Creating Selection Views

A Selection view executes the relational algebra operations of selection (filtering) and projection on an input view. This view can belong to a different database.

To create a selection view, click Selection on the File > New menu or right-click on the Server Explorer and click Selection on the New menu.

The Tool will open the “Selection view” dialog and it will add the view that is currently selected in the Server Explorer. To change the input view, click the button image0 to remove the current view from the “Model” tab and drag another view from the Server Explorer.

In our example, we will drag the view incidents_sales created in the section Creating Join Views.

The “Selection view” dialog has five tabs:

  1. Model: tab where you have to drag the view that will be the source of the new view. You can drag a view from another database.

    In this tab, you can add view parameters.

  2. Where Conditions: tab that allows you to add WHERE conditions to the definition of the view.

    If you add WHERE conditions, you have to select one of the WITH CHECK OPTION clause options to decide if you want to force every row that is inserted or updated, to conform to the definition of this view (see section Use of WITH CHECK OPTION of the VQL Guide). The available options are:

    1. None: nothing is checked when a client executes INSERT operations on this view.

    2. Local: the selection condition of this view is checked when a row is inserted or updated. It does not check the conditions of the lower-level views (the views that participate in the definition of this view).

    3. Cascade: the projection conditions of this view and the lower-level views are checked when a row is inserted or updated.

    If the “Automatic simplification of queries” is enabled, when executing an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query over a derived view, the Server assumes that this view was created with the option “WITH CHECK OPTION”. As a result, the Server checks that the data inserted/updated/deleted meets the WHERE condition of the definition of the view.

    To check if this option is enabled, click “Queries optimization” on the menu Administration > Server configuration.

  3. Group By: tab that allows you to add GROUP BY fields to the view.

  1. Output: tab that allows you to configure the output of the view. That is, renaming the view and its fields, add derived attributes, define the primary key of the view, etc.

  2. Metadata: tab that allows you to define the folder where the new view will be stored and provide a description for the new view.

The tabs Where Conditions, Group By, Output and Metadata work in the same way as in the Union view dialog. The section Creating Union Views explains in more detail how to use them.

You will now create two views for our example:

  • Right-click on the view incidents_sales in the Server Explorer and click Selection, on the menu File > New. You can see that the Tool has added this view to the Model tab.

  • In the Where Conditions tab, add the condition revenue>600 to obtain data only of those clients with an average monthly volume of sales that exceeds 600 euros.

  • In the Output tab, rename the view to pref_clients_inc_sales.

After this, click Save to create the view. Then, the Tool will display the schema of the new view.

Now, you have to create the second view, which has a GROUP BY field:

  • Right-click on the view pref_clients_inc_sales in the Server Explorer and click Select, on the File > New menu.

  • In the Group By tab, do the following:

    • Select the Use group by check box.

    • Select the taxId and revenue fields and click Add >>.

  • In the Output tab, do the following:

    • Rename the view to inc_grouped_by_pref_clients.

    • Click New Aggr. expression. The name of the new field is num_incidents and the expression is COUNT(*).

  • Click Save.

Creating the selection view inc_grouped_by_pref_clients ("Group By" tab)

Creating the selection view inc_grouped_by_pref_clients (“Group By” tab)

Creating Conditions with the Compound Values Editor


The Compound values editor is not currently available on Design Studio and it is necessary to write the value directly using VQL syntax. Notice that future updates will extend the current options to add the Compound values editor.

All the dialogs to create and edit derived views (join, union, minus, intersect, flatten and selection) have a Where Conditions tab to add WHERE conditions to the definition of the view. When using the Simple condition mode of this tab, you have two options to create constants of compound types (register or array):

  1. Write the value directly in VQL syntax. E.g. { ROW( 'B78596011' ), ROW( 'B78596012' ) }

    See section Conditions with Compound Values of the VQL Guide for more details about this syntax.

  2. Or, use the Compound values editor. To open it, click image1 beside the right operand (only available for register or array fields).

As an example, we explain how to create a new Selection view that has a WHERE condition with a compound value. But first, we need to create a new base view:

  1. Open the Web Service data source sales (created in the section Importing SOAP Web Service Sources) and click Create base view.

  2. Click Create base view beside the operation getSumRevenueByTaxIds.

  3. Rename the new base view to RevenueSum.

  4. Rename its input attribute to clients and the return one, to totalrevenue.

  5. The clients attribute is an array of registers of the type getsumrevenuebyids_in0. Virtual DataPort generates this type automatically when it creates the view.

  6. Each element in this array will be a register of the type getsumrevenuebyids_in0_string, which is also automatically generated by Virtual DataPort.

