Settings Tab (SOAP)¶
In this tab, you can configure the following parameters of the SOAP Web service:
XSLT Transformations. You can define XSLT stylesheets that transform the SOAP requests and responses to adapt them to the requirements of existing SOAP clients. See section XSLT Transformations.
If you want the Web service to return verbose error messages: by default, the Denodo Web services return verbose error messages when there is an error invoking one of the operations. These messages indicate where the problem was raised. E.g. if there was a timeout connecting to one of the data sources, an error executing a query, etc. If you do not want the clients of the Web service to get these verbose messages, clear the check box Display verbose error messages. In this case, the service will return a simple error message.
The Web Service style: RPC or DOCUMENT.
SOAP over JMS. Virtual DataPort can subscribe to a JMS server to listen to SOAP messages. See section SOAP Over JMS.
Configure the authentication method of the SOAP version of the Web Service. See section Web Services Authentication.

Creating a SOAP Web service: Settings tab¶
SOAP is transport-independent and can be bound to any protocol. Although it is usually used with HTTP, it can also be used with JMS (Java Message Service). When using SOAP over JMS (SOAP over Java Message Service), the client sends the SOAP message to the JMS server, which forwards it to the Web service. Then, the Web service sends the response back to the JMS server, which forwards it to the client.
SOAP over HTTP is more interoperable as there is more support for it. However, there are certain factors that you can only achieve using SOAP over JMS:
Scalability. By using SOAP over JMS, clients can send requests without waiting for the response. That way, the server does not have to process all the requests as they arrive and clients are not blocked waiting for a response.
Reliability. The JMS server ensures that requests and responses are delivered. In case of any failure in the communication, the JMS server keeps trying to send the messages. This is important in environments that deal with critical data.
A Denodo SOAP Web service always processes SOAP over HTTP requests, but you can configure it to subscribe to a JMS server to listen to SOAP messages as well.
Follow these steps to enable this feature:
In the Settings tab, click SOAP over JMS. The Tool will display the “SOAP over JMS configuration” dialog (see SOAP over JMS configuration dialog)
Select On to enable SOAP over JMS support.
Destination is the name of the queue or topic that Virtual DataPort will subscribe to, waiting for SOAP messages. Depending on the vendor of the JMS server, you might have to create the destination, or it is created automatically when the new Web service tries to subscribe to it.
Select Queue or Topic.
User name and Password. Credentials to connect to the JMS server.
JMS vendor. Select GENERIC if the vendor of the JMS server is not in the list and it can be accessed via JNDI. In this case, you have to provide the appropriate JNDI connection properties (see appendix JMS Connection Details: JNDI Properties).
Click Ok.

SOAP over JMS configuration dialog¶
When you deploy the Web service, it connects to the selected JMS server and subscribe to the JMS queue or topic so it can receive the messages sent to that destination.
The responses to the requests will be sent to the destination indicated in the “Reply to” field of the JMS message.
A Web service with SOAP over JMS enabled needs the client jars of the JMS server to establish a connection with it. The appendix Installing the JMS Connectors to Create JMS Listeners and Web Services with SOAP Over JMS explains how to install these client jars into the Denodo Platform.
If the Web service is deployed into an external application server, you
have to copy these jars into the /WEB-INF/lib
directory of the
file, before deploying it.