General Architecture¶
In outline, Virtual DataPort enables business applications to process a series of distributed and heterogeneous data sources, including external sources, as though the data were contained in a large “Virtual” Database. This “virtual database” allows creating views that combine and integrate said data.
Virtual DataPort acts as a mediator that provides a structured and unified view of the data contained in all the data sources included in the system. The system can easily deal with a wide range of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sources such as databases, Web sites, spreadsheets, XML documents, Web Services, LDAP servers, flat text files, indices on unstructured information, etc.
The system allows easily importing each data source into the “virtual database”. Then, a SQL-like language called Denodo VQL (Virtual Query Language) is used to create views that arbitrarily combine the data of these relations using operations such as selections, projections, unions, joins, groups, etc., thus creating unified views of the source data. In this process, Virtual DataPort is able to work with sources that have limited query capacity (for example, in many Web services only queries specifying certain mandatory parameters are allowed). Furthermore, the Virtual DataPort query engine is capable of querying unstructured data and combining it with structured and semi-structured data.
When the system receives a VQL query on a previously defined view, it can generate an execution plan for the query, which consists of a list of subqueries that are sent in real-time to the various sources involved and a series of operations combining the data obtained from each source.
Furthermore, Virtual DataPort incorporates a system (called cache module) which allows the administrator to decide on the mechanism to be used for accessing the source data:
The system can access the source data in real time, thus providing totally updated data.
Caches can be created and configured for the sources or views as required.
Virtual DataPort also allows the updating of data sources, provided that these are capable of supporting transactions.
The data integration system provided by Virtual DataPort is modeled on three separate layers: the user layer, the logical layer and the physical layer (wrappers). Virtual DataPort Architecture provides a general overview of the system architecture. Each of these layers is described below.

Virtual DataPort architecture¶