Multidimensional Database Sources¶
Virtual DataPort can obtain data from multidimensional databases:
SAP BW 3 and SAP BI 7
Azure Analysis Services
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
Oracle Essbase
For SAP, Virtual DataPort provides two BAPI adapters, both use the SAP JCo connector. Whenever possible, select the SAP BI 7.x adapter instead of the SAP BW 3.x. The BAPIs provided by SAP BW 3.x cannot return more than one million cells. SAP BI 7.x provides new BAPIs that do not have this limitation.
The first time you create a multidimensional data source, you have to do this first:
If you are going to connect to SAP (SAP BW 3.x (BAPI) or SAP BI 7.x (BAPI)), follow the steps of the page Installing the SAP Java Connector and then, the steps of the section Grant Privileges in SAP BW for Multidimensional Data Sources of that same page. If do not need to reinstall the SAP JcO connector if you already did it; if you have a BAPI data source, you already installed this connector.
For the Essbase adapters (Essbase 9 or Essbase 11), read the section Multidimensional Data Sources to Oracle Essbase, which lists the connection modes supported by Essbase. You need to know the mode you want use because the set of drivers you have to install depend on the connection mode used. Once you know this, follow the steps described in the appendix Installing the Connector for Oracle Essbase.
For Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, its XMLA interface (XML for Analysis) has to be enabled.
For the other adapters, you do not have to install any connector because they already are included in the Denodo Platform.
To create a new data source to retrieve data from a multidimensional database, right-click a database, on the Server Explorer and click File > New > Data source > Multidimensional DB.

Creating a data source to a multidimensional database¶
The following data are requested:
Name. Name of the new data source.
Database adapter. Select the adapter you want to use to connect to the source. The details you have to provide below depend on the selected adapter.
When you are creating the data source, you can select any adapter. Once the data source is created, it cannot be changed.
For SAP BW 3.x (BAPI) and SAP BI 7.x (BAPI):
System name. Name of the instance of the database.
Client ID. Identifier of the client.
SAP router. An SAP route string describes the stations of a connection required between two hosts. A route string has this syntax:
That is, any number of substrings in the form
This route has a substring between each SAP router and to the target server. Each substring contains the information required by an SAProuter to set up a connection in the route: the host name, the port name, and the password, if one was given.
indicates the host name/S/
(optional) indicates the service (port). Default value:3299
(optional) indicates the password for the connection between the predecessor and successor on the route. Default value: “” (no password)
Language (optional). Language of the connection established with the SAP server.
Make sure the language you enter matches the language of the SAP server. Otherwise, in some cases, in the result of the queries to the views of this data source, the values of members or attribute members may be different than in SAP.
Connection type:
If the connection type is Direct, enter:
Host. Host where SAP is running.
System Number. Two-digit number that differentiates the SAP instances running on the same host.
If the connection type is Logon load balanced, enter:
Message Host. Host of the SAP server that provides the data for choosing an appropriate application server.
Message Service (optional). Port where the “SAP Message server” listens to connections.
SID. System ID of the SAP system.
Logon group (optional). Name of the group of SAP application servers.
Authentication. The options are:
Use login and password. The data source will connect to SAP using the login and password you enter.
Use Kerberos. The data source will connect to SAP using a “SAP Logon ticket” that the data source will retrieve by logging into the SAP Web server using Kerberos authentication.
Use pass-through session credentials. If selected, when a query involves this data source, the data source will use the credentials of the user that executed the query to execute the BAPI. The behavior changes depending on the authentication method selected:
If a user connects to Virtual DataPort using Kerberos authentication, the data source will request a Kerberos ticket to connect to SAP Web server on behalf of this user and retrieve a SAP Logon ticket, which will be used to connect to SAP.
If a user connects to Virtual DataPort using login and password, the data source will use this login and password to connect to SAP. To force Kerberos authentication for this scenario, select This data source requires Kerberos authentication and the data source will use the login and password to obtain a Kerberos ticket to connect to the SAP web server and retrieve the SAP Logon ticket that will be used to connect to SAP.