  7. Rename the element of the clients array to taxId.

  8. Click Save (image2) to create the base view.

Now, we will create a selection view over the base view RevenueSum, to obtain the sum of the revenue of the clients with tax ids B78596011 and B78596012. The constant operand of the selection condition will be created using the “Compound values editor”.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the view RevenueSum in the Server Explorer and click on Selection on the menu New. The view RevenueSum has been added to the “Model” tab.

  2. Click the tab Where Condition.

  3. Click image4 to add a condition.

  4. Select the field CLIENTS and the operator =.

  5. Click image1 to open the Compound Values editor.

  6. Click twice on image5 beside “Value” to create two elements of the type getSumRevenuebyTaxIds_in0_string.

  7. Click on the new elements to expand them and edit the values of each array element.

  8. Enter the value B78596011 in the field taxId of the first register and B78596012 in the same field of the second register (like in the figure below)

  9. Click Ok to close the editor.

  10. Click Save (image2) to create the selection view.

Creating a value of type getSumRevenuebyTaxIds_IN0

Creating a value of type getSumRevenuebyTaxIds_IN0

Parameters of Derived Views

A view can have View Parameters in addition to regular columns. View parameters are useful when you want to build a view containing a where condition but you do not want to specify a fixed filter value on the view definition, as you want it to be dependent on the query instead.

For example, let us say that we have two views:

  1. A view client with these fields: name, income and state.

  2. And a view wealthy_client_by_state defined as:

    CREATE VIEW wealthy_client_by_state AS
    SELECT state, COUNT(*)
    FROM client
    WHERE income > 1000000
    GROUP BY state

There is a limitation in the second view: the limit of income to consider a client wealthy is static. Therefore, we have to know this limit before creating the view. If we wanted to change this limit at runtime, we could remove the WHERE condition and add the field income to the GROUP BY fields. But then, we would have to add this field to the GROUP BY clause and we might not want to do that.

To avoid this problem, add a “View parameter” to the view. When you add a view parameter to a view, that parameter will be part of the output schema and you can use it in the same places you use a regular field.

Using view parameters, you can modify our previous example so you can specify the limit of income at runtime. To do this, edit the view and follow these steps:

  1. Click the Model tab and then, click image1 beside “View parameters”. In this dialog, click Add new parameter to add the new view parameter.

    Set the name of the parameter to wealthy_client_income_limit, select the type long and set the default value of the parameter to 1000000.

  2. Click Where Conditions and set the condition income > wealthy_client_income_limit.

Adding a view parameter

Adding a view parameter

The view will have a new output field wealthy_client_income_limit, which you can use to change the condition at runtime. For example,

FROM wealthy_client_by_state
WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit = 250000

Will take into account clients with an income greater than 250,000.

As the parameter has a default value, if you execute

FROM wealthy_client_by_state

The query will take into account clients with an income greater than 1,000,000.

Considerations about View Parameters

View parameters are a special type of fields and they behave differently so take the following into account.

  • There are two ways of assigning a value to a view parameter:

    1. In the WHERE condition of the query, with the operator =:

      WHERE <view parameter> = <value>

      Where <value> is one of these:

      • A literal

      • An expression that only uses literals, not other columns. For example:

        WHERE <view parameter> = ADDYEAR( LOCALTIMESTAMP, -10)
      • Another view parameter.

    2. In the JOIN condition of the query, also with the operator =, not with other operators. In this case, you can use the name of the column of the other view. For example:

      <view A> INNER JOIN <view B> ON <view A>.<column 1> = <view B>.<view parameter>
  • If the view parameter does not have a default value, it is mandatory for the query to assign a value to the parameter. Otherwise, the execution engine will reject the query.

  • If a query has a condition that compares a view parameter with another value, using an operator other than =, this query will use this condition to filter the results, not to assign a value to the parameter. For example, if the query has this condition:

    WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit > 100000

    This condition uses the operator > so it is not assigning a value to the view parameter “wealthy_client_income_limit”. In this case, if this view parameter does not have a default value, the query will fail. If this parameter has a default value, the query will use the default value of this parameter and it will return the rows that meet the condition “wealthy_client_income_limit > 100000”.

  • If a query uses the operator NOT, the query is not assigning a value to the parameter even if it uses the operator =. For example:

    WHERE NOT (wealthy_client_income_limit = 100000)

    This condition is NOT assigning a value to the parameter.

  • If a query uses the operator IN to assign a value to a parameter, the result is a UNION. For example:

    FROM wealthy_client_by_state
    WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit IN (100000, 2000000)

    The result of this query is equivalent to this:

    SELECT ...
    FROM wealthy_client_by_state
    WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit = 100000
    SELECT ...
    FROM wealthy_client_by_state
    WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit = 2000000
  • Do not assign the result of a subquery to a view parameter because it will not be considered an assignment of value. For example, let us say that you execute this query:

    SELECT *
    FROM wealthy_client_by_state
    WHERE wealthy_client_income_limit = (
        SELECT MAX(income_limit) FROM state_limit WHERE state = 'CA'

    The result of the subquery will not be assigned to the parameter wealthy_client_income_limit, even if you use the operator “=”. The condition will be used to filter the results and if the parameter does not have a default value, the execution engine will reject the query.

