Creating JMS Listeners¶
Follow these steps to create a JMS listener:
If this is the first time you create a JMS listener on this Denodo server, install the client jars of the JMS server you are going to use. The appendix Installing the JMS Connectors to Create JMS Listeners and Web Services with SOAP Over JMS explains how to do this.
Click JMS Listener on the File > New menu or right-click the Server Explorer and click JMS Listener on the New menu.
Click On to enable the listener. If you click Off, the listener will be created but it will be disabled.
Select the VDP user name that Virtual DataPort will use to execute the queries received by the listener. The user selected has to be a local user. It has to be a user created in Virtual DataPort. The page Privileges Required explains in detail the type of users you can select in this list.
For example, if we have two users:
admin: is an “administrator” or a user promoted to “local administrator” of the database so it can access any view of the database.
user1: is a “standard user” that only has
privileges over this database.
If you select the user “admin”, the listener will be able to execute any query. However, if you select “user1”, the
queries will fail because “user1” only hasEXECUTE
privileges.If you want to use a parameterized query, select the JMS messages contain the value of… check box and enter the query in the box below.
As we have explained in the previous section, when using this option, the string
is replaced at runtime by the value received from the JMS server.Select Output XML or JSON if you want the output of the listener to be an XML document or a JSON document.
Destination is the name of the queue or topic that Virtual DataPort will subscribe to, waiting for requests.
Depending on the vendor of the JMS server, you might have to create the JMS destination, or it will be created automatically when the listener tries to subscribe to it.
Select Queue or Topic.
Reply to is the name of the JMS queue or topic where the responses will be sent to.
If not empty, the responses will always be sent to this destination, even if the JMS message contains the “Reply to” field.
If empty, the responses will be sent to the destination indicated in the “Reply to” field of the JMS request. If the JMS request does not have this field either, the Server will not send any response.
If Ignore reply to is selected, the listener will never send a response.
User name and Password are the credentials to connect to the JMS server.
JMS vendor. Select Generic if the vendor of the JMS server is not in the list and it can be accessed via JNDI. In this case, you have to provide the appropriate JNDI connection properties (appendix JMS Connection Details: JNDI Properties contains a list of the required JNDI properties for the most popular JMS vendors).
In the Metadata tab, you can set the folder where the JMS listener will be stored and provide a description for it.

Creating a new JMS listener¶
After creating the listener, you can open the JMS Listener Status dialog (Tools > JMS Listeners menu) to see the list of existing JMS listeners.

List of existing JMS listeners¶
To enable or disable a JMS listener, select the check box next to its name and click Enable selected or Disable selected.
To delete a listener, right-click on it in the Server Explorer and click Drop.