If you created a data source with Pass-through session credentials, but you want to query a view of this data source with other credentials than the ones you have used to connect to Virtual DataPort, add the parameters
of the query. These two parameters are only taken into account when the data source has been created with the option “Pass-through session credentials” enabled. For example, if the base viewcube1
has been created over a data source with an SAP BAPI adapter and you executeSELECT * FROM cube1 CONTEXT(USERNAME = 'admin', PASSWORD = 'd4GvpKA5BiwoGUFrnH92DNq5TTNKWw58I86PVH2tQIs/q1RH9CkCoJj57NnQUlmvgvvVnBvlaH8NFSDM0x5fWCJiAvyia70oxiUWbToKkHl3ztgH1hZLcQiqkpXT/oYd' ENCRYPTED)
Virtual DataPort will connect to SAP with the username “admin” and the password “password”, ignoring the credentials that you used to connect to the Server.
It is mandatory to add the token
and enter the password encrypted. To encrypt the password, use the statementENCRYPT_PASSWORD
. For example:ENCRYPT_PASSWORD 'my_secret_password';
When the data source is created with this option, the Server creates a pool of connections for each pair user/password. Initially, these pools only have one connection to prevent the creation of many connections. The maximum number of connections for each one of these pools is the value of the field “Maximum number of active connections” of the connection pool.
Users should be careful when enabling the cache on views that involve data sources with pass-through credentials enabled. The appendix Considerations When Configuring Data Sources with Pass-Through Credentials explains the issues that may arise.
In the Advanced tab, you can enable Secure Network Communications (SNC) between the Virtual DataPort server and SAP. SNC provides stronger authentication and encryption mechanisms than the default security options of SAP. To enable SNC, do the following:
Select Enable SNC.
Enter the path to the SAP Cryptographic Library. That is, the path to the file
(if the Server runs on Windows) or to the path
(if the Server runs on Linux). You can download this library from the SAP website.Enter the Partner name. That is, the distinguished name of the SAP server.
Select the Security level. SAP offers three levels of configuration and in addition, you have these options:
Use the value from snc/data_protection/use: uses the default security level set by the SAP server.
Use the value from snc/data_protection/max: uses the maximum level of security offered by the SAP server.
In the Advanced tab, you can set the Read block size. The BAPI adapter retrieves the data in blocks. This is the maximum size of these blocks.
For Mondrian 3.x, Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Generic:
XMLA URI. The XMLA URI to access the database. For example,
For Mondrian: https://acme:8080/mondrian/xmla;Catalog=FoodMart
For Microsoft SQL Server Analysis:
For Azure Analysis Services:
URI. The HTTPS URI. For example
XMLA URI. The XMLA endpoint. By default, this is URI/webapi/xml by default
Server name. The Azure Analysis Services server name.
Client ID. The client id of the application registered on Azure for Denodo.
Tenant ID. The tenant id of the application registered on Azure for Denodo.
Client Secret. Non-expired client secret of the application registered on Azure for Denodo.
You need to create a user in Azure Analysis Services that is a member of a role that has the appropriate privileges.
For Essbase 9 and Essbase 11:
URI. The URI of the Essbase server. For example,
Login and Password. Credentials to access the database.
Virtual DataPort uses a pool of connections to manage the connections to the database when the adapter is one of the following:
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis
Mondrian 3.x
If the adapter supports using a connection pool, click Connection pool configuration to configure it. The parameters available depend on the selected adapter:
For SAP BW 3.x (BAPI) and SAP BI 7.x (BAPI):
Maximum number of active connections: maximum number of active connections in the pool.
Maximum number of idle connections: maximum number of idle connections in the pool.
Maximum waiting time (milliseconds): maximum time a thread will wait to obtain a connection from the pool. When a query reaches this limit, the query that is requesting the connection will fail.
Minimum time between evictions (milliseconds): minimum amount of time that a connection sits idle in the pool before it is eligible to be closed and removed from the pool.
Minimum time before eviction (milliseconds): the Server examines periodically the idle connections of the pool to close them. This parameter indicates the minimum interval between these examinations.
For Mondrian 3.x, Microsoft SQL Server Analysis and Generic:
Initial size: the initial number of connections of the pool.
Maximum number of active connections: maximum number of active connections in the pool.
In the Metadata tab, you can set the folder where the data source will be stored and provide a description.
