Limit the Maximum Amount of Memory of a Query

The execution of queries is multi-threaded. That is, for each query, Virtual DataPort uses one thread for each data source involved in the query, and one additional thread for combining the data obtained from the sources.

As Virtual DataPort can process several queries concurrently, the memory used by the queries can rise to significant levels, even when using swapping. Also, because of the use of parallelism, several non-streaming operations of the same query can be executed at the same time. For instance, a query joining views from four different data sources, where all joins are performed using the hash execution method, may execute up to 3 non-streaming operations in parallel, which increases the overall memory consumption.

The “Limit Query Memory Usage” parameter solves this potential problem by setting a memory limit to the amount of memory a single query can use. To check if it is enabled, open the Server configuration, click the Memory usage tab and see if Limit query memory usage on is selected.

When this feature is enabled, the Execution Engine analyzes the execution plan of the query to find its maximum number of non-streaming operations that will be executed in parallel given the query topology (this number is usually lower than the total number of non-streaming operations in the plan). If the sum of the swap sizes assigned to those operators - plus some minimum memory every query needs, depending on its complexity - is higher than the value specified in the “Maximum Query Size”, the Execution Engine automatically decreases the values of the “Maximum size in memory of each node” and the “Maximum size in memory of intermediate results” to ensure that the query execution will not surpass the limit. The value of this property is only changed for the execution of this query. It does not change the settings of the views, the database or the Server.

In general, limiting the memory usage of queries is good because it ensures no single query monopolizes the resources of the system. Nevertheless, keep in mind that it may force a particular query to run with less resources, even when the Server has available free memory. Therefore, in scenarios where queries are predefined (so the amount of memory they need will not vary abruptly) and they are scheduled to ensure the level of concurrency does not cause memory problems, deactivating this feature may improve the performance of the queries.

Although it is not enabled by default, Virtual DataPort allows to limit the memory that the execution engine can use to calculate and optimize the execution plan of a query.

You can enable this limit using parameter:

SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.resource.optimizerMemoryLimitEnabled' = 'true';

For very complex views, it could be that preparing the execution plan requires more memory than for actually executing the view. When enabling this feature, by default the server will allow some deviation from the memory limit when preparing the query for execution, allowing to use up to the double of the memory limit specified. You can edit this margin with the parameter:

SET 'com.denodo.vdb.engine.resource.optimizer.memoryLimitMultiplier' = '2.0';

For example, if you set it to ‘1.0’, the query plan preparation would be restricted to memory limit with no margin; or if you set it to ‘1.5’, you are allowing a 50% of deviation.

Note that there is no need to restart the server when configuring these parameters.

Regarding the value assigned to the “Maximum Query Size” parameter, it can be adjusted in function of:

  1. The maximum expected number of concurrent queries, that you estimate can use a significant amount of memory (recall that queries which use only streaming operations typically run on a very small memory footprint)

  2. The available memory (consider always only 50% - 60% of the size of your real heap size to let space for other queries and for unexpected peaks).

For example, if you estimate Virtual DataPort will execute up to 20 concurrent queries that are complex, involve several non-streaming operators (hash joins, hash group bys) that cannot be pushed down to the data sources, and you have a real and reserved heap size of 8 gigabytes for the JVM, then 200 megabytes is a reasonable value for this parameter. Take into account that if you opted for enabling the memory limit to calculate the execution plan, you should set an higher limit.

However, increasing the memory available for a query does not always result in better performance. For instance, queries that use much memory (even if they fit into the available memory space) can cause large garbage collection cycles in the JVM. Also, when the host operating system is running on a Virtual Machine whose memory is not actually reserved (a bad practice you should avoid in any case), the theoretically “available” memory may “not be there”, and the process to acquire it may be costly.

In general, ensuring queries have a small memory footprint will considerably increase the performance and stability of your application, and you should only avoid this rule when benefits are clear and have been tested. That is also why, no matter the size of the JVM’s heap, we do not recommend setting this limit to a very high value (e.g. more than 1 GB).

Virtual DataPort does not guarantee that the memory limit per query will be honored if the query meets one of the following conditions:

  1. There is a subquery in the WHERE clause of the query.

  2. The query has an aggregation function with the DISTINCT modifier. E.g. SELECT COUNT ( DISTINCT field1 ) ) FROM ... This condition does not refer to queries where DISTINCT is used outside the aggregation function. E.g. SELECT DISTINCT field1 FROM ...

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