- User Manuals /
- Virtual DataPort Administration Guide /
- Creating Data Sources and Base Views /
- Software as a Service Wizards /
- SharePoint
SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that helps organizations share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to:
Empower teamwork
Quickly find information
Seamlessly collaborate across the organization
You can configure Denodo to retrieve OData entities from SharePoint Online by creating a data source using the Denodo OData2 Custom Wrapper and creating a base view for each OData entity. In addition, you can configure Denodo to retrieve data from your SharePoint Online file system by creating JSON data sources and base views in Denodo using the SharePoint API REST.
As SharePoint Online manages a very large amount of data, it may be hard work to add all the required data sources and base views in Denodo. To make this process easier and faster, you have available this SharePoint OData wizard. You just have to configure a few parameters and click on Import to create into your Denodo server the needed data sources and base views to get access to SharePoint.
In the case that you require information not available through the templates, have a look at the summary table of all possible accesses to SharePoint through Denodo of the How to integrate Denodo with SharePoint Online document.
Configuring The Application in Azure¶
First, it is necessary to register an App, provide the correct API permissions and generate a client secret in the Azure Portal in order to allow the app (in this case Denodo) to access SharePoint.
To register an app in Azure, follow these steps:
Login to the Azure portal.
Go to https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredApps.
Press the button New Registration.
Give a name for the app
Fill in the Support Account Types field. The type of the application support depends on your requirement. For the purpose of this documentation we are using Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - Single tenant).
Enter Redirect URL value. Due to a SharePoint limitation, the value you set at this time will be the only one you can use as a redirect URL for this app. Azure supports adding more redirect URLs to an app, but SharePoint only supports one. Although Azure allows its later modification, this modification will not be synchronized with SharePoint and will not work. The default value is http://localhost:9090/oauth/2.0/redirectURL.jsp. Note that http only can be used with localhost, if you have HTTPS enabled in your Denodo Virtual DataPort, then use your hostname instead of localhost: https://<hostname>:9443/oauth/2.0/redirectURL.jsp.
Press the button Register.

Register an application in Azure¶
Once the app is registered, we will need to grant permissions for clients to access SharePoint Online using the app:
In the newly registered application, click on Integration assistant (on the left side menu) and select Daemon for What application types are you building and select Evaluate my registration.
Once the evaluation is done, the Recommended configurations are shown.
Azure recommended configurations¶
There are two needed configurations that have to be performed to allow the Denodo Platform to access the data in SharePoint: API permissions and client secret generation.
In order to configure API permissions follow the following steps:
Click on the
icon on Configure API permissions and select Go to page.Select Add Permissions. In the Request API permissions pop-up select SharePoint.
Select Delegated Permissions and select AllSites.Read as the permissions.
Azure API permissions¶
After the API permissions are set we have to generate a new client secret key. In order to generate the key:
In the Integration assistance section, select Configure a valid credential.
In the Certificates & secrets page, click New client secret.
After generating the Client secret, copy the Value.
Azure client secret generated¶
After having followed those sections, you should have gathered these values:
Application (client) ID which will be the Client Id in the data sources configuration.
Value of the Client Secret from step “Client secret key generation”
The Directory (tenant) ID which will be the tenant_id needed later.
Azure app properties¶
The following sections explain how to use the wizards to access to SharePoint depending on the data you want to retrieve.