When editing the data source, you can also change its owner by clicking
the button .
Click Save to create the data source.
After creating the data source, you have to create base views over it, so you can query the data of its base views and combine them with data from other views.
There are two options to create base views over multidimensional database sources:
Graphically, by selecting the hierarchies of the dimensions, measures, attributes, etc., that will form the base view. See section Creating a Base View Over a Multidimensional Data Source, Graphically.
Or, writing an MDX query. See section Creating a Base View Over a Multidimensional Data Source with an MDX Query.
Creating a Base View Over a Multidimensional Data Source, Graphically¶
To create a multidimensional base view graphically, open the data source, click Create base view and select at least, a hierarchy of a dimension and a measure.

Creating an SAP multidimensional base view¶
Each node of the tree displays the business name of the element and its technical name in brackets.
When you open this dialog, Design Studio only retrieves the names of the folders and the names of the cubes within each folder. When you expand a cube, it retrieves the elements of this cube. The Tool loads the cubes upon request because retrieving all of them at once may take a long time.
If you are using the adapter SAP BW 3.x (BAPI) or SAP BI 7.x (BAPI) and loading the names of the cubes takes a long time, execute the following command in the VQL Shell. After executing this command, initially, the Tool will only obtain the names of the folders instead of obtaining the names of the folders and the names of their cubes. Once you expand a folder, the Tool will retrieve the names of the cubes in that folder.
-- Only administrator users can execute this
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.interpreter.execution.util.sapBWBapiUtils.listNodesOneStep' = 'false';
To search an element by its business or technical name, type it in the box located at the top of the dialog. Take into account the Tool only searches in the folders and cubes you expanded.
The process of creating a base view over an SAP BW or SAP BI source has three steps:
Selection of a cube or query to import.
Selection of hierarchies, measures, attributes and variables.
Configuration of access options (Include empty rows, Include leaf levels, etc.)
After selecting the appropriate elements, click Import. The Tool
will create a base view for each group of elements of a cube (). For example, if you select a hierarchy and a measure of a cube
“cubeA”, and a hierarchy and a measure of another cube “cubeB”, the Tool
will create two base views. The appendix Mapping Multidimensional Data to a Relational Model explains in more detail how the structure of a
multidimensional database is mapped to a relational structure (base
When you select hierarchies from two or more dimensions, these dimensions are cross-joined, resulting in a cartesian product of all the selected hierarchies. Because of this, be careful when selecting many hierarchies as it could lead to queries that the multidimensional database cannot handle or are too slow.
If the Include empty rows check box is cleared, when the base view is queried, the Server will not return the combinations of members whose measures do not have value. See more about this in the appendix “Include Empty Rows” Option.
If the Include leaf levels of hierarchies only check box is selected, the base view, instead of having one field for each level of the hierarchy, it will only have one field for the leaf of each hierarchy. That is, the levels of the hierarchies that are not leaf will be ignored. This option is not available for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources.
If the Leaf Members Only check box is selected, the base view will aggregate data only by the leaf level of the hierarchy. This option is related with check box Leaf Label Only Option. See more about this in the appendix “Leaf Members Only” Option. This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy.
If the Leaf Label Only check box is selected, the base view, instead of having one field for each level of the hierarchy, it will only have one field for the leaf of each hierarchy. That is, the levels of the hierarchies that are not leaf will be ignored. See more about this in the appendix “Leaf Label Only” Option. This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy.
If you select the check box Member captions, the members will be represented by using its caption. Captions usually have more business-friendly values but may not be unique (duplicated captions could exist). This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy.
If you select the check box Technical keys, the members will be represented with its technical key. If the check box is clear, the members’ caption will be used. If you also select Member captions, the new base view will have an extra field for each selected hierarchy. The name of this extra field will be like “<level name>_tech_key”. Captions usually have more business-friendly values but may not be unique (duplicated captions could exist). This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy.
