Web Service Container Status Table¶
The “Web service container status” dialog lists the existing Web services of the database that you are connected to and allow you to manage them. To open it, click Web services container on the menu Tools.

Web services Container Status dialog¶
This dialog provides the following information about each Web service:
Name of the Web service.
Type of the Web service. It can be “REST”, “SOAP” or “SOAP/REST”. The last type is for Web services imported from Virtual DataPort 4.7 or earlier.
Status. It indicates whether the service is deployed in the embedded Web container. The icon
indicates that the definition of the web service or its views have changed after deploying it so it should be redeployed.
Context path. If the Web service is deployed in the embedded Web container, it contains a link to the root path to the service. Click this link to open it in your browser. N/A means that the service is not deployed.
User. As explained in the section Web Service Container Status Table, when a Denodo Web service receives a request, it connects to the Virtual DataPort server and executes a query equivalent to the request received. To open a connection, it uses the credentials of the user displayed in this column.
When the authentication method of the service is one of the following, the value is Not required:
HTTP Basic with VDP
HTTP SPNEGO (Kerberos)
OAuth 2.0
SAML 2.0
WSS Basic with VDP (only for SOAP Web services)
The reason is that a service with any of these types of authentication connects to Virtual DataPort using the credentials provided by the clients that send requests to the service.
If a service uses the other authentication methods and you change the password of the user used by a web service, you have to redeploy that web service.
If the service is not deployed, the value is N/A.
To obtain the information provided by this dialog from an external application, invoke the stored procedure WEBCONTAINER_ELEMENT_STATUS.
In this dialog, you can perform the following actions over a Web service:
New: to create a new SOAP or REST Web service.
Edit: to edit the selected Web service. This button is only enabled when you select only one service. When editing a Web service, you can do the following:
Select the views to publish.
Edit the existing operations of the Web service
Change the settings of the Web service.
Click View VQL to view the VQL code that generates the Web service. This dialog has the same options as the “View VQL” dialog of views (see section View the VQL of an Element).
The VQL statements of this dialog correspond to the Web service configuration stored in the Server and it does not reflect the current modifications.
Delete: to delete the selected Web services. If any of the selected services is deployed in the embedded Web container, they are automatically undeployed and then deleted.
Deploy: to deploy the selected Web services in the embedded Web container. As explained in the section Web Service Container Status Table, when a Denodo Web service receives a request it connects to the Virtual DataPort server and executes a query equivalent to the request received.
When clicking “Deploy”, the Tool opens a wizard where you have to select the credentials that you want the Web service to use:
Credentials of the current user: the service will use the credentials of the current user to connect to Virtual DataPort.
Credentials of another user: if you want the Web service to use other credentials, select this option, select a User name and enter the password of the selected user. Make sure that the password of the user is correct. Otherwise the requests sent to the service will fail because the service will not be able to connect to Virtual DataPort.
The Tool will not display the “Deploy Web service” wizard if the service uses the authentication methods “HTTP Basic with VDP”, “HTTP SPNEGO (Kerberos)” or “WSS Basic with VDP”. Instead, it will directly deploy the Web services. The reason is that with these authentication methods, the service uses the credentials of the users that invoke the service.
Redeploy: to redeploy the selected Web services in the embedded Web container. It is only enabled if all the selected services are already deployed in the embedded container.
When you click this button, the Tool opens a wizard where you have to provide the same information as in the “Deploy Web service” wizard. This wizard provides one additional option: Credentials of the user that deployed the Web service. If selected, the Web service will use the same credentials as when it was deployed. For example, if the service was deployed with the user “scott” and you redeploy it selecting this option, the service will still use the credentials of the user “scott”. Note that if the credentials of the user “scott” changed since the last time you deployed the service, you have to select “Credentials of another user” and enter its user name and password.
Undeploy: to undeploy the selected services.
WAR: to generate a war file for each selected Web service. A war file contains the implementation of the Web service. With it, you can deploy the Web service to an external JEE Web container such as IBM WebSphere or Apache Tomcat. When you click this button, the Tool opens a wizard where you have to provide this information:
Virtual DataPort server URI: URL to the Virtual DataPort server that this war will connect to execute queries. The default value is the URL of the server that you are connected to. But you can change it if you want the service to connect to a different server.
Provide the credentials of the user of the Web service. You can select:
Credentials of the current user.
Credentials of another user: select a User name and enter her password. Make sure that the password of the user is correct. Otherwise the requests sent to the Web service will fail because the service cannot connect to Virtual DataPort.
If the authentication method of the exported services are “HTTP Basic with VDP”, “HTTP SPNEGO (Kerberos)” or “WSS Basic with VDP”, you only have to provide the “Virtual DataPort server URI”.
After exporting WAR files, the Tool will display the URL to the generated files.
WSDL: to generate a WSDL (Web Services Description Language - WSDL - version 1.1) for each selected Web service (only enabled when all the selected services are SOAP).
file defines the interface of a SOAP Web Service and is required by the clients that want to access a SOAP Web service.The supported version of WSDL is 1.1.
After exporting WSDL files, the Tool will display the URL to the generated files.