  • Use the view parameter only where the assignation must be replaced. There is no need to project it through subqueries inside the view definition.

When Should You Use View Parameters

There are four main situations where view parameters are useful:

  • Enforce a filter condition

  • Group By Bypass

  • Outer Join Bypass

  • Partitioned UNIONs

Enforce a Filter Condition

You can add a parameter to force the user to always query a view specifying some filter. For instance, in cases where a facts table contains a high volume of data, you could use view parameters to force users to always query within a range of dates (start_date, end_date).

Group By Bypass

When you define an aggregation view, there are situations where you may want to query the view specifying a filter condition over a field that is not part of the group by. The previous example is a group by bypass scenario.

Outer Join Bypass

In a similar way as the group by bypass, there are situations where you may want to define an OUTER JOIN applying a filter on the inner side without filtering any of the rows coming from the outer side.

For example, let us say we are a retailer company and we want to obtain the list of all our products, and for the ones that have been returned by customers, we want the reason why the product was returned. We could create a view items_return_details as:

CREATE VIEW items_return_details AS
SELECT p.prod_name, p.prod_category, r.reason_cat, r.comments
FROM item p LEFT JOIN returns r ON(p.product_id = r.product_id)

Now imagine that we want the same information from all products but we only want the return information if the product was returned within the last 12 months. If we use the following query:

SELECT prod_name, prod_category, reason_cat, comments
FROM items_return_details
WHERE return_date >= addmonth(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -12)

We would not get the complete list of products, but only the ones that were returned in the last 12 months. The reason for this is that in SQL the WHERE clause is applied after the JOIN clause. Therefore, after obtaining all the products with the return information it will filter all the ones that were not returned in the last 12 months, and that includes all the products that were not returned at all.

Editing the view items_return_details and adding the condition to the ‘WHERE conditions’ tab would have the same problem as the conditions specified there are applied after the JOIN, not before.

In order to get the desired query, the SQL should look like the following:

SELECT p.prod_name, p.prod_category, r.reason_cat, r.comments
(SELECT * from returns WHERE return_date >= addmonth(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -12)) r
ON(p.product_id = r.product_id)

But if you want to use a predefined view like items_return_details and still allow certain filters over the INNER side of an OUTER, you can follow these steps:

  • Create an auxiliary view over the view that you want to filter. In this case, we can create a view called recent_returns as a select view over returns.

  • Define a new view parameter in this auxiliary view that will pass the value to the filter condition. In our example we can create a view parameter called num_months.

  • Add a where condition using the new view parameter. In this case: return_date >= addmonth(now(), -1 * num_months).

  • Edit the view containing the OUTER JOIN to use the new auxiliary view instead.

As we are not providing a default value for num_months, this parameter becomes mandatory. Therefore, all the queries would have to provide the number of months that you want to check. For example:

SELECT prod_name, prod_category, reason_cat, comments
FROM items_return_details
WHERE num_months = 12

In this case, although the WHERE condition is set after the JOIN, as num_months is not a regular field but a view parameter, num_months = 12 is considered a parameter assignment and it will not filter any of the rows coming from the LEFT JOIN. If we don’t want to force the user to specify a number of months, and we want it to be optional, we could edit our recent_returns view in the following way:

  • Edit the view parameter to add a new default value 0

  • Change the condition to: return_date >= addmonth(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -1 * num_months) OR num_months = 0

Partitioned UNIONs

When you are building a partitioned UNION, each union branch needs to have a condition specifying the partitioning criterion. However, sometimes the tables do not contain a column that can be used for defining this criterion and you can use a view parameter instead. For example, let us imagine our company sells products worldwide and the sales information is partitioned in three systems:

  • One containing the information for EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa)

  • One containing the information for America

  • One containing the information for APAC (Asia-Pacific)

The partition in this case is made by region, but we do not have a column in sales specifying a region. In order to do the partitioned UNION you can create the intermediate selections using view parameters. For example, for the APAC region you can:

  1. Create a selection over the sales table from the APAC partition

  2. Create a new view parameter ‘region‘ on that view with default value ‘APAC’

  3. Add a WHERE condition region = ‘APAC’ on that new view

The same process would be needed for the views from the other partitions, replacing the ‘APAC’ value for the region corresponding to each partition.

Limitations Using View Parameters

A view parameter cannot have the same name as one of the fields of the views referenced.

An example of non valid view due to this limitation:

CREATE VIEW view_with_parameter AS
SELECT * FROM other_view
WHERE other_view.param = param
USING PARAMETERS(param : text)
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