If you select Member leaves, the schema of the new base view will have an extra field for each selected hierarchy. This field will hold the value of the leaf level of the row. This is useful if you are working with “ragged dimensions”. In ragged dimensions, each value of the dimension can have different depth. The implication is that when you query a base view created over a ragged dimension, you do not know which field of the view will hold each leaf value. This makes it difficult to execute queries in which you want to filter by the leaf value of the dimension. Thanks to this option, you can filter by the leaf values of a dimension using this extra field. The name of this extra field will be like “<dimension name>_member_leaf”. You can only select this option if you clear “Include leaf levels of hierarchies only”. This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy. See more about this in the appendix “Leaf Members Only” Option.
If you select Member keys, the schema of the new view will have an extra field for the leaf level of each hierarchy. In each row, the value of this extra-field will be the technical name of each member. This option is available only for SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI) sources and configurable per hierarchy.
If you select Include member comments, the schema of the new view will have a field for each selected hierarchy that represents the comment of the hierarchy. By default, the name of these fields is the name of the hierarchy followed by the suffix “_comments”, but as with any other field, their name can be changed. This option is available only for Oracle Essbase sources.
When creating a base view over an SAP BW (BAPI) or SAP BI data source, you cannot deselect the mandatory variables of the cubes.
The process of creating a multidimensional base view is slightly different depending on the multidimensional database:
Data sources SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI). To create a base view from a data source that uses one of these adapters, follow these steps:
Open the data source and click Create base view.
Select the cube or the query you want to import. The cubes and the queries are presented in a hierarchical fashion where the root elements are InfoAreas that may contain other InfoAreas, cubes or queries. After locating the cube or query you want to import, select it.
Click Create selected. The Tool jumps to the next step of the wizard, which shows the dimensions, measures, etc. of the selected cube or query.
Select the elements that you want to be part of the base view.
Select or clear the check boxes Include empty rows, Include leaf levels of hierarchies only and Include member keys (described above).
Click Ok.
Oracle Essbase adapters. To create a base view from a data source that uses one of these adapters, follow these steps:
Open the data source and click Create base view.
Enter the server name. See more about what you have to enter in “server name” in the section Multidimensional Data Sources to Oracle Essbase.
The Tool will display all the schemas on Essbase. Expand them and select the elements that you want to be part of the base view (dimensions, attributes, etc.).
Select or clear the check boxes Include empty rows, Include leaf levels of hierarchies only, Include member alias and Include member comments (described above).
Click Create selected.
For the other multidimensional adapters. To create a base view from a data source with these adapters, follow these steps:
Open the data source and click Create base view.
Expand the schemas and select the elements that you want to be part of the base view (dimensions, attributes, etc.).
Click Create selected.
After creating a multidimensional base view, if you need to change the value of the options you selected during the creation of the view (Include empty rows, Include leaf levels of hierarchies only, etc.), edit the view and click source refresh. Design Studio will show this dialog again, and you will be able to re-create this view with different options, and add or remove dimensions, values and measures.
Creating a Base View Over a SAP Bex Query (only for SAP BW)¶
An option for creating base views over SAP BEx queries is to select one of them using the tree. The other option to find the desired query is using the BEX query search dialog. To do this, click Find BEx queries.

In this dialog, provide the following:
A search criteria.
Indicate if the search must be executed against the descriptions, the technical names or both.
Select one of the retrieved queries for creating the base view. Click Open to continue the process.
Creating a Base View Over a Multidimensional Data Source with an MDX Query¶
The other option to create a base view over a multidimensional data source is writing an MDX query.
To do this, open the data source, click Create base view and click Create from MDX query (see Create a base view from an MDX query (multidimensional data source)).

Create a base view from an MDX query (multidimensional data source)¶
In this dialog, you have to provide the following:
The name of the new view.
An MDX query.
The appendix Mapping Multidimensional Data to a Relational Model explains how the result of an MDX query is mapped to a relational structure.
In the MDX query, you have to escape the characters {
and }
with the character \
. That is:
See more about escaping characters in the section Execution Context of a Query and Interpolation Strings.
Specific Information of Multidimensional Databases¶
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)¶
In the query axis clause, you have to specify the measures in the axis 0
) and the dimensions, hierarchies, levels, etc. in the axis 1
The only dimension property supported is MEMBER_CAPTION
Calculated members are not fully supported. Using this type of members may lead to obtaining incorrect results.
