual DataPort will delegate more queries over the base view, to the database.

To change the value of this property, follow these steps:

  1. After creating the view, open it.

  2. Click Options.

  3. Click the Search Methods tab.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the dialog and click Wrapper source configuration.

  5. Select yes for the property “Delegate SQL sentence as subquery”.

The section View Configuration Properties explains this property in detail.

Using the WHEREEXPRESSION Variable

As we have explained in the previous section, the SQL Query used to create a base view can contain interpolation variables (see section Paths and Other Values with Interpolation Variables) to parameterize the SQL Query.

Virtual DataPort provides a predefined interpolation variable called WHEREEXPRESSION that simplifies the process of creating a base view from a SQL query. At runtime, the Server will replace WHEREEXPRESSION with the condition sent to the base view.


The interpolation variable WHEREEXPRESSION cannot be used with ODBC data sources. Only in JDBC ones.

Let us say that we create a base view called VIEW1 with the following SQL query:


Notice that the query uses a stored procedure in the SELECT clause, so it is necessary to create the base view by using a SQL query.

After clicking Ok, the user will have to provide the values for the variables used, so Virtual DataPort can execute a query to obtain the metadata required for creating the base view. For example:

FIELD2='f2' AND FIELD4='f4'

The Server will execute this query to obtain the required metadata from the database. Then, the Tool will display the fields of the base view that will be generated (see Creating a JDBC base view from a SQL query with WHEREEXPRESSION). The user has to specify the actual name of the fields for the aliases used in the SELECT clause of the query. For instance, the previous query defines the ALIAS4 alias for FIELD4. Therefore, the user must specify the FIELD4 value for the attribute named ALIAS4.

Then, click Save (image5) to create the base view.

The use of WHEREEXPRESSION in the SQL statement of the base view may benefit the performance of the queries to this base view. For example, if a join view uses the NESTED execution method and the view on the right side of the join is of the SQL statement type, this view should be created using WHEREEXPRESSION in the query. That is because in this case, the Server can apply optimizations that cannot be used if the SQL statement does not use WHEREEXPRESSION.

Creating a JDBC base view from a SQL query with WHEREEXPRESSION

Creating a JDBC base view from a SQL query with WHEREEXPRESSION

Following our example, if you execute the following VQL query:

WHERE FIELD2 = 'f2' AND ALIAS4 = 'f4'

The Server will substitute the variable WHEREEXPRESSION with the condition of the WHERE clause of the query:

WHERE FIELD2 = 'f2' AND FIELD4 = 'f4'

If you need to filter the results of a SQL query base view with a WHERE condition that involves fields that cannot be projected, type the name of these fields separated with commas, in the box at the bottom of the dialog. These fields will belong to the base view but the Server will not project their value. They should only be used in the WHERE clause of the queries that involve this base view and the values provided for them will be used only to generate the query sent to the database.

For example, if the SQL query is the following and we want to be able to filter by the field FIELD1 when querying this view, we have to add FIELD1 to the box at the bottom of the dialog.


In this example, the base view will have two fields: COUNT and FIELD1.

If you query the new base view:


The query sent to the database will be this one:


In these examples, the queries to the base view VIEW1 must have the clause WHERE. If not, the Server will try to execute this query:


This query contains the WHERE clause but no condition so it will fail.

To avoid forcing the queries to always have the WHERE clause, Virtual DataPort provides the interpolation function ExecuteIfIsNotNull. The syntax of the function is:

^ExecuteIfIsNotNull( <prefix if the variable is not NULL>
    ,@<variable name>
    ,<suffix if the variable is not NULL>
    [,<value if the variable is NULL> ] )

At runtime, if the value of the variable is not defined, the function replaces @<variable name> with the value of the variable and adds a prefix and a suffix to this value.

  • Do not leave any white space between the parameters of the function.

  • Use double quotes, not single quotes, to surround the parameters.

  • In the second parameter, the name of the interpolation variable has to be indicated with the syntax @VARIABLE_NAME, without braces. In other scenarios, you can indicate variables with the syntax @{VARIABLE_NAME}, but not in this function.

You can improve the previous example, by using this function in the SQL query of the base view:


At runtime, if the query to this view has WHERE clause, @WHEREEXPRESSION will be substituted by the query condition, prefixed by WHERE and with an empty string at the end.

The Server will execute a query like this:


If the query does not have WHERE clause, the function will not be executed so the resulting query will be this:


If you set the fourth parameter (optional) of ExecuteIfIsNotNull, the function will always be executed. If the value of the interpolation variable is NULL, the function returns the value of the fourth parameter. For example, if the base view is built with this SQL query:


At runtime, if the query does not have the WHERE clause, the Server will execute this query in the database:



In these examples, we have only used the interpolation function ExecuteIfIsNotNull with the variable WHEREEXPRESSION, but it can be used with any other interpolation variable.

Creating Base Views from a Query to a Stored Procedure

When you create a JDBC base view from a SQL query to invoke a stored procedure, this SQL query has to meet the following conditions:

  • The value of an input parameter of the procedure can be a constant or an interpolation variable. E.g. @VARIABLE_NAME

  • If the type of the input parameter is text, the constant or the interpolation variable has to be surrounded by quotes.

  • Use question marks for all the output fields of the stored procedure.

  • The SQL query used to build the view has to use the syntax of the database and not the syntax of Virtual DataPort. This is true when this query invokes a stored procedure of the database, but also for any other type of query.

The query below uses the syntax of DB2 and Oracle:

Query to invoke a stored procedure in DB2 and Oracle
CALL schema.stored_procedure_name(
  • The @ character makes INPUT_VALUE_INTEGER and INPUT_VALUE_TEXT interpolation variables, which at runtime will be replaced with their value.

  • As the INPUT_VALUE_TEXT variable represents a string, it has to be surrounded by quotes.

  • The question marks represent the output fields of the stored procedure.

The base view created from this query will have two mandatory fields: INPUT_VALUE_INTEGER and INPUT_VALUE_TEXT. At runtime, the value of these fields will have to be provided in the WHERE clause of the query.


You can also create base views graphically that invoke a stored procedure of a Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle databases. To do this, open the data source, expand the schema that contains the procedure and expand Stored procedures. Then, select the procedure you want to import and click Create selected.

In other scenarios, the value of an input parameter may be NULL. In this case, use the function ExecuteIfIsNotNull explained in the previous section.

The query below invokes a stored procedure with two optional parameters, in Microsoft SQL server:

Query to invoke a stored procedure in Microsoft SQL Server
exec stored_procedure_name
     \@param1 = ^ExecuteIfIsNotNull("",@input_val_p1,"","null")
   , \@param2= ^ExecuteIfIsNotNull("",@input_val_p2,"","null")

Note that the character @ has to be escaped with \ when the word next to the @ is not the name of an interpolation variable.

In the base view created from this query, the fields “param1” and “param2”, will be “nullable”. That is, a condition such as WHERE param1 = NULL and param2 = NULL will be valid.

However, even if their value can be NULL, they are still being mandatory. In order to make them optional, once the view is created, open the “Options” dialog of the view, click the “Search Methods” tab and, in the “Mandatory” column, select “OPT” for these two fields.


This step needs to be done after any change on the view.

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