Software as a Service Wizards

The Software as a service wizards are wizards that create the necessary elements (data sources and views) to query popular SaaS services. In previous versions of Denodo, they were named Denodo Templates and distributed as Denodo Connect components. Each wizard is distributed in two sections:

  • Top Section: describes service, a link to the Denodo Documentation web page, and useful information on how to get the connection parameters.

  • Lower Section: it has a form with the information that has to be completed to create the data sources and views. After filling out form, click Execute import to create the data sources and views.

Here is a list of the included Software as a service wizards:


In each of the Software as a service wizards, you will find a link to the Denodo Documentation web page specific to that service. This page has the latest information or useful step-by-step sections on how to obtain the required parameters.

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