Multidimensional Data Sources to Oracle Essbase¶
To connect to Essbase, Virtual DataPort uses the Analytic Services Java API of Essbase (JAPI). This API offers two modes of connecting to Essbase servers:
Three-tier APS mode: in this mode, Virtual DataPort uses the “three-tier APS JAPI” to establish the connection with the Essbase server. In this mode, the connection is established through an Analytic Provider Server (APS).
To connect to Essbase in this mode, in the wizard to create the data source, in the “URI” box, enter the URI of the APS.
After creating the data source, click “Create base view” and in the “Choose the server name” box, select the host of the Essbase server. If the Essbase server that you want to connect to is not in this list, enter its host name.
Embedded mode: in this mode, Virtual DataPort uses the Embedded JAPI to establish a direct connection with the Essbase server.
To connect to Essbase in this mode, in the wizard to create the data source, in the “URI” box, enter
.After creating the data source, click “Create base view” and in the “Choose the server name” box, enter the host name in which the Essbase server runs.
You need to know which mode you want use because the set of drivers you have to install, depend on the connection mode used. Then, follow the steps described in the appendix Installing the Connector for Oracle Essbase.
In the Essbase “create base view” dialog, when the check box Include leaf levels of hierarchies only is selected and you select a hierarchy, only the leaf levels of the hierarchy are included as fields of the view. When the check box is cleared, you can add any level of the hierarchies to the base views. The advantage of creating Essbase base views with this option selected is that when these views are queried, the queries that Virtual DataPort sends to Essbase is more efficient. The reasons are:
Essbase does not have to return the aggregations for the non-leaf levels of the hierarchies.
The number of rows processed by Virtual DataPort is lower.
In Essbase, each member of a hierarchy may have two fields called “alias” and “comments”.
If you want an Essbase base view to include the field “alias”, select the check box Include member alias before clicking “Create selected base views”. If you do this, the base view will have a field for each selected hierarchy that represents the alias of the hierarchy. By default, the name of these fields is the name of the hierarchy followed by the suffix “_alias”, but as with any other field, their name can be changed.
If you want an Essbase base view to include the field “comments”, select the check box Include member comments before clicking “Create selected base views”. If you do this, the base view will have a field for each selected hierarchy that represents the comment of the hierarchy. By default, the name of these fields is the name of the hierarchy followed by the suffix “_comments”, but as with any other field, their name can be changed.
When creating a base view from an MDX query over an Essbase data source, the dialog also requires to provide a value from XMLA Mode, which can be Standard or Non-standard, being Standard the default value, which indicates that Essbase queries will generate results according to the XMLA Industry Standard definition for Level and Generation. i.e. Essbase defines indexes for Levels from lowest to highest (i.e. 0, 1, 2 and so on), being the leaf level the highest value. Using the Non-standard option will define Levels from highest to lowest, being the leaf level the lower value (0).
By default, Virtual DataPort retrieves the name associated with a smartlist type of the cell. To avoid this, execute the following:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.essbase.needSmartlistName' = 'false';
After executing this command, you do not need to restart Virtual DataPort for the changes to be applied. To return to the default behavior, execute the following:
SET 'com.denodo.vdb.essbase.needSmartlistName' = 'true';
Virtual DataPort cannot push the conditions over the field “comments” to Essbase.
Multidimensional Data Sources Push Down Capabilities¶
Due to the multidimensional-relational mapping that Virtual DataPort performs, when dealing with multidimensional data sources, certain operations, functions and operators are not delegated to the source. The appendix Creating Multidimensional Base Views Over a Multidimensional Data Source explains how Virtual DataPort represents each type of element of a Multidimensional Database (cubes, dimensions, etc.).
In relation to the projections, Virtual DataPort behaves as follows:
Dimensions: not delegated as they could affect the expected results.
Attributes: only SAP sources have the ability to delegate them.
modifier is not delegated.
Regarding to the functions and operators supported by Virtual DataPort in each of the multidimensional sources, they are the following:
Data sources SAP BW (BAPI) and SAP BI (BAPI):
Logical operators:
,<=,> =
Functions: not delegated
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS):
Logical operators:
,<=,> =
Oracle Essbase:
Logical operators:
,